29 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 24 Dec 2014
Bio: Kuehn, Ella (90th - 1973)
Bio: Lawson, Mary Ann (PR Sacred
Heart - 1973)
BioM: Loos, Patricia (1973)
BioM: Schoen, Linda Lou (1973)
News: Butler (18 Oct 1973)
News: Columbia (18 Oct 1973)
News: Pleasant Ridge (18 Oct
News: Willard (18 Oct 1973)
Obit: Huntzicker, Maud (1893
- 1973)
Obit: Schroeder, James H. Sr.
(1933 - 1973)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Robida, Austin (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Rohland, Hanna (Highest
Academic Honors - 2014)
Bio: Sauerman, Luke (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Schneider, Dustin (Highest
Academic Honors - 2014)
Bio: Skabroud, Shelby (Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Stewart, Roshel (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Swadey, Madalyn (High Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Van Der Veeken, Mirjam
(Dean’s List - 2014)
Bio: Ziembo, Brittany (Graduation
- 2014)
BioM: Strehlow, Samantha (20
Sep 2014)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Miller, Marie
Miller, Norman Jr.
Miller, Norman Sr.
Minshall, Flora B.
Minshall, J. Edward
Mitra, Betty Lillian
Moberg, Donald W.
Moberg, Harry F.
Moberg, Johanna
Moberg, Joyce A.
Moberg, Robert A.
Moore Family Stone
Moore, Carol E.
Moore, Fern
Moore, Hulda E.
Moore, Joseph G.
Moore, Melvin Duke
Moore, Ruth A.
Morrow, Carl R.
Morrow, Ethel M.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Awe Family Reunion (Jul
Bio: Christensen, Barry Jacob
(Birth - 24 Jul 1965)
Bio: Franz, Barbara (Engagement
- Jul 1965)
Bio: Hennlich, Ina (Retiring
Postmistress - 1965)
Bio: Swenson, Jean (Nursing
Graduate - Aug. 1965)
Bio: Truckey, Randy Joseph #2
(Birth - 23 Jul 1965)
BioM: Burhop, Darlene Clare
News: Curtiss (29 Jul 1965)
News: Owen (29 Jul 1965)
Obit: Baneck, Robert H. (1928
- 2015)
Obit: Harder, Donna Rae (1935
- 2015)
Obit: Kaiser, Kathleen M. "Kathy"
#2 (1956 - 2015)
Obit: Klapatauskas, Julius E.
(1923 - 2015)
Obit: Tonn, Arthur H. (1888
- 1965)
Obit: Zassenhaus, John F. (1946
- 2015)
28 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Van Tatenhove, James M.
(Promotion - 1973)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (18
Oct 1973)
BioM: Ziegler, Joanne Marie
News: Greenwood (18 Oct 1973)
News: Humbird (4 Oct 1973)
News: Longwood (History - 1973)
News: Washburn (4 Oct 1973)
News: Washburn (18 Oct 1973)
Obit: Bell, Kermit Wendel (1904
- 1973)
Obit: Meke, Peter #2 (1941 -
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Kilby, Karen (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Kraus, Sydnie (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Kuhn, Maddison (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Latz, Tiara (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Liegl, Jennifer (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Ludwig, Christian (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Miskulin, Nicholas (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Moss, Marlana (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Niemi, Hailey (Honors -
Bio: Pinkert, Lynzee (Dean’s
List - 2014)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Merget, Adam J.
Merwin, Anna L.
Merwin, Ben Pierce
Merwin, Frances Lucille
Merwin, Grace
Merwin, Harold Francis
Merwin, Howard
Merwin, Robert
Michlig, Catherine
Michlig, Christina Ashley
Michlig, John L.
Mielke, Edward E. Sr.
Mielke, Laura A.
Mildbrand, Edward H.
Mildbrand, Ella I.
Miller, Daniel Scott
Miller, Hugo
Miller, Leo Dale
Miller, Ottilia
Miller, Viola D.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bakke, Danny Robert (Birth
- 16 Jul 1965)
Bio: Dreger, Sandra Mary (Engagement
- Aug 1965)
Bio: Stewart, Patricia Lee (Engagement
- Aug 1965)
BioA: Hardrath, Mr./Mrs. Louis
(Gold - 1965)
BioM: Eloranta, Helen #2 (1965)
BioM: Makovec, Joan Marie (1965)
BioM: Schnoor, Shirley #2 (1965)
BioM: Sluzewski, Dorothy (1965)
Church: Lublin St. Mary's (40th
Anniversary - 1965)
News: South Green Grove (12
Aug 1965)
27 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Fitzmaurice, Mike (Medal
of Honor - 1973)
Bio: Steiner, Francis (FFA Promoter
- 1973)
BioA: Smith, Mr./Mrs. Bergen
O. (Golden - 1973)
News: Humbird (18 Oct 1973)
News: Lynn (18 Oct 1973)
News: Neillsville (18 Oct 1973)
News: Willard (18 Oct 1973)
Obit: Nelson, Edwin T. (1889
- 1973)
Obit: Staves, Gordon (? - 1973)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bacha, Jayd (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Balsis, Cason Anton Josef
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Balsis, Haven Rae (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Barnetzke, Zachary (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Burt, Bethany (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Debruyne, Jessica (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Geisler, Courtney (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Geisler, Samantha (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Hamelund, Chelsea (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Harder, Charlie Gene (Engagement
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Maslanka, Bruce
Maslanka, Duane Galen
Maslanka, Mary A.
Maslanka, Mary J.
Maslanka, Richard E.
Mateofsky Family Stone
Mateofsky, Frances
Mateofsky, John
Matthes, Theodore H.
McAssey, Maud Elizabeth
Mead, Baby son
Meister, Oma Babette
Melvin, Archie D.
Melvin, Cynthia Ann
Melvin, Elaine M.
Melvin, Francis J.
Melvin, James W.
Melvin, Lillian Irene
Melvin, Lydia
Melvin, Ruth M.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Luke, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Melvin (Birth - 25 Jul 1965)
Bio: Miller, Dr. Robert C. (Assignment
- 1965)
BioA: Anderson, Mr./Mrs. Grant
(Silver - 1965)
BioM: MacLaughlan, Martha (1965)
News: Withee (29 Jul 1965)
Obit: Clark, Amelia M. "Molly"
(1878 - 1965)
Obit: Dickinson, Arthur E. (1871
- 1965)
Obit: Myhre, Henry O. (1901
- 1965)
Obit: Wendt, Clara (1889 - 1965)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1939
(26th Reunion - 1965)
26 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Mitte, Evelyn (30 Years
of Service - 2015)
News: Neillsville - 1897 - Jail
Museum (Apr meeting - 2015)
News: Neillsville (13 May 2015)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(13 May 2015)
Obit: Bergemann, Martha W. #2
(1926 - 2015)
Obit: Kopp, Cornelia Mae (1932
- 2015)
Obit: Perushek, Jeanette Gertrude
#2 (1929 - 2015)
Obit: Witt, Gerald (Jerry) E.
(1930 - 2015)
School: Thorp Alumni (Annual
Reunion - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Knight, Mary (High Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Lemke, Nicholas (High Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Lindgren, Phyllis (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Mahoney, Richard (Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Metz, Taryn (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Obit: Bender, Zaidyn Kane (2011
- 2015)
Obit: Degenhardt, Lawrence (1931
- 2015)
Obit: Knutson, Barbara Ann (1924
- 2015)
Obit: Miessner, Kenneth Melvin
(1945 - 2015)
Obit: Pederson, Ruth M. (1926
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Ludwig, Franklin E.
Ludwig, Sarah J.
Lukas Family Stone
Lukas, Ann
Lukas, Frank
Lukas, Helen A.
Lukas, Norman E.
Lukas, Richard George
Lukas, Roger Frank
Maldonis, Arlene C.
Maldonis, Walter Stanley
Malone, Grace E.
Malone, Vincent E.
Marks, Pauline A.
Marquardt, Ella
Marquardt, Franklin
Marquardt, Franklin - Military
Martens, Erwin
Martens, Viola
Maslanka, David R.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hull, Edward N. - Major
(Air Force Retirement - 1965)
Bio: Mertens Family Reunion
Bio: Pabich, Carol Marie (Birth
- 8 Jul 1965)
BioM: Englebretson, Nancy Kay
BioM: Ford, Joy Sue (1965)
BioM: Wall, Penny #2 (1965)
Obit: Anderson, Alden J. #2
(1891 - 1965)
Obit: Caldwell, Delores A. (1937
- 2015)
Obit: Calhoun, Alva Eugene (1888
- 1965)
Obit: Dolle, Robert J. (1955
- 2015)
Obit: Eskildsen, Lillian A.
"Lil" (1928 - 2015)
Obit: Fosnow, Mabel (1882 -
Obit: Jerina, Mary (1882 - 1965)
Obit: Kaiser, Kathleen M. "Kathy"
(1956 - 2015)
Obit: Miller, Leslie E. "Les"
(1947 - 2015)
22 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 17 Dec 2014
Bio: Gordon, Stacy Ann (Baptism
- 1973)
Bio: Kalsow, C. W. (92nd Birthday
- 1973)
News: Clark Co. - Protect Vital
Records (29 Apr 2015)
Obit: Ciszewski, Anthony L.
(1934? - 2015)
Obit: Koltis, Patricia Mae (1932
- 2015)
Obit: Nissula, Ronnie A. #3
(? - 2015)
Obit: Szymanski, Marcella Marie
(1931 - 2015)
Obit: Westaby, Betty Lou (?
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Brushaber, Michelle (Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Bucki, Lindsey (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Buehler, Tara (High Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Ciseski, Bailey Linn Grace
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Fehlhaber, Andrew (Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Fox, Troy (Graduation -
Bio: Fox, Troy (Highest Academic
Honors - 2014)
Bio: Grunwald, Patrick (Honors
- 2014)
Bio: Holub, Madelin Pearl (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Hovde, Michael (Highest
Academic Honors - 2014)
Bio: Knight, Katherine (Graduation
- 2014)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Lesczynski, Beatrice
Lesczynski, Bernard
Lewis, Samuel J.
Lewis, Verna M.
Lieders, Lillian M.
Lieders, Orville C. Sr.
Lindau, Etola V.
Lindau, Eugene M. "Gene"
Lindau, Eugene M. "Gene" - Military
Lindberg, John
Lindstedt, John Paul
Lindstedt, Marie
Lindstedt, Otto
Lindstedt, Walter
Lisiecki, Ignatius Stanley -
Loucks, Charles M.
Loucks, Elizabeth "Betty" Anne
Loughead, Ruth E.
Loughead, William
Luhrsen, Amanda
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Chudyk, Marjorie Ann (Engagement
- Jun 1965)
Bio: Klabon, Kenneth P. (Airman
2nd Class - 1965)
Bio: Levin, Marilyn (Engagement
- Jun 1965)
Bio: Unger, Janet Ellen (Engagement
- Jun 1965)
BioM: Christman, Irene A. (1965)
BioM: Larsen, Gladys (1965)
Obit: Seaman, Bertha Maria #2
(1913 - 1965)
Obit: Smith, Christine (1888
- 1965)
Obit: Warjonen, Ida Johanna
(1997 - 1965)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1940
(25th Reunion - 1965)
21 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Darling, Alex (April Junior
Kiwanian - 2015)
BioM: King, Mary LaVeda (1973)
BioM: Krohn, Kathleen Ann (1973)
Obit: Cattanach, Warren Curtis
(1922 - 2015)
Obit: Gerber, Harland George
(1927 - 2015)
Obit: Luchterhand, Earl Elder
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Moltzen, Ida Grace (1950
- 2015)
Obit: Salisbury, Joseph Travis
(1994 - 2015)
Obit: Schutte, Vivian Agnes
(1920 - 2015)
Obit: Vornholt, Grace Mildred
(1914 - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Peterson, Jennifer (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Peterson, Suzi (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Rosemeyer, Logan (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Sauer, Tori (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Schrom, Jessica (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Sedivy, Anna (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Snyder, Elizabeth (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Swanson, Ceceilia Mae (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Walkowicz, Juliette Rosella
(Birth - 2015)
Obit: Magedanz, Emil P. (1936
- 2015)
Obit: Malstrom, Richard T. (1939
- 2015)
Obit: Smith, Leona #3 (1933
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Leichtnam, Arlene
Leichtnam, Byron
Leichtnam, Celia M.
Leichtnam, Donald L.
Leichtnam, Donald L. - Military
Leichtnam, Edward
Leichtnam, Gorman G.
Leichtnam, Gorman G. - Military
Leichtnam, Juanita
Leichtnam, Patsy Rose
Leichtnam, Rose
Lenz, Florence
Lenz, Iris P.
Lenz, Judith Ann
Lenz, Lillian J.
Lenz, Milton H.
Lenz, Theodore L.
Leonhard, Henry J.
Leonhard, Norma E.
Lewis Family Stone
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Roberts, Larry (To Study
in Mexico - 1965)
Bio: Ruff, Timothy Irving (Birth
- 7 Jun 1965)
Bio: Niemi, Allan (Outstanding
Farmer - 1965)
Bio: Soborowicz, Anton - 2nd
Lt. (Graduates Course - 1965)
News: Curtiss (24 Jun 1965)
News: South Green Grove (24
Jun 1965)
News: Owen (24 Jun 1965)
News: Withee (24 Jun 1965)
Obit: Keskimaki, Eugene I. (1907
- 1965)
Obit: Walkama, Oscar L. (1897?
- 1965)
20 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Canfield, Elizabeth Grace
‘Beth’ (1916 - 2015)
Obit: Coyle, Bryan L. (1971
- 2015)
Obit: Faber, Mildred Elanore
"Milly" #3 (1925 - 2015)
Obit: Hagedorn, Pastor Harold
Julius (1944 - 2015)
Obit: Henchen, Bruce Arnold
(1954 - 2015)
Obit: Kaufman, Merline G. (1934
- 2015)
Obit: Larsen, Royce L. (1923
- 2015)
Obit: Shinkle, Albert L. (1937
- 2015)
Obit: Stevens, Grace Phyllis
(1922 - 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Adams, Matthew (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Bishop, Rachael (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Bizer, Jaclyn (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Breneman, Bobbi (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Brost, Hailey (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Daniels, Kassandra (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Erl, Olivia (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Graff, Finnick Oliver (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Gumz, Melissa (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Gust, Brent (Dean’s List
- 2014)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Laabs, Bernard M.
Laabs, Florence G.
Laack, Arnold Henry
Laack, Elizabeth W.
Landa, Edward
Landa, Ione
Lange, Julius
Lange, Wilma F.
Langteau, Arthur H.
Langteau, Shirley
Laper, Ernest M.
Laper, Mary Jeanette
Laper, Lorraine
Lapp, Harry Mervin
Lapp, Harry Mervin - Military
Lapp, Helen M. Olsen
Lapp, Herman
Lapp, Tillie
Leichtnam, Arthur E.
Leichtnam, Ruth B.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Ted Erick (Birth
- 14 Jun 1965)
Bio: Danford, Gay (Engagement
- Jun 1965)
Bio: Hughes, Mary Ellen (College
Graduate - 12 Jun 1965)
Bio: Pribbernow, Gerald Michael
(Birth - 10 Jun 1965)
Bio: Sluzewski, Dorothy (College
Graduate - 1965)
Bio: Wagner, Carol (College
Graduate - Jun 1965)
Bio: Wendt, James (College Graduate
- 12 Jun 1965)
BioA: Draheim, Mr./Mrs. Bill
(57th - 1965)
BioM: Buehler, Frances Ann (1965)
BioM: Potocnik, Sally Louise
#4 (1965)
19 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Apps, Jerry (Author/Speaker
- 2015)
Bio: Bjerke, Douglas & Sharon
(50 Yr in Ministry - 2015)
Bio: Steiner, Jeanette (Retires
- 2015)
Bio: Urban Bros., Joe & Bob
(Honored - 2015)
News: Neillsville - Naval Art
Collections (Highground - 2015)
Obit: Ford, Linda M. #2 (1955
- 2015)
Obit: Kalis, Troy James (1956
- 2015)
Obit: Losiewicz, David Alvin
(1947 - 2015)
Obit: Mertens, Rev. Michael
Gilbert (1921 - 2015)
Obit: Smith, Leona M. (1933
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Hendricks, Wade (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Hinderliter, Rebecca (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Klemm, Austin (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Leiterman, Leopold David
Birth - 2015)
Bio: Marthaler, Annabelle Lynn
(Birth - 2014)
Bio: Metz, Emily Marie (Birth
- 2015)
Bio: Metz, Noreen (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Olson, Olliver Michael
(Birth - 2015)
Bio: Pepke, George (Birth -
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Krause, Emma Ottelie
Krause, Soloman
Kreklau, Alvin "Bob"
Kreklau, Amanda S.
Kreklau, Carl G.
Kroehn, Anton
Kroehn, Auguste
Kuehnast Family Stone
Kuehnast, Emaline E.
Kuehnast, Ernest F.
Kugel Family Stone
Kugel, Ann Marie
Kugel, James A.
Kugel, John
Kugel, Josephine
Kugel, Marie
Kugel, Rudolph J.
Kulas, Geraldine
Kulas, Sylvester
Kulas, Theodore G. - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Allar, Gordon L. (1944
- 2015)
Obit: Behrens, Thomas F. (1930
- 2015)
Obit: Cammers, Earl J. (1937
- 2015)
Obit: Kocher, Mary Ann (1926
- 2015)
Obit: Koltis, Patricia Mae #2
(1932 - 2015)
Obit: Larsen, Royce L. #2 (1923
- 2015)
Obit: McFarlane, Donna F. (1930
- 2015)
Obit: Rueth, Paul F. Sr. (1957
- 2015)
Obit: Schmitz, Leroy C. (1931
- 2015)
Obit: Shinkle, Albert L. #2
(1937 - 2015)
Obit: Smith, Leona M. #2 (1933
- 2015)
18 May
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville News (8 Apr
News: Neillsville News (15 Apr
Obit: Fitzpatrick, Sharon Gertrude
(1943 - 2015)
Obit: Ford, Linda M. (1955 -
Obit: Konieczny, Malin George
(1925 - 2015)
Obit: Maier, Norman Raymond
(1928 - 2015)
Obit: Schultze, Richard M. (1932
- 2015)
Obit: Schultze, Robert Daniel
"Buck" (1928 - 2015)
Obit: Tkachuk, Lydia Mary (1923
- 2015)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Kraemer, Travis (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Miskulin, Nicholas (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Schield, Edward (Retirement
- 2015)
Bio: Schield, Kevin (Promotion
- 2015)
Bio: Schield, Mark (Promotion
- 2015)
Bio: Schreiner, Jacob (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Temme, Alexa (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Thieme, Derek (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Whited, Major Terry (Military
Retirement - 2014)
News: Abbotsford (26 Mar 1925)
Obit: House, Edward L. (1930
- 2015)
Obit: Swanson, George (1930
- 2015)
New Tombstone Photos provided
by Kathy Englebretson
Kramer, Alfred
Kramer, Arvid F.
Kramer, Clarence P.
Kramer, Clarence P. - Military
Kramer, Conrad
Kramer, Edna
Kramer, Emma Louise
Kramer, Helen M.
Kramer, Helen M.
Kramer, Henry
Kramer, Howard H.
Kramer, Howard H. - Military
Kramer, James J.
Kramer, James J. - Military
Kramer, Orin
Kramer, Rosalind C.
Kramer, Vivian M.
Krause Family Stone
Krause, Johanna
Krause, William
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioM: Anderson, Kathleen E.
BioM: Garcia, Ramona (1967)
BioM: Mantik, Bethel Ann (1967)
BioM: Stankowski, Patricia M.
BioM: Weisenberger, Cheryl Faye
#2 (1967)
BioM: White, Kathie (1967)
Obit: Hanson, Haaken/Haken/Hakon
(1860? - 1939)
Obit: Humke, Everett Dale (1925
- 2015)
Obit: Marcott, Ray (1889 - 1967)
Obit: Stszeszynski, Sophie #2
(1893 - 1957)
School: Abbotsford H.S. Class
of 1927 (50th Reunion - 1967)
School: Abbotsford H.S. Class
of 1957 (10 yr. Reunion - 1967)