News: Willard Spice (May 14, 1925)


Contact: Shari Volovsek Hahn (Transcriber)



----Source: Willard Spice, Willard WI (May 14, 1925), Volume 1, No. 12


Surnames: Peterson, Fainter, Plautz, Jones, Bayuk, Matkovich, Crotzer, Korenchan, Clair, Koschak, Ruzic, Hintz, Hindal, Kokaly, Schwab, Verschay, Zallar, Taylor, Trunkel, Scharenbrock, Boh, Campbell, Thompson, Quast, Baldwin, Ehler, Laykovich, Trost, Ulesich, Noah, Schuld, Kotcan, Cerne, Gerc, Godec, Preisig, Thomalson, Panyon, Dergance, Debevec, Zupanc, Kisinger, Backus, Petrick, Bloomingdale, Parkel, Gabrovich, Gregorich, Podobnik, Bizyak, Barr, Roder, Krainz, Ule, Pekol, Lucas, Bombach, Plautz, Buckovec, Artac, Loreha, Snedic, Detchman, Perovsek, Petkovsek


Feb. 5, 1924

Feb. 21, 1924

Oct. 25, 1924

Dec. 20, 1924

April 8, 1925

May 14, 1925

May 25, 1925


News: Willard (May 14, 1925) Pg. 1, Pg. 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4




Your Mother



Sunday, May 10th, has been set aside as "Mothers Day." On that day all good citizens are exhorted to remember mother by presenting her with a choice bouquet. Those whose duties take them from home on that occasion may live in the spirit of the day by telegraphing the flowers and by sending an appropriate sentiment by mail or wire.


No good christian needs to be reminded of the honor and reverence due to the mother, who is the soul of the family and the heart of the state. Our divine Savior himself honored and sanctified the rose of mother, by choosing the blessed Virgin for his mother.

Mothers Day is a day to remind the children of honor and respect they owe to their parents especially to their mothers. Our fathers and mothers are our best friends, to them we owe our love and respect. Yet of the two, mother is nearest to us.


Most days of our early life are spent under guiding protection of our mother. She teaches us to lisp our first words, guide our first steps. A good christian mother teaches us our first prayers, prayers never to be forgotten.


Altho a father of the family watches over his children, it is the vigilant eye of the mother, who first discovers in her children the ailments of body and souls. She is always the first to remedy them. How many nights she walks the floor with a sick baby in her arms and spends anxious hours at the bed of a sick child. Maybe Johnny was one day in a fighting mood and very brave. He tried to show behind the schoolhouse or woodpile he could lick the whole bunch, but he came out the worst. It is the dear mother, who altho, scolding Johnny's fighting blood yet puts the healing remedy to his scratches received in royal battle. One day, Anne was eating too any sweets and now her little stomache is in rebellion. It is again dear old mother with a bottle of medicine trying to doctor up Anne's rebellious anatomy. Everywhere must be the helping hand of mother. Children have grown up. They start to have their little troubles. Mary wants to have a new bonnet for Easter, Frank likes to shine up with new shoes. As is obdurate times are hard, milk checks are poor. There is little prospect for a new bonnet or new shoes. It is mother again to whom they confide their little troubles and ask her to help them get a new bonnet and a pair of shoes. So it goes day after day. The children have grown up. They leave for cities with gold streets and palaces of pleasure, dreams that prove to be only an illusion. They write home at times and finally forget even that. Nothing is heard, maybe for years. At once the news arrives home one of their boys or girls is sick in a far away city, deserted by frends and companions. It is the mother again, that leaves everything at home and hastens to the bedside of her sick child to comfort them, only as a mothers heart can comfort them in hour of trial.


Since mother is our best earthly friend we owe her our best gratitude and respect, which are too often forgotten in our days.


It happens at times, that those to whom the children should be the kindest, their mother, they treat her with indifference, which is against Christian politeness. If you wish to be really polite you must be courteous to your mother. He who tries to be courteous in society, but shows indifference to his parents, such politeness is irrational. Children who are kind to other people, but rude to their own parents, their pretention looks just as ridiculous as a circus clown. A boy who is always ready to give a "lift" to his girl friends but uses the auto for his mother with a grudge, such a boy is base in his heart. A boy who knows how to talk "honey" to the girls but barks at his mother, he is a freak and void of all good manners.


A girl who is all smiles for visiting but has only frowns and scowls for her mother, she don't possess even an idea what it means to have good manners. A girls who sees and notices her friends for iles away, but fails to nomtice her old mother that walks beside her, such a girl is a false alarm in matters of politeness.


To be really polite one must honor his parents by being courteous to them more than anybody else. Remember the things your mother done for you and ...(words obliterated)...conduct. Ease her work, give her at times little presents. First flowers of May picked in the woods and given to mother by her children will please her more than the finest bouquet of roses given by other friends. If your mother don't feel well, tell her to rest and you do her work. If she is sick, ask her what she needs and what you can do for her. Don't make noise and racket around the house, show by your conduct that you are anxious for the welfare of your mother. Maybe your mother will not ask for those favors and for the expression of your affection, but if you show them to her, she will apreciate them.


Don't grieve your mother by disobedience. Avoid everything you know that will displease her. Never cause any disgrace that would cause your mother to shed bitter tears. Many children never realize what it means to have a mother, till the grave closes over her, whom they used to call mother.


Show your real love for your mother that you will never sadden the days of her life, but rather always strive to make her life happy and cheerful. Do this now. Do not wait until the time when love can be expressed only in tears and flowers. Courtesy shown to your parents carries along not only the marks of real politeness, but also the blessing of God. Benediction of a father and mother on the head of a grateful son and kind daughter is always sanctified by God.



Monologue Contest


A monologue contest under the direction of Miss Peterson was held at the Young Peoples Club last Wednesday, April 27. Seven monologues had been scheduled for the evening's program but due to the absence of one speaker and a second refusing to speak, only five monologues were given. Judges were Frances Fainter, Steve Plautz, and L.F. Jones. Following is a list of the speaker and their monologue. They are written in the order in which they were given a place.

Gertrude Bayuk..."Tommy's Prayer"

Amelia Matkovich..."Back in Squashville"

An Matkovich..."The Bear Story"

Geraldine Crotzer..."Entertaining the Minister"

Caroline Korenchan..."Unfortunate Bessie"

We have still several others who are preparing monologues which they will give at the next club meeting on May 13th. The speakers will include Elizabeth Claire, Angeline Koschak, Zora Ruzic, Kathryn Hintz, Velma Hindal, Edna Kokaly, Angeline Ruzic, Frances Schwab, and Catherine Verschay. The three best will be chosen on that evening and then the three best from each evening will be given at the Commencement Exercises at the closing of school.





Last Friday half of the D.S. girls served abreadkfast for the rest of them. Everything had to be ready by 3:30 p.m. So Evanka Zallar and Ann Matkovich set the table in the morning. They cooked the cereals and other food in the afternoon.


The guests were the other D.S. girls, while the cooks were getting food ready, the guests waited in Miss Taylor's room and then Evanka Zallar and Ann Matkovich called them for the breakfast. Ann Trunkel and Gertrude Bayuk and Angela Ruzic were the servers. They had to serve all the food that had to be served.


The food that was served were oranges, Cream of Wheat, eggs, Blue Berry Muffins, coffee, and butter. Coffee had to be served at last before the guests went home.

Ann E. Trunkel, 8th grade.


Learn To Laugh


Learn to laugh--A good laugh is better than medicine.--Learn how to tell a story--A well told story is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room--Learn to keep your Troubles to Yourself--The whole world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows.--Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile--No one cares whether you have the headache, backache, or rheumatism.


We "The Owlets," (and our kind friends) have strived to edit this issue of the Willard Spice. We want to extend our sincere akpreciation to all who have been so willing to assist us. We have no definite aim but to please everyone. We've tried to please the public and pass the censor too.

We've tried to make this funny.

We've tried to make you smile.

If you think all this is sunny,

Just try it yourself awhile.

Signed--The Owlets.


Boost Your Town

If you want to live in the kind of a town

Like the kind of a town you like

You needn't pack your clothes in a grip

And start on a long, long hike.

For you'll only find what you left behind,

For there's nothing that's really new

When you blame your town you blame yourself

For it isn't the town, it's you.

Real towns are not by men afraid

Lest some one else gets ahead;

but when everyone works and nobody shirks

You can raise a town from the dead.

So if while you make your personal stake your neighbor makes one too,

You'll have the town you like to see,

For it isn't the town, it's you.


How To Study

(Dedicated to 8th grade)

Don't study when you're tired or have something else to do.

Don't study when you're happy, for that would make you blue

Don't study in the morning and don't study in the night

But study at the other times with all your main and might.


Perhaps there is an old white owl

Afraid to stay in the dark

And possibly there's a yellow dog

Who doesn't know how to bark

And maybe there is a girl who doesn't

Care whether she does look nice

But I hope there isn't a family in Willard

who doesn't read the "Willard Spice."


Domestic Science Girls Will Serve Breakfast

On Friday, May 8th, some of the Domestic Science will serve breakfast.

The hostess, Mildred Clair will see that all things are done right.

The waitresses, Mary and Angeline Koschak will serve baked bananas, cereal, breakfast bacon, hashed brown potatoes, buttered toast and coffee.

The other three girls, Elizabeth Scharenbrock, Velma Hindal, and Anne Boh will stay in the kitchen and get things ready to be taken to the table.

Every two or three girls will make a certain thing. The following girls will make these things, Cereal--Elizabeth Scharenbrock and Angeline Koschak. Hash--Anne Boh and Mary Koschak. Bacon--Mildred Clair. Toast--Velma Hindal. Coffee--Mary Koschak, and Baked Bananas--Angeline Koschak and Anne Boh.

Velma Hindal and MIldred Clair will arrange the table.

All girls that are getting breakfast this time, hope that it will turn out well, because there a sort of a contest on.

The group serving the best breakfast will serve a luncheon to outsiders.

Mildred L. Clair.


Page 2


Published by-monthly by the members of the Willard Young Peoples' Club.

Subscription Rate--10c a copy; $1.00 a school year.


Editor in Chief--Ethel Peterson

Ass't Editor--Elizabeth Clair

Editorials--Ivan Ruzic

State and National News--George Campbell

Local News--Mrs. H. Thompson

Local News--John Quast

School Notes--

   Primary Room--Eleanor Taylor

   Int. Room--Zora Ruzic

   Upoper Room--A Matkovich

Jokes--Harley Thompson

Jokes--Carlyle Baldwin

North willard News--Helen Ehlers

Gorman News--Frances Fainter

Adv Manager--Lawrence Jones

Printed by--"Gleaner"

Club Motto--"Let us hold fast to all that is Good"


"Entered as second-class matter March 25th, 1925, at the post office at Willard, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879."

"Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Acto of October 3, 1927, autorized November 25, 1924."


Dates To Look Forward To

May 28th--School Exhibit and program. The exhibit will be of the very best work our children have done during the school work. It ought to be of vital interest to all parents. The exhibits will begin in the afternoon and continue to the program which will be given in the evening.

May 29th--9th grade commencement. Mr. Jones is trying to engage a speaker for the evening. There will also be a few musical selections. There will also be a picnic for the children in the afternoon of May 29th.


News From Intermediate Room

This being the last month of school standardized Reading test on Form II were given. This is the 3rd standard reading rest given this year and a record is kept each time of the progress pupils are making and which are up to standard. There were 6 in the 6th grade below the standard in comprehension on and the same 6 were below in rate.

A test of forty incorrect forms in Language were given the first week of school and the same  test given again this week to note progress made in Language. It was found that in all cases except one much progress had been made. The highest scores were earned by Geraldine who had 17 wrong the first time and only 3 this time, and Joe Verschay who had 14 wrong the 1st time and 5 this time, also Joe Laykovich who had 12 wrong then and 5 now.


The Cross Word Puzzle Books

Each one in the Int. room have new Cross Word Puzzle books. Which they rec'd from H. Quast. Miss Peterson showed us how to fill them out. She said it would take the place of spelling. She helps us when we can not get some parts of them. She also said we should work on puzzles when we had spare time. She sets a certain day on which a certain puzzle must be finished. Then we have to hand them in and she corrects them. She marks the number of mistakes which we have. Then we have to correct the mistakes. We are on puzzle number five already.  Miss Edna Kokaly


The Intermediate room spends from 15 to 20 minutes each day preparing for the Musical memory contest. They recognize nine records already and can name them. There are sixteen records which we intend (words obliterated) recognize for the contest. At state graded schools are not allowed to compete with rural schools, this list was made up by the teacher and the contest will be held between the Upper and the Intermediate rooms--By A. Bayuk, 5th grade.

Each month every pupil is requested to write a friendly letter as part of their Language work. These letters must be mailed. Most of the pupils have been writing to the pupils in the Elm City School in Lincoln Co., who were taught by Miss Peterson. This week they have all received letters from the pupils there and have enjoyed reading them to the school.


Produce Maps of South America

The 5th grade are making product maps of South America. They drew the maps on manila paper with pencil and then traced over it with ink. Then we pasted products on them. We could bring real things to put on them or we could bring pictures.

Our teacher marks them and we can see who has the highest. Some of the real products we pasted on was coffee, rubber, wheat, cocoanut, cotton and wool.

The one that received the highest was Tony Trunkel.

Kathryn Hintz


He Slept Too Hard

"Steve was almost drowned last night."

"No! How come?"

"The pillow slipped, the bed spread, and he fell into the spring."



Next issue of the "Spice" will be the last issue during this school year. Last issue was put out by the principal with the aid of the upper room. This issue is put out with Miss Taylor as Editor-in-chief.

Oh! Boy!

"Helen" bought a Ford Coupe

To ride in it was heaven

She ran across some broken glass

Bill $14.97

She started on a little tour

The finest sort of fun

She lost a tire along the road

Bill $20.81

She took some friends downtown to shop

To save jitney fare was great

She jammed into a lamp post

Bill $7.48

She decided to take another ride

To see how fast it would run

She stopped too quick and stripped the gears

Bill $90.51

She took some friends out for a spin

T'was good to be alive.

"Helen" hit a pine post.

Bill $80.55

She spent all the cash that "Helen" had,

And then in anguish cried

I'll put a mortgage on my shoes

And take just one more ride.

Dedicated by "A Friend"


Seventeen pupils has perfect attendance for the month of April. Each of these were given a fourth day off. Our attendance has been the poorest this week that it has been all year. There was one tardiness and ten absences on Tuesday. On Monday there were eight absences. Victor and Tony Zupanc missed four days helping their father plow. Frances U. missed two days for illness. Joe P. was sick for one week. Anne C. missed two weeks helping to work at home. Willie D. missed five days to plow. Martin M. was needed at home on Wednesday.--By Catherine Verschay


A golden wedding is the reward two people get for sticking together from dimples to wrinkles.

Flip: John's a nice chap, but he's too terribly tight.

Flap: He isn't tight. He's simply saving for a rainy day.
Flip: Rainy day, me eye. He's saving for a flood.


Mr. Trost: "What are you crying for my lad?"

Albert: "Cause father invented a new soap substitute, and every time a customer come in I get washed as an advertisement."


No Fooling

Barber: "Want a hair cut?"

Joe Ulesich: "No I want them all cut."


Mr. Jones: Arriving at a small hotel. "Can I have a private bath?"

Clerk: "Well I hope so."

Tony P: (going home) "Well I must be off."

Elizabeth C: "That's what I thought."


John U. "How did you get the puncture?"

Arnold Clair: "Ran over a hen with pin feathers."

"They say that alcohol will clear silver up nicely."

Martin K: "It will. It cleaned up all my silver."


Poor Man

Sonny: "Mother, may I have a nickel for an old man who is outside crying?"

Mother: "Yes dear; but what is the old man crying about?"

Sonny: "He's crying, 'salted peanut--five cents a bag."


Advertisements included on Page 2:

Westbrook Tank Line Co., Greenwood WI

Baldwin's Garage, Paul Baldwin, Prop

Home Restaurant, Mrs O.C. Behrens Prop., Greenwood WI

A.R. Warnke, Feed Mill, Greenwood WI

Jenning Manufacture Co, L.S. Butcher, Representative, Willard WI


Page 3

North Mound School Notes

Our school has been very busy making preparations for their program which is to held May 5.

All the grades have finished making their garden posters. The school is decorated with the spring work.

The first grade are finishing their first readers.

The third and fourth grades made a booklet of our cousins in other lands.

Eighth grade have almost completed their work and are busy reviewing.

Some snappy posters have been put out advertising the program.

Missess Martha Noah and Burnetta Schuld visited school last week.

Many compliments were received on the interior decoration.

Miss Ehlers has been seen up our way, and her Cozine surely does kick up the dust. Some Speed!

Last Friday the seats were changed in preparation for the program.

The chldren are certainly interested in the outdoors as new specimens of plants are brought in daily for indentification.

Mayflowers, violets, cowslips, and cherry blossoms lend to the schoolroom an artistic atmosphere.

The 3rd and 4th grades are learning Allinghams the "Fairy Folks."


We Wonder

Why we have no time for games. Too busy practicing.

Why Louis' paper basket is always full.

Why Anna will make a good housekeeper.

Why Frances Kotcan can't stop whispering.

My Miss Noah is so serious. Smile!!!

Why Albin likes to turn about. What is the attraction?

Why fifth grade must write out their history lessons.

WHy 4th grade destroy their arithmetic papers and then work them over.



Mr. Kotcan has been spending the time at Marshfield taking care of his little son.

Word was received of the death of Mr. Kotcan's son. The deepest sympathies of the entire community are extended to this family in their sorrow.

It has been rumored about that Frank Cerne has a new Lizzie. (I mean car--Ford)

Miss Lee Noah spent the weekend at Marshfield.

Many are trying their luck with bait and hook at the Eau Claire river.

Mr. Kotcan has started building his new barn.

The program held at North Mound School was very well attended. Baskets were sold, but when the dancing was to begin, it was discovered that the orchestra had failed to appear, much to the chagrin of everyone. Music was procured as soon as possible but most of the crowd had disappeared and dancing was discontinued at 12:30 o'clock.

John Gerc has been to Greenwood being treated by the doctor for ringworms.

Wanda Kotcan has left school.

Next Tuesday the 6th and 7th grades will write their exams.

Several people in our school have a perfect attendance record for the whole year.

School closes May 18, much to everyone's regret.


Primary Notes

The 1st graders have started the Elson Readers.

Multiplication tables seem to be real cross word puzzles for the second graders.

The 3rd graders are very much enthused over their new Geography Books. Especially John Godec who has devoured the entire book.

The Primary room has undergone a complete housecleaning. New blue crepe curtains and large bouquets of cherry blossoms decorate the windows, a blackboard border of sunbonnet babies was made by the second and third graders. A border of blue birds was pasted above the blackboard. The 2nd and 3rd graders also made some free hand cutting posters for the room. The 1st graders made chains for the windows and blackboards, also, some small sunbonnet babies for a border.

The Primary room is planning on giving a small program just for the "mothers" at the next meeting of the "Owlets." The 1st graders have learned a few songs which they will sing. The 2nd and 3rd graders are practicing some folk dances and plays which they will give. The mothers are invited to come early in the afternoon so they can visit a few classes. A lunch will also be served. The date has not been definitely decided but each child will bring an invitation home.

Miss Taylor was initiated into the nursing profession last week. Fred Preisig and Ludwig Koschak were wounded on the playground field and several were taken sick.


Trip to South America

In studying about South America in the 5th grade geography the pupils took imaginary trips there. The stories were corrected and the one written by Frances Schwab was chosen for the "Willard Spice."

Her story follows:--

I will leave Willard at 4:00 p.m., I will go on the F. & N. E. R.R. to Fairchild then I'll change and take the Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis and Omaha R.R. as far as Elroy where I will change to go on the North Western to Chicago I would get there at 9:15. I would like to engage a sleeper to Chicago. A lower berth would cost about $3.50 and an upper berth $2.50. I get into Chicago at about 9:00 p.m. It a distance of 297 miles and costs about $13.00. I would plan to stay there a week to see the stock yards and Lincoln park and other places of interest as the museums and the galleries. I will leave Chicago at 10:15 for N.Y. There are two railroads that I can take to New York. They are the Baltimore Ohio or the Erie R.R. The Erie railroad is the fastest and the Baltimore Ohio is next. I will take that one so as to see Washington D.C. I will go out of the way enough to see the Capital building. They guarantee us to be in N.Y. at a certain time. If not then your money will be refunded. We pay extra for the guarantee. I will see the towns of importance I will pass thro Cincinnatti, Ohio and Baltimore would plan to go thro the Appalachian Mt's in my trip will cost about $40.00 from Willard.  N.Y. City is on an island and on the Baltimore R.R. so I would have to come right into one of the greatest depots in the world. I will plan it so I can spend almost a week at New York. I will visit the following places: Metroplitan Gallerie in New York where the original picture "The Horse Fair" is. Here are forty horses larger than a real horse on a canvas. Harpers Ferry where John Brown lived. I wish to read the three big tablets above John Brown at depot. Three Big Heights from which place we can see the Shenandoa Valley, Capital at Washington, Philadelphia. At Baltimore plan to see the Forts. At N.Y. see Brooklyn Bridge, Bronze Park of three or four acres, Statue of Liberty, Walworth Building which is 792 feet high, and visit Grants Tomb whose doors weigh 8 ton. This tomb is made of granite the inside of which came from Montello, Wis., a guard stands outside the tomb to protect it. A man was told by the people at Montello to visit the tomb. When he came here it was almost dark and the guard said he wasn't allowed to let him thro. This man gave him $2.00 and he opened those big doors and let him thro after having searched his pockets all he was allowed to take was a box of matches. These he lit along the way and inside the tomb where he saw the grave of Mr. and Mrs. Grant. N.Y. Custome House, here you may also get your passport. Be sure you have a birth certificate. The town clerk records all birth and deaths you get 25c for each record you make and it costs you $500 if you do not record a birth. Before you are given a passport you must appear before some judge. His name and official stamp must be written on official paper certifying that you have not been imprisoned within the last five years.

I will get on Pier No 1 at Hoboken. I will have gotten this information from the Steamship lines before hand. I may ride 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class. The 3rd class is down in the boat in the front and back end and is a common boarding house. The 2nd class is in the middle of the boat. The 1st class ride up in the middle of the boat and consist of high toned people.

South America is the same distance as Naples, Italy. It costs $295.00 to go to Rio de Janerio, going first class and $75.00 going 3rd class. It costs $165.00 to go 2nd class to Norway and takes 11 days covering a distance of 3000 miles. During and after the war one had to pay $1.00 for every $10.00 that your ticket cost for war tax. It would cost $525.00 for a round trip to Rio de Janerio. There are special rates for children. 10 years or over require full fare, from 4 to 10 years require half fare, from 1 year to 4 years require a quarter fare. Children under 1 year goes free. On a train all children under 5 years are free.

We are allowed 150 lbs of baggage on a train bt going to S.A. they allow 20 cu ft if traveling 1st class.

Miss Peterson, our teacher, had a passport which she showed us. It contained a thorough description and pictures of the people who traveled.


Community Services

Community services were held at the school on Tuesday evening May 5th. As this was the first evening service for some time many people were unaware of the change in time and so the attendance was not so very large.

Services will be held each Tuesday night beginning at 8:00 p.m. and plans are being made concerning the reorganization of a choir. On Sunday afternoon of May 27 a special service with Mr. Thomalson, Supt of Eau Claire district as speaker, was given with special music by the Greenwood choir. Sunday school meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. instead of 10:30 as in winter months.


More Receive Progress Pins

Of the 38 pupils in Intermediate room twenty one have already received their progress pins in Penmanship for having written satisfactory all the odd numbered drills to 100 in the Palmer Method Book. Those who have received their pins recently are Joseph Panyon, Albert Bayuk, Martin Matkovic, Willie Dergance, Frances Schwab, Mayme Debevec, Tony Zupanc, and Catherine Verschay. A special class in penmanship has been organized for the 17 who have not received their pins. They will begin from the beginning of the book and will practice one half hour each day.. The following will be in the class: Edna K., Alice S., Rosalyn, Joe L., Frank L., Jennie, Victor Z., Tony T., Victor M., Joe H., Boyd H., Joe B., Dan, William, and Paul.


At Willard

Willard has been chosen as one of the places in which 8th grade pupils will write their examinations. This examination will be held Saturday May 16 and pupils are asked to be ready to write at 8:30 a.m. Miss Peterson will conduct the contest.

Advertisements on Page 3 include:

City Meat Market...Leach Bros, Greenwood

Quast & Company, Willard WI


Page 4

Local News

Mr. Philip Kisinger of Spokeville visited at Mr. Frank Backus' home this Sunday.

Misses Zora Ruzic, Amelia Matkovich, and Anne Boh whisited Geraldine Crotzer Sunday.

Chas Petrick left of Oshkosh on Monday morning accompanied by Floyd Bloomingdale. They expect to look for work for the summer.

Miss Theresa Parkel returned home this week after spending a few months in Joliet, Ill.

Mrs. John Verschay and daughter, Christine, visited at the Musich home Sunday afternoon.

The following new cares are traveling Willard Highway. Mr. Anton Trunkel's Chevrolet, Mr. John Scharenbrock's, Mr. Lucas Gabrovich's, and Mr. John Gregorich's new Fords.

Mr. Anton Trunkel went to Marshfield Monday on business.

Mr. August Podobnik is again in Willard after spending a months in Joliet.

Mr. John Bloomingdale and children of Marshfield visited at the home of Frank Backus, Wednesday. The children stayed until Sunday.

Mr. August Bizyak has ordered a Buick truck.

Mr. Frank Backus and family visited at Mr. Fred Barr's home last Sunday.

Mr. Geo. Hintz was called to Freeport, Ill, on account of the death of his grandmother.

Mr. Paul Baldwin is suffering from a sprained ankle which he received in the game Sunday.

Mr. J. Roder and Lucas Gabrovic are making the wall for the barn on Mr. Anton Debevec's farm.

Miss Emilie Kokaly and a friend spent the weekend at Miss Kokaly's home.

Mr. Tony Krainz was in Greenwood, Monday.

(Next paragraph unreadable)

Mr. Geo. Hintz was in Greenwood, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baldwin and Dorothy Jean have gone to Decatur, Ill.

Mr. Joe Ule was a Greenwood caller Thursday.

Miss Taylor and Miss Ehlers started Friday evening on a trip to New Lisbon, where they spent the weekend with Miss Taylor's folks. By what we hear the trip was a very enjoyable one and exciting, too

Mr. Pekol and family came from Chicago last week to live on their farm.

Mr. John Lucas made a business call at Greenwood Friday.

Every one reports a good time Sunday evening at Bombach's.

Fishing seems to be the latest sport now, Anna Plautz is becoming a real fisherman.

Amelia and Anna Buckovec spent Sunday evening at the Artac home.

Mr. John Gregorich is the proud owner of a new Ford car. So look out for the dust at North Willard.

Frank Loreha is employed by Mr. John Snedic, to build a new barn on his farm.

John Gerc entertained Albert Trost Sunday.


A Practical Answer

"If I cut a beefsteak in two," asked the teacher, "and then cut the halves in two, what do I get?"

"Quarters," returned the boy.

"Good. And then again?"


"Correct. Again?"


"Exactly.And what then?"


"And once more?"
"Hamburger," cried the boy impatiently.

Steffie Detchman, 6th grade.


North Willard School

As we have only two more weeks of school, we are very busy with our finals.

The eighth grade will write on their county examinations at Willard, Saturday May 16th.

Our school is beautifully decorated with plum blossoms, and spring posters.

The North Willard pupils are giving their annual program May 13th, at the school. Don't fail to see them once again. There will be a basket social and dance after the program.

Annie Buckovec and Molly Perovsek have attended school every day this year without being tardy or absent.

Be at North Willard Wednesday, May 13th and see two Chinese in real costume, and hear their China song.

All the grades have completed their spelling lists and are now doing review work.

If you want to see a bachelor's comforts and discomforts be at North Willard May 13th.

There has been so many spring flowers this year, so that we have been well supplied with bouquets at school.

Don't fail to see the two negro dialogues, "Love and Lather," and "Stick to Your Word Gals," at North Willard May 13th.

We are proud to say that our school has done for 3 years 100% reading circle work.

If you wish to witness a real gossiping sewing circle, be present at North Willard May 13th.

The 7th and 8th grades have enjoyed John Burrough's work very much. They read three of his best selections "Afoot and Afloat," "A Summer Boating Trip" and a "Trip In The Catskills."

An Irishman and a Dutchman will meet on the stage at North WIllard May 13th. They will give a talk that will make your sides ache.

Without fail see the two school girls that are takened upon the moon to fairyland, where the fairies entertain them during their summer's vacation.

What is this we hear about??

John Snedic paying attention to the young ladies. Ask Joe about it.

Who leaves someone else do all their thinking?

Margaret Lucas becoming a champion hair-cutter.

Who winked Sunday evening? Where? Ask M.G.?

Mr. Gregorich missing fence posts.

What is worse than flat tires?

If Miss Ehlers is going to teach next year.


Court News

The county court will be in session next month. The following people of Willard are convicted and will have to appear before Judge Docomflicker and might as well plead guilty.

Eleanor Taylor getting home too early on four successive nights.

Helen Ehlers for hitting the high lines on No. 10.

Ethel Peterson for vamping Sunday evening.

Joe Gregorich for making eyes at the customers.

Joe Ule, for disguising.

Miss Peterson, for robbing a second-hand store.

Mr. L. Jones trespassing on private property.

Lee Noah, robbing nurses of their profession.

Evonka Zallar, too many high titles.

Arnold Clair, for fixing tires on main drives.

John Ulesich,, for being too miuch of a sheik.

Frank Parkel, for loving mama.

Harley Thompson, for licking an all day sucker before selling it.

Mrs. Paul Baldwin, for crippling her husband; as effects of this last week.

Steve Plautz for being so good looking.

Martin Kokaly, for pulilng small town stuff.

Tony Petkovsek for causing sleepless hours for Clair's mansion.


Y.P. Club

The Y.P. CLub was held Wednesday April 29th. The meeting was carried on as always before

There was a small program held which contained mostly of monologues. The monologues were given by the following people: Gertrude Bayuk, Amelia Matkovich, Ann Matkovich, Geraldine Crotzer, and Caroline Korenchan.

After the program they played games and everybody joined in and had a good time We had a few visitors from Globe the enjoyed our community meeting very much.

Come to our next meeting which is going to be held May 14th and have a good time like the rest of us.

Avertisements included on page 4:

Farm Implements...Schwarze Bros.

Northside Meat Market...C. Keiner & Sons, Prop.

C.C. Hoehne Hardware Co

North Side Filling Station...Chas. Guptill, Prop.

R.L. Barnes, D.C....Chiropractor, Greenwood

Used Ford Dealership...Speich & Braun, Greenwood

L.C. Clute Auto Co, Sales and Service



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