1927 Neillsville, WI High School Annual



1927 Activities




Executive Council

Girl's Glee Club


Klever Kommercial Klub

Stock Judging Team

Swastika Camp Fire

(click to enlarge)




R. A. O’Neil, Director



Walter Hemp

Francis Welsh

Henry Hauser

Rollie Smith

Clarence Gangler

Charles Schweinler

Lowell Schoengarth




Will Gallagher

Joe Welsh

Herb Keller

Bob Schiller

Welton Brooks

Elmer Zaeske

Buster Brown

Chester Seif




Ervin Gerhardt

Owen Higgins

Dale Herian

Robert Lambright




Walter Weaver




Fred Andersen

Herb Kurth

Dale Schweinler




Francis White

Donald West

Edward Frantz




Harold Frantz

Dale Seif


The High School Band started two years ago. At the present time there are twenty-nine members. They have rehearsals every Wednesday and Thursday night after school. The boys are well trained under the leadership of Mr. O’Neil.

By the way, the girls must be too bashful to be directed by O’Neil because it is entirely a boys’ band. They made their first appearance in public Dec. 15 at the opera house, the occasion being “A Pair of Sixes”.


E. K. ’27




The Executive Council was reorganized again this year. The council is composed of the principal, the presidents of the four classes, two representatives each from the Junior and Senior classes and one each from the Sophomore and Freshmen classes. The representatives were elected by the members of their classes, and four members of the faculty, were chosen by the faculty.


The Council, again, awards special honor pins to one Senior girl and one Senior boy.

The purpose of this organization is to give the student body a voice in deter mining the standards which should be obtained for participation in extra-curricular activities, and determines the credit which should be given for such participation.




Beulah Henry Director




Othilia Hauser, Pres.

Edna Bruss, Vice Pres.

Helen Terman, Treas.

Edna Gluch, Secretary


Members – Sopranos


Edna Gluch

Othilia Hauser

Helen Smith

Ione Schweinler

Frances Quinnell

Helen Terman

Pearl Chapman

Lillian Chase

Frieda Schroeder

Eleanor Kissling

Florence Bradford

Gertrude Seif

Lillian Letwon

Florence May

Helen McDonnough

Vera Schlinsog

Ada Smith

Florence Eberhardt


Altos –


Anna Laager

Ariel Higgins

Florence Thoma

Carol Matheson

Edna Bruss

Lela Raine




Mr. Imislund, Leader


Walter Keller, President


Wilbur Hannah, Sec. & Treas.


Kenneth Smith

Owen Higgins

Casper Bruley

Arthur Gress

Edwin Holverson

Louis Schmol

Clifford Parrett

Mr. Imislund

Arthur Gall

Hale Sillick

Theodore Wagner

Raymond Arndt

Wilbur Hannah

Elmer Zaeske

Glen White Frederick Andersen


The Hi-Y is a boys’ organization in high school which has as its motto and purpose “to create, maintain and extend high standards of Christian character throughout the school and community”. The name, “Hi-Y”, is coined from the affiliation of High School and Y. M. C. A. Membership is limited to the three upper classes in High School.


Chief among Hi-Y activities in the past was a Father and Son banquet, held at the Presbyterian church parlor in March, and sponsored by the Hi-Y for the whole community.




Directed by Miss Amelia Taborsky




Merlin Steuerwald, Pres.

Anna Laager, Vice-Pres.

Kenneth Smith, Sec.

Wilbur Hannah, Treas.


Marie Short
Francis Quinnell

Fern Olson

Emma Sherer

Irene Kubat

Eleanore Reimer

Anna Laager

Lela Raine

Ethel Loberg

Edna Bruss

Evelyn Wetzel

Helen Terman

Edna Gluck


Roslyn Warlum

Pearl Chapman

Albertine Barton

Merlin Steuerwald

Glen White

Herbert Borde

Walter Hemp

Kenneth Smith

Louis Schmoll

Marie Walk

Ruth Moen

Othilea Hauser

Isabelle Helwig


Clara Bartell

Wilbur Hannah

Helen McDonnough

Bernice Smith

Alice Hoesly

Alice Alden

Gertrude Seif

Alice Braun

Florence Bradford

Mable Alden

Gerelda Thompson


The club was reorganized this year by the Commerical students with Miss Taborsky as director.


The purpose of the club is to promote a greater interest in typewriting and shorthand.


Meetings were held twice a month. A short program was held at each meeting and was followed by discussions on business and commercial work.


At Christmas the “K. K. K.’s” and the Latin students held a party.


The Commerical students hope this club will continue with as great enthusiasm and success as they have made it.


E. K. ’27.




Manly Sharp, Coach


Marlin Bandelow

Irwin Braatz

Irving Gerhardt

Owen Higgins


At the Junior Live-Stock Exposition at Madison October, 1926, competing with 72 teams, the N. H. S. team won seventh place in all classes of live-stock, and second place in beef cattle.


Individual scores were: second place in Holsteins, seventh place in beef cattle and ninth high man among 216 contestants.




Miss Leverich Guardian

Edna Gluck – President

Marie Woelffer, Secretary

Pearl Chapman, Treasurer


Active Members


Clara Bartell

Pearl Chapman

Mamie Kuehn

Gertrude Seif

Marie Walk

Aline Tompkins

Hilda Wagner

Marie Woelffer

Ethel Walters

Edna Gluck


The Swastika Camp Fire was reorganized this year under the guardianship of Miss Leverich. Throughout the winter months we have taken up different types of meetings, such as ceremonial, general, social, outdoor and many others. We have tried to carry out our Sevens Laws, which are:


Seek Beauty

Give Service

Pursue Knowledge

Hold to Health

Glorify work

Be Happy


Be Trustworthy


During the Christmas season we sang carols to shut-ins.




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