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June, 2022 Archives


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30 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Hanby, Teresa (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Johnson, Barbara (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Miller Family (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Quicker-Vanderwyst (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Seidelman-Wieting (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Selves Family (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Voigt, Tamela Jane (Engagement - 1980)

BioA: Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (63rd - 1980)

BioA: Georgas, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer (40th - 1980)

BioA: Naedler, Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert (Golden - 1980)

BioM: Kaczor, Alice (1980)

BioM: Ritter, Pamela Ann (1980)

BioM: Schoengarth, Carla Kay (1980)

BioM: Sepp, Janet Leah (1980)

BioM: Sharratt, Barbara Nora (1980)

BioM: Stewart, Cynthia Carol (1980)

BioM: Theurer, Ruth Ann (1980)

BioM: Zschernitz, Melodie Ann (1980)

News: Granton- Elmer Marg’s (Grandparents - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Krause Farm (1917)

*Fred W. Krause to Theo Bonsack


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Hainzlsperger, Fay - Who’s Who Selection (1972-73)

Bio: Loucks, Denise A. (Engagement - Aug 1973)

Bio: Meyers, Darin Lee (Birth - 7 Aug 1973)

Bio: Schultz, Kathy - FHA Demonstration Contest (1973)

BioM: Buchholz, Cathy Ann (1973)

BioM: Herrmann, Cathy Jo (1973)

Obit: Payne, Walter W. (1886 - 1973)

Obit: Plutte, Emma P. (1878 - 1973)

Obit: Sterzinger, Joseph A. (1876 - 1973)

Obit: Vandehey, Raymond H. #2 (1901 - 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Colby St. Mary's:

SM - Sterzinger, Joseph Anton


Colby Township - St. Paul's:

P - Plutte, Emma Pauline


Loyal City:

V - Vandehey, Raymond H.


29 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Aspen, Ole S. (1898- 1988)

Obit: Boe, Amos (1901 - 1988)

Obit: Butterfield, Richard H. (1966 - 1988)

Obit: Counsell, Marvin J. (1904 - 1988)

Obit: Dietrich, Marian (1927 - 1988)

Obit: Gibbons, Jean E. (1923 - 1988)

Obit: Hart, Revella (1896- 1988)

Obit: Hoffmann, William F. (1904 - 1988)

Obit: Mayer, Gina M. (1967 - 1988)

Obit: McHone, Clarence (1921 - 1988)

Obit: Reisner, Oscar C. (1907 - 1988)

Obit: Rosenbaum, Janet M. (1924 - 1988)

Obit: Schmidt, Emil H. (1901 - 1988)

Obit: Seliskar, Rochelle M. (1964 - 1988)

Obit: Selves, Kim (1968 - 1988)

Obit: Tompkins, Lorraine (1915 - 1988)

Obit: Trewartha, Marjorie (1902 - 1988)

Obit: Turner, Victor (1910 - 1988)

Obit: Tykac, Elfrieda (1903 - 1988)

Obit: Williams, Mabel E. (1898 - 1988)

Obit: Windom, Elmer #2(1903 - 1988)

Obit: Winter, Ruth C. (1914 - 1988)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Kocherer Stock Farm (1910)

*John Kocherer to Miss Maggie Hoss?


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Frane, Shannon Sue (Baptism - 26 Aug 1973)

Bio: Merwin Family - 36th Reunion (19 Aug 1973)

Bio: Schmidt, Larry W. - ROTC Summer Camp (1973)

Bio: Schwoch, Ted Jr. - Cited for Excellent Sales/Service (1972)

Bio: Tyznik, Debra Lynn (Engagement - Aug 1973)

BioM: Brunker, Mary Lee (1973)

BioM: Frane, Barbara (1973)

BioM: Mannel, Karon Ruth (1973)

Obit: Blair, Herman E. (1897 - 1973)

Obit: Nosbisch, Christina (1895 - 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Colby St. Mary's:

N - Nosbisch, Christina


Abbotsford City:

B - Blair, Herman Eugene


Greenwood City:

BO - Boe, Amos

TI - Tompkins, Lorraine


Neillsville City:

AS - Aspen, Ole S.

CORN - Counsell, Marvin J.

HOF - Hoffmann, William F.

ROG - Rosenbaum, Janet M.

SCHL - Schmidt, Emil H.

SEI - Selves, Kim

WIN - Winter, Ruth C.


Neillsville St. Mary's:

M - Mayer, Gina Marie


Grant Township Cemetery:

A - Dietrich, Marian


Granton Windfall Cemetery:

M - McHone, Clarence Sr.

T - Trewartha, Marjorie

WI - Williams, Mabel E.


Granton Zion Missouri Synod Lutheran:

N - Reisner, Oscar C.


Granton Zion American Lutheran:

T - Tykac, Elfrieda


Mentor Township Cemetery:

SE - Seliskar, Rochelle M.


28 Jun 2022


New Records provided by Steve Roberts and posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Bio: Andreason, Cara (Jr. Fair Queen - 1980)

Bio: Barney, Patty (Grad - 1980)

Bio: Feudt, Wendy (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Hanson, Kathie (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Liebzeit, Heidi - Marine P.F.C. (Service Notes - 1980)

Bio: Moltzen, Mary Marie (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Roach, Kristopher Mark (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Schneider, Amy Elizabeth (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Slipek, Chet (Banking Grad - 1980)

Bio: Syth, Timothy Christian (Birth - 1980)

BioA: Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin (Golden - 1980

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Aug. - 1980)

BioM: Vollrath, Vicki Lee (1980)

Obit: Gormanson, Elmer W. (1925 - 1980)

Obit: Grimm, Albert W. (1900 - 1980)

Obit: Joyce, Vera R. #3 (1894 - 1980)

Obit: Tischer, Carl A. (1907 - 1980)

Obit: Walter, Daniel Dean (1972 - 1980)

Obit: Williams, Oliver (1907 - 1980)

School: Granton Class of ’32 to ‘40 (Reunite - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Methodist Church (Unk Date)


Cemetery Corrections for Tessmer in Dorchester Memorial South and North


Tessmer, Henrietta - Maiden name Volk, not Tacke, in Dorchester Memorial North

Tessmer, Carl - Mother's maiden name Volk, not  Tacke, in Dorchester Memorial South

Tessmer, William - Mother's maiden name Volk, not  Tacke,  in Dorchester Memorial South


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Bernt, Chad Herman (Birth - 6 Aug 1973)

Bio: Malchow Family Reunion (18 Aug 1973)

Bio: Mueller, Anna/George - Family Reunion (Aug 1973)

Bio: Schulz, Erika Ann (Birth - 7 Aug 1973)

BioA: German, Mr./Mrs. Harley #2 (Gold - 1973)

BioA: Morrow, Mr./Mrs. James W. (Gold - 1973)

BioM: Carlson, Stephanie (1973)

BioM: Venzke, Judy (1973)

Church: Greenwood - Trinity Lutheran New Pastor (Aug 1973)

Church: Withee - St. John’s Lutheran New Pastor (Aug 1973)

News: Clark Co. - Judging Team Fifth at State Fair (1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

JOHNST - Joyce, Vera

WI - Williams, Oliver


Neillsville St. Mary's:

W - Walter, Daniel Dean


Fremont Township - Immanuel Methodist:

A - Grimm, Albert W.


Weston Township - West Cemetery:

F - Gormanson, Elmer W.


27 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Hinkelmann, Devani Named State FFA Officer (2022)

Bio: Neville Family - Five Generations (2022)

Bio: Olson Family - Hosting Greenwood Dairy Breakfast (26 June 2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jun/Jul - 2022)

News: Clark Co. - Farm Technology Days (2022)

News: Loyal - Library Gives Back to Supporter (2022)

News: Willard-Dancing The Night Away (Polka Fest - 2022)

Obit: Balciar, Dona Lee (1939 - 2022)

Obit: Barrette, Alice Marie (1928 - 2022)

Obit: Cusick, Benjamin Vance (1939 - 2022)

Obit: Free, Debbie K. (1974 - 2022)

Obit: Fleming, Mary Yvonne #2 (1956 - 2021)

Obit: Orheim, Sharon Kae (1939 - 2022)

Obit: Rickard, James H. (1927 - 2022)

Obit: Riedel, Dorothy R. (1927 - 2022)

Obit: Theiler, Raymond Fredrick (1942 - 2022)

Obit: Votava, Devonne Pauline (1935 - 2022)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Methodist Church (1948)

To: Mrs. W. T. Broun


New Records posted by Janet Schwarze


BioM: Venet, Impe Lydia (19 May 1920)

Obit: Dunevant, Anne M. Noess (1890 - 1976)

Obit: Dunevant, Doris (1923-1924)

Obit: Dunevant, Edith (1922-1924)

Obit: Dunevant, Impe "Lydia" Venet (1902-1924)

Obit: Dunevant, Pearl (1921-1924)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Holtz Family Reunion (Aug 1973)

Bio: Kayhart, Steven John (Baptism - 5 Aug 1973)

Bio: Nehrlich, Kristin Sue (Baptism - 19 Aug 1973)

Bio: Orth, Conrad - Receives VFW Appointment (Aug 1973)

Bio: Schmidt, Judene - FBI Employee (Aug 1973)

Bio: Schmidt, Marilyn - Bridal Shower (Aug 1973)

Bio: Wichlacz, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Edwin (Birth - 14 Aug 1973)

BioA: Genrich, Mr./Mrs. Otto (Gold - 1973)

News: Abbotsford - House of Dav-Ed Receive Award (Aug 1973)

Obit: Meyer, Melvin (1928 - 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


East Thorp City:

O - Orheim, Sharon Kae


Mentor Township Cemetery:

CO - Cusick, Benjamin Vance

T - Theiler, Raymond Frederick


Neillsville City:

V - Votava, Devonne Pauline


24 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 17 Mar 2021

Good Old Days 24 Mar 2021


New Postcards from Steve Roberts & Ellen Johnson


Photo: Greenwood, WI, Tornado, Charles Farm (1907)

*George Gemmeke to Mina Gemmeke Smyth


Photo: Thorp, WI, Methodist Church

*Mentions Walter T. Surface


New Record posted by Janet Schwarze


Bio: Surface, Walter T. (1888 - 1977)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Brunker, Mary Lee - To Teach at Janesville (1973)

Bio: Buchholz, Cathy (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Edblom Family Reunion (1973)

Bio: Firnstahl, Rory Daniel (Baptism - 29 Jul 1973)

Bio: Gumz Family - Hosting Colby Dairy Breakfast (2022)

Bio: Jensen Dean - Outstanding Elementary Teacher (1973)

Bio: Oehmichen, Barbara - Personal Awareness Workshop (1973)

Bio: Olson Family - Hosting Greenwood Dairy Breakfast (2022)

BioM: Broeske, Jean M. (1973)

BioM: Firnstahl, Diane (1973)

Church: Dorchester St. Peter’s Lutheran (New Pastor - Aug 1973)

News: Clark County - FFA Scholarships (2022)

Obit: Melvin, Angela J. (1969 - 2022)

School: Colby H.S. - Bender Scholarships (1973)


23 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Flood Family (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Govek, Carol - Ecuador (Peace Corps - 1980)

Bio: Humke, George (90th - 1980)

Bio: Keating, Lorrie - Fairest of the Fair (Aug 1980)

Bio: Richmond-Higby Families (14th Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Swan Family-Century Farm (1980)

Bio: VandeBerg, Renee (Biking/Italy - 1980)

BioM: Boyer, Patricia Fae (1980)

BioM: Dolenski, Theresa (1980)

BioM: Kopp, Norma Jean (1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Aug. - 1980)

BioM: Sherman, Bonnie Jean Lorraine (1980)

BioM: Tregembo, Kathleen (1980)

BioM: Ulrich, Julie Kay (1980)

BioM: Ure, Barbara (1980)

News: Clark Co. - UW-Eau Claire (Degrees - 1980)

Obit: Hepburn, Howard (? - 1980)

Obit: Seif, Erna L. #2 (1913- 1980)

School: NHS Class of 1955 (25th - 1980)

School: NHS Class of 1945 (35th - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, St. Bernard's Catholic Church


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Fischer, Dale Michael (Birth - 23 Jul 1973)

Bio: Garbisch, Mr./Mrs. Paul - Family (Reunion - 15 Jul 1973)

Bio: Johnson, J. V. - Family (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Kittl, Gwen Marie (Birth - 23 Jul 1973)

Bio: Nehrlich, Kristin Sue (Birth - 22 Jul 1973)

Bio: Steinwagner, Ronald - SP-4 (On Leave - Jul 1973)

BioM: Beyerl, Alice Agnes #2 (1973)

BioM: Pflanzer, JoAnn Lucille (1973)

News: Dorchester - 2 Men Join Air Force (Jul 1973)

School: Colby H.S. Class of 1933-34 (Reunion - Jul 1973)


22 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Havlicek, Diane (Scholarship - 1980)

Bio: Sebesta, Robert - New Position 1980)

Bio: Whalen, Carrie Lynn (Birth - 1980)

BioA: Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Manford (54th - 1980)

BioA: Yunker, Mr. and Mrs. George (Golden - 1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jul/Aug - 1980)

BioM: Mathis, Sylvia L. (1980)

BioM: Walker, Diane K. (1980)

BioM: Xiong, Mai Lor (1980)

BioM: Zank, Lori L. (1980)

News: Clark Co- UW-Stout (Chancellor’s Award - 1980)

News: Willard - Slovenska Druzba Members Gather (1980)

Obit: Barton, Eugene J. (? - 1980)

Obit: Davis, William J. #2 (1909 - 1980)

Obit: Digoski, Bertha (1910 - 1980)

Obit: Seif, Erna (1913 - 1980)

Obit: Weber, Joseph B. (1906 - 1980)

School: Granton H.S. Class of 1930 (50 Years - 1980)

School: NHS Class of 1925 (55 Years - 1980)

School: NHS FFA (Judging - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Polish Catholic Church (1915)

*To Leo Becker


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Clifford, Mrs. Joe - Exec. Secretary of National Lily Club (1973)

Bio: Orth, Allen Craig (Birth - 3 Jul 1973)

Bio: Schaefer, Joette (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Schwoch, Yvonne Elaine (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Viergutz, Susan Irene - To Attend Concordia College (1973)

Bio: Zuber, Mark - UW-River Falls Dean’s List (Spring 1973)

BioM: Erickson, Lynn (1973)

BioM: Heiman, Lorene (7 Jul 1973)

News: Colby - Imbach/Kraemer Family Reunion (Jul 1973)

News: Curtiss - Two students attend Educational Institute (Jul 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

SEI - Seif, Erna


Lynn Township Cemetery:

D - Digoski, Bertha


21 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Allbaugh, Mrs. George (90th - 1980)

Bio: Baltus Family (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Hagen Family (Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Klatt, Bradley Michael (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Pfeiffer, Julie Marie (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Poler Family (Annual Reunion - 1980)

Bio: Scott, Bonnie (Teenager Pageant - 1980)

Bio: Tolley, Terri (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Waggoner Reunion (Dairy Farm - 1980)

BioA: Trimberger, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo (Golden - 1980)

BioM: Hewitt, Mary Beth (1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jul/Aug - 1980)

BioM: Maxim, Cynthia M. (1980)

BioM: Ormond, Janice Marie (1980)

Church: York Center Church (History - 1980)

News: Clark Co.- College Notes (Honors - 1980)

Obit: Metcalf, LaVern L. (1932 - 1980)

Obit: Neville, Anna F. (1892 - 1980)

Obit: Stelter, Oscar H. (1906 - 1980)

School: NHS Class of 1960 (20th - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Blue Moon Cheese Factory (1951)

*E. Nitschke to Christie Vick


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Block, Jay E. - To Attend Brown Institute (1973)

Bio: Krueger, Dennis - Attends Seminar at Telemark (Jul 1973)

BioM: Giese, Ellen Gail (1973)

BioM: McSween, Peggie A. (1973)

BioM: Olson, Mavis Carol (1973)

News: Abbotsford - Two Enlist in U.S. Army (1973)

News: Clark Co. - CWFA Elects Officers (1973)

News: Thorp - New Bakery (May 2022)

Obit: Bartnik, Frank J. (1907 - 1973)

Obit: Bittner, Mary (1891 - 1973)

Obit: Graham, Matthew J. (1985 -2022)

Obit: Mandel, Albert H. (1900 - 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Dorchester Memorial:

BI - Bittner, Mary


Colby Memorial:

M - Mandel, Albert Henry


Colby St. Mary's:

B - Bartnik, Frank Joseph


Neillsville City:

MET - Metcalf, LaVern L.

STE - Stelter, Oscar H.


Neillsville St. Mary's:

N - Neville, Anna


20 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Kren, Tom - Local Farmer Honored (2022)

Bio: Schleifer, Richard - Coroner to Retire (2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (June - 2022)

News: Neillsville - Lions Donate Fire Department (2022)

Obit: Brey, Dawn J. (1956 - 2022)

Obit: Chase, Kenneth (1945 - 2022)

Obit: DeCaire, Carol J. (1934 - 2022)

Obit: Hoffman, Laura Ann (1967 - 2022)

Obit: Lube, Betty A. (1947 - 2022)

Obit: Minor, Nicholas “Nick” Dale (1948 - 2022)

Obit: Nell, Trudy J. (1952 - 2022)

Obit: Sladek, Lorraine “Sue” Caroline (1935 - 2022)

Obit: Tomasello, Richard “Rick” John (1952 - 2022)

Obit: Wellnitz, Ann L. (1948 - 2022)

School: NHS Graduates Earn Elks Awards (2022)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Blue Moon Cheese Factory

*Second postcard added


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Frane, Darlene Ann (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Hafeman, Mark Matthew (Birth - 2 Jul 1973)

Bio: Hutchins, Michael - Receives AF Reserve Awards (1973)

Bio: Jannene, Natalyn - WBA Scholarship (2022)

Bio: Oberle, Eugene - Honor Stone at Highground (2022)

Bio: Peterson, Ann Rita (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Schroth, Sandra Ann (Engagement - 1973)

BioA: Brecker, Mr./Mrs. Frank (Gold - 27 Nov 1973)

BioM: Apfelbeck, Sharon Lorraine (1973)

News: North Clark Co. - UW-Superior Dean’s List (Spring 1973)

News: Thorp - Lion's Club Celebrates 90th Year (2022)

News: Unity - Legion Post Celebrates 100th Anniversary (2022)

Obit: Griffin, Julie M. ( 1956 - 2022)

Obit: Jackowicz, Dolores L. (1929 - 2022)

Obit: Nienow, Marie (1882 - 1973)

Obit: Stull, Pearl (1896? - 1973)

School: Colby H.S. Class of 1957 (65th Reunion - 2022)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Greenwood City:

BR - Brey, Dawn J.


Neillsville City:

CE - Chase, Kenneth

SK - Sladek, Lorraine "Sue" Caroline


Neillsville St. Mary's:

T- Tomasello, Richard "Rick" John


14 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Guy (Farewell - 1980)

Bio: Bucheger, Captain Jerome P. (Service Notes - 1980)

Bio: Garbisch, Janice Lynn (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Lindenlaub, Sharon (Court Reporter - 1980)

Bio: Mayer, Susan Kay (Engagement- 1980)

Bio: Schultz, Karalee (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Zank, Lori (Engagement - 1980)

BioA: Plautz, Mr. and Mrs. Steve (Golden - 1980)

BioA: Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Darol (Silver - 1980)

BioM: Burr, Nicolet (1980)

BioM: Geldernick, Fay Ann (1980)

BioM: Gutenberger, Kim M. (1980)

BioM: Scharf, Faye Ellen (1980)

BioM: Spiegel, Nancy Jean (1980)

BioM: VandeBerg, Marcia (1980)

Obit: Emrich, Emma M. (1883 - 1980)

Obit: Gentemann, Katharina (1887 - 1980)

Obit: Graham, Ina (1895 - 1980)

Obit: Grottke, Bernard A. (1908 - 1980)

News: Merrillan High School Alumni (Reunion - 1980)

New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Blue Moon Cheese Factory (1962)

*Nell & Charlie to Pearl Fawcett


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Dums/Miller - UW-La Crosse Dean’s List (2nd Sem. 1972-73)

Bio: Friedenfels, Deborah Jean - Miss Rural Electrification (1973)

Bio: Rafok, Debra - UW-Marshfield Center Dean’s List (2nd Sem. - 1972-73)

Bio:Tennis, Bernard - UW-Marshfield Center Dean’s List (2nd Sem. 1972-73)

BioM: Nikolay, Mary (23 Jun 1973)

Obit: Boxrucker, Thomas D. (1953 - 1973)

Obit: Brown, Kenneth H. (1909 - 1973)

Obit: Dhein, Anna (1892 - 1973)

Obit: Lewan, Emily (? - 1973)

School: Colby H.S. FBLA Award (Jun 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

GE - Genteman, Katharina

GRE - Grottke, Bernard A.


13 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Schmitz, Kolin - Completes Eagle Scout Project (2022)

Bio: Schultz, Halo, Named Poppy Princess (2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (May/Jun - 2022)

News: Neillsville - ‘The History Room’ - Glimpse Into Past (2022)

Obit: Greschner, Lucille (1928 - 2022)

Obit: Kren, Thomas Scott (1962 - 2022)

Obit: Laabs, Joanne H. #2 (1947 - 2022)

Obit: Larson, Harland Palmer (1932 - 2022)

Obit: Margraf, Kathleen Suzanne (1926 - 2022)

Obit: Mess, Derek R. (1982 - 2022)

Obit: Millard, Barbara H. (1943 - 2022)

Obit: Noah, Cheryl L. (1979 - 2022)

Obit: Thompson, Gary R. #2 (1941- 2021)

Obit: Zinthefer, Darlene Gertrude (1940- 2022)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Blue Moon Cheese Factory


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Beran, Frank R. - FFA State Farmer Degree (June 1973)

Bio: Mannel, Karon (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Roytek, Diane - Dorchester Centennial Queen (Jun 1973)

Bio: Wellner, Evelyn (Engagement - 1973)

BioM: Brueggeman, Sherry Ann (1973)

News: Colby/Abby - College Week for Women (Jun 1973)

News: Dorchester - Centennial Parade Winners (Jun 1973)

Obit: Rindfleisch, Walter (1897 - 1973)

Obit: Schemenauer, Alma M. (1887? - 1973)

Obit: Specht, Ida L. (1896 - 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Hixon Tonswhip - Riverside:

GR - Greschner, Lucille


Mayville Township - Pine Hill:

L - Laabs, Joanne H.


Marathon Co - Spencer Trinity:

M - Rindfleisch, Walter


Greenwood City:

NO - Noah, Cheryl Lynn


Neillsville St. Mary's:

KN - Kren, Thomas Scott


10 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 3 Mar 2021

Good Old Days 10 Mar 2021


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Thorp Finance (unk date)


New Record posted by Janet Schwarze


History: Wisconsin's Five Capitol Buildings (1929)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Beck, Susan - UW Center Medford Dean’s List (1973)

Bio: Krauter, Louella - Honored for 25 Years Teaching (Jun 1973)

Bio: Lenz, Mildred (Engagement - May 1973)

Bio: Loucks, Denise - Carroll College Band Council Pres. (1973-74)

BioM: Hamm, Donna Sue (1973)

BioM: Karlen, Diane (1973)

News: Abbotsford - NCTI Graduates (1973)

News: Colby - NCTI Graduates (1973)

Obit: Barker, Louise A. (1887 - 1973)

Obit: Raatz, Edward A. #2 (1913 - 1973)

Cemetery Updates/Additions


Abbotsford City:

B - Barker, Louise A.


Colby Memorial:

R - Raatz, Edward


9 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Braatz, Janice (Engagement- 1980)

Bio: Buchholz, Christy Ann (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Decker, Randall & Donald (Grads - 1980)

Bio: Drescher, Mary (Engagement - 1980)

Bio: Duram, Jason Alexander (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Fillegar, Lillian (Hiemke) (Grad - 1980)

Bio: Fischer, Patti (Award - 1980)

Bio: Foster, Gregory (Grad - 1980)

Bio: Grady, Bryce James (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Palms, Richard Allen (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Pederson, Joshua Steven (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Shumway - Family Reunion (1980)

Bio: Strey, Julie Marie (Birth - 1980)

Bio: Suda, Son of Mr./Mrs. Anthony (Birth - 1980)

Bio: VandeBerg, Gale L. (Awards - 1980)

Bio: Vania, Dawn (Engagement - 1980)

BioA: Meinholdt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (45th - 1980)

Church: Greenwood - Zion Church of Christ (History of Pastor - 1980)

News: Neillsville - Clark County Press (5 Top Awards - 1980)

News: Neillsville - Dairy Days (Local Winners - 1980)

New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Thorp Finance (1941)

*Tallie, Loren & Lindalu to John & Nora McGuine


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Gipp, Corey Don (Birth - 15 May 1973)

Bio: Rasch, Rev. Arthur - Honored at Retirement (May 1973)

Bio: Schwartz, R. Reeves - Retires as Principal of Colby H.S.

Bio: Smart, Diane M. (Engagement - May 1973)

Bio: Umlauft, Lois Jean (Engagement - May 1973)

Bio: Venzke, Daniel - North Central Bible Grad (May 1973)

Bio: Weis, Diane - North Central Tech Graduate (May 1973)

Bio: Wisniewski, Mary Jo - Master of Education (May 1973)

Obit: Warden, Guy (? - 1973)


8 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Bohnsack, Karen (Grad. - 1980)

Bio: Embke, Terry Lee (BS Degree - 1980)

Bio: Garbisch, James A. - Spec. 4 (Service Notes - 1980)

Bio: Hediger, Lucretia (Scholarship - 1980)

Bio: Jacobson, Rozanne (Grad. - 1980)

Bio: Lindloff, Tim (Grad. - 1980)

Bio: Seefeldt, Jane Renee (Engagement - 1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (June - 1980)

BioM: Smith, Lisa Karlene (1980)

News: Clark Co.- College/Tech School Grads (1980)

News: Clark Co.- UW-Marshfield (Talentships - 1980)

News: Clark Co.- Mid State (Grad/Honors - 1980)

Obit: Embke, Mary (1900 - 1980)

Obit: Galetka Terri Ann (1961 - 1980)

Obit: Halik. Anna (1890 - 1980)

Obit: Hiles, Wallace (1940 - 1980)

Obit: Marek, Jennie (1899 - 1980)

School: Greenwood Alumni Banquet (24 May 1980)

School: Greenwood H.S. Class of 1930 (50 Year - 1980)

School: Greenwood H.S. Graduation (1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, American Legion


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Haas, Linda - To Teach at School in Missouri (1973)

Bio: Wilde, Marie “Blondie” - Manager at Corner Café (May 1973)

BioM: Myre, Jane (1973)

News: Abbotsford - 2 UW-River Falls Graduates (May 1973)

News: North Clark Co. - UW-Marshfield Scholarships (1973)

News: North Clark Co. - UW-Stevens Point Graduates (1973)

Obit: Engeldinger, Albert P. (1892 - 1973)

Obit: Rayner, Angeline #2 (1889 - 1973)

School: Colby - 7 Teachers Retiring (1973)

School: Colby - Zion Lutheran Graduation (1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

EI - Embke, Mary


Neillsville St Mary's:

G - Galetka, Terri Ann


Grant Township Cemetery:

H - Hiles, Wallace


Lynn Township Cemetery:

M - Marek, Jennie


7 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Oldham, Courtney - Neillsville H.S. DAR Good Citizen (2022)

Bio: Zupanc, Timmy - Disney On Ice Tour (2022)

BioA: Urlaub, Mr. and Mrs. Ben (65th - 2022)

News: Clark County Food Pantry Meets Food Drive Goal (2022)

News: Neillsville - Protecting Kids’ Noggins (2022)

Obit: Braun, Alice (1924 - 2022)

Obit: Dull, Debra L. (1951 - 2022)

Obit: Felser, Annette Lydia (1923 - 2022)

Obit: Hart, Beryl Jr. (1935 - 2022)

Obit: Horn, Daniel Scott (1959 - 2022)

Obit: Griep, Eleanor Verna (1930 - 2022)

Obit: Griep, Raymond Donald (1923 - 2019)

Obit: Larocque, Alan L. (1957 - 2022)

Obit: Leonard, Yvonne A. “Boots” (1933 - 2022)

Obit: Marotti, Diane Lyn (1960 - 2022)

Obit: Meltesen, Mildred M. (1937 - 2022)

Obit: Tomczak, Lannie Paul (1967 - 2022)

Obit: Winkler, Bruce (1943 - 2022)

School: Neillsville HS Seniors Earn $160K + In Scholarships (2022)


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson


Bio: Nowak, Josie (Early graduation request 1983)

BioM: Giller, Lorraine Darlene (1983)

BioM: Sebold, Sara Jane (1983)

BioM: Stutte, Constance Sue (1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Farmers' & Merchant Bank (1912-1932)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Bowen, Dr. Robert - Assistant Dean at UW-SP (1973)

Bio: Firnstahl, Mr./Mrs. Isy - Colby Centennial Royalty (1973)

Bio: Loucks, Denise - Special Honors (1973)

Bio: Witt, Mary Ellen - New Clark Co. Home Economist (Jun 1973)

BioM: Binning, Cheryl Ray (1973)

BioM: Hedler, Judy ( 1973)

Church: Abbotsford - First Presbyterian Confirmation (1973)

News: Abbotsford - Hawkeye Dairy Store (New - 1973)

News: Abbotsford - New Shoe Store Owners (1973)

News: North Clark Co. - UW-Eau Claire Graduates (1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Hoard Township - St. Paul's:

S - Tomczak, Lannie Paul


Warner - Forest Hill:

A - Braun, Alice (to be buried later)


Loyal City:

DR - Dull, Debra Lynn


Neillsville City:

WI - Williams Edna


6 Jun 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Adamec, Anton “Tony” (1940 - 2012)

Obit: Anderson, Eunice Jean (1930 - 2022)

Obit: Bertrang, Edgar Lee (1939? - 1963)

Obit: Finder, Olive Udell (1919 - 2019)

Obit: Gregorich, Marilyn C. (1939 - 2011)

Obit: Hagen, Eugene William (1939 - 2021)

Obit: Hull, Eleanore Josephine (1931 - 2022)

Obit: Lovvik, Mary Louise (1939 - 2003)

Obit: Schultz, Warren Gene (1945 - 2022)

Obit: Thomas, Susan (1939 - 1988)

Obit: Chris, Jeffrey C. (1966 - 2022)

Obit: Kuechenmeister, Marlene Martha (1937 - 2022)

Obit: Meyer, Charles Gene (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Slominski, Douglas Irvin (1961 - 2022)

Obit: Spiegel, Dennis Alan (1950 - 2022)

Obit: Wellner, Alvin J. (1938 - 2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (May/Jun - 2022)

Obit: Bennett, Theresa Mildred (1935 - 2022)

Obit: Frei, Mary Jane (1932 - 2022)

Obit: Frinack, Patrick C. (1954 - 2022)


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson

Bio: Carl, DuWayne R. (Treasurer of Wisconsin Lions Club 1983)

Bio: Cowherd, John J. (Maran-Atha Fellowship 1983)

Church: Colby - United Methodist (100th Anniversary 1983)

News: Clark County (Military Updates 1983)

News: Colby Fiesta Corp (Outlaw Sentence 1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts (Second card added)


Photo: Thorp, WI, Club 73

*Frank Kinas, proprietor


New Abby Cemetery Photos provided by Jack Bremer


Collazo, Garvey, Horacek, Koerner, Polzin, Telford


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Cooper, Virginia Lee (Engagement 1973)

Bio: Hainzlsperger, Fay - Awarded Scholarship (1973)

Bio: Jensen, Karen - Elected to Gold Caps (1973)

BioM: Hanne, Jean (1973)

BioM: Jerabek, Shelley (1973)

BioM: Witte, Lynn (1973)

Obit: Pudleiner, Emil (1895 - 1973)

Obit: Rayner, Angeline (1889 - 1973)

Obit: Schorer, Agnes (1882 - 1973)

Obit: Sterzinger, Dena (1885 - 1973)

School: Thorp H.S. - Top 10% of Senior Class (2022)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Hixon Township - Riverside

FR - Frinack, Patrick C.


Abbotsford City:

C - Chris, Jeffrey C.

R - Rayner, Angleline


Dorchester Memorial:

PR - Pudleiner, Emil


Colby Memorial:

SCHO - Schorer, Agnes A.


Colby St. Mary's:

SM - Sterzinger, Dena


York Township - York Center:

E - Finder, Olive Udell


Neillsville City:

O - O'Dell, Alvina A.

SOU - Spiegel, Dennis Alan


Neillsville St. Mary's:

F - Frei, Mary Jane


27 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 17 Feb 2021

Good Old Days 24 Feb 2021


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson

BioM: Dietsche, Cheri Edrie (1983)

BioM: Verhulst , Diane M. (1983)

News: Loyal (Eagle Scout Awards 1983)

Obit: Brehm, Hortense (1897-1983)

Obit: Carlquist, Dale (1983-1937)

Obit: Hoeper, Margaret (1903-1983)

Obit: Schwanebeck, Anna (1896-1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Club 73

*Frank Kinas, proprietor


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Anderson, Jason Edward (Baptism - 21 Apr 1973)

Bio: Becker, Allen M. - Appointed to Air Force Academy (1973)

Bio: Heindl, Thomas James (Baptism - 22 Apr 1973)

Bio: Kadonsky, William - Achievement Award (1973)

Bio: Nacker, Sheila - Full Tuition Scholarship (1973)

Bio: Sobeck, Morgan - St. Norbert’s Grad (2022)

BioA: Goeltz, Mr./Mrs. Frank Jr. (Silver - Apr 1973)

Church: Colby - Zion Lutheran Confirmation (1973)

School: Abbotsford H.S. Top Seniors (1973)

School: Abbotsford High School Prom Royalty (1973)

School: Colby H.S. Graduation (2022)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Hixon Township - Riverside:

HO - Hoeper, Margaret C.


Colby Memorial:

BR - Brehm, Hortense


Sherwood Township Cemetery:

S - Schwanebeck, Anna

26 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Awe, Cheryl Ann (Birth - 1977)

Bio: Chadwick Family (Service Notes - 1979)

Bio: Pfeiffer, Darlene Kay (Engagement - 1977)

Bio: Riphenburg, New Year Baby (1 Jan 1977)

Bio: Susa, Levi Jacob (Birth - 1977)

Bio: Szalewski, Christine Lynn (Engagement - 1977)

Bio: Turnquist, Elizabeth Lynn (Birth - 1977)

Bio: Welzien, Infant Daughter (Birth - 1979)

News: Clark Co. - WWTI-La Crosse (Who’s Who - 1979)

News: Neillsville Bank Board of Directors (Jan 1977)

Obit: Bombach, Rudy (1914 - 1977)

Obit: Dyre, Almay (? - 1979)

Obit: Milazzo, Phillip (1927 - 1977)

Obit: Neverman, Louis L. (1900 - 1979)

Obit: Pekol, Frank Sr. #2 (1906 - 1977)

Obit: Schlinkert, Emma (1885 - 1979)

Obit: Spaete, Paul Robert (1909 - 1979)

Obit: Thoma, Frank Carl (1896 - 1979)

Obit: Viergutz, Frieda (1900 - 1979)

Obit: Zimmerman, Joseph A. (1889- 1979)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Heidemann Horsehoeing

*Ephriam Heidemann - Christmas Greetings to William Meyer


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Colby, Carol - Earns “A” rating & Certificate (1973)

Bio: Dearth, Mr./Mrs. Ken - Purchase Colby IGA (Apr 1973)

Bio: Feldbruegge, Mary - Awarded Scholarship (1973)

Bio: Rudolph, Tracy (Birth - 18 Apr 1973)

Bio: Shattuck, Wendy Lyn (Baptism - 21 Apr 1973)

Bio: Sleanor, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Robert (Birth - 22 Apr 1973)

News: Abbotsford - 2 Honored by Melvin Firm (Apr 1973)

School: Abbotsford H.S. - Badger Boys Representatives (1973)

School: Colby H.S. - Badger Boys Representatives (1973)

School: Colby H.S. Prom Royalty (1973)

School: Thorp H.S. Prom (2022)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

SCHL - Schlinkert, Emma

ZI - Zimmerman, Joseph A.


Granton - Windfall:

SM - Spaete, Paul Robert


Weston Township  - Globe Imm. Lutheran:

T - Thoma, Frank Carl


Lynn Township Cemetery:

K - Viegutz, Frieda


25 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Awe, Jeffrey Thomas (- 1979)

Bio: Brom, Nathan Jerry (Birth - 1979)

Bio: Foster, Gregory (Who’s Who - 1979)

Bio: Horn, Luann (DAR Award - 1979)

Bio: Huth, Diane (Engagement - 1979)

Bio: Kind, Eric Michael (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Olson, Jennifer Danell (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Olson, Jennifer, Danell (Baptism - 1979)

Bio: Peters, Dr. R.D. ( Attended NCSOC - 1979)

Bio: Rhoades, Shari, Lynn (Engagement - 1979)

Bio: Schiszik, Ryan Lee (Birth - 1979)

Bio: Schmidt, Susan (Engagement - 1979)

Bio: Sischo, Lacey Elizabeth (Birth - 1979)

Bio: Van Dam, Susan Carole (Engagement - 1979)

News: Clark County Jail (New Occupants - 1979)

News: Neillsville Bank-Ollech Named Pres. (1979)

Obit: Falk, Agnes (1915 - 1979)

Obit: Lautenbach, Ralph (1922 - 1979)

Obit: Miller, Maybelle (1906 - 1978)

Obit: Rand, Mabel M. #2 (1895 - 1978)


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson

Bio: Urban, Wade "Chuck" (officer suspended 1983)

BioM: Eaton, Kathleen Gail (1983)

BioM: Rulison, Tamara Jo (1983)

BioM: Van Zummeren, Judy (1983)

Obit: Blakey, Jane (1955-1983)

Obit: Meyer, Florence (1914 - 1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Birdseye View (Early Days)

*F. M. to Mrs. Albert Western / Bessie Van Gorder


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Geiger, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Robert (Birth - 15 Apr 1973)

Bio: Geiger, Tracy Lynn (Baptism - 15 Apr 1973)

Bio: Langham, David Thomas (Birth - 11 Apr 1973)

Bio: Scheel, Audrey (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Schultz, Sally Ann (Engagement - 1973)

BioM: Jagerink, Barbara Lee (1973)

BioM: Polzin, Mary Jane (1973)

BioM: Telford, Sharon Marie (1973)

Obit: Barr, Hilda (1904 - 1973)

Obit: Tessmer, Herman M. (1899 - 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Dorchester Memorial:

T - Tessmer, Herman M.


Colby Memorial:

B - Barr, Hilda


Town of Grant - Zion Amer. Lutheran:

L - Lautenbach, Ralph

24 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Bell, Barbara Jean( Engagement - 1979)

Bio: Garbisch, Stephanie Lynn (Birth - 1979)

Bio: Layton, Infant Boy (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Lindner, Karen Sue (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Rhoades, Sandi (College - 1977)

Bio: Rhoades, Shari L. (Service Notes - 1977)

Bio: Schmidt, Wendy Jean (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Vetterkind, Vincent Edward (Birth - 1978)

BioM: Boswick, Rebecca (1978)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jan. - 1977)

BioM: Smagacz, Lorraine Kathryn (1977)

BioM: Soto, Ena (1976)

News: Neillsville - College Notes (Dean’s List - 1977)

News: Neillsville - New Square Dance Club (1977)

News: Neillsville - Funeral Home Has Name Change (1979)

Obit: Dahnert, Herman Edwin (1894 - 1976)

Obit: Langreck, Jacob #2 (1895 - 1979)

Obit: Mike, Jesse Allen (1905 - 1977)

Obit: Roehl, William Carl #2 (1888? - 1977)

Obit: Wilding, Emma L. #2 (1878 - 1978)

New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson


BioM: Krainz, Ruth Ann (1983)

BioM: Montgomery, Karen Kay (1983)

BioM: Nowak, Caroline Theresa (1983)

Obit: Brossow, Carolyn (1914-1983)

Obit: Foster, Lois (1905-1983)


New Postcards from Steve Roberts & Ellen Johnson


Photo: Thorp, WI, Power Plant & Creamery (1911)

*E. K. to John Knapp


Photo: Thorp, WI, Mattes Livesstock Farm

*Philip O. Mattes


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Anderson, Jason Edward (Birth - 5 Apr 1973)

Bio: Gaulke, Glenn - Science Fair Grand Prize Winner (1983)

Bio: Olson, Mavis Carol (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Weix, Mr./Mrs. Henry - Purchase Furniture Business (Apr 1973)

Obit: Apfelbeck, Carl (1890 - 1973)

Obit: Fischer, Richard C. “Dick” (1930 - 1973)

Obit: Johnson, John W. (1890 - 1973)

Obit: Simerson, Milton (1895 - 1973)

Obit: Zillmer, Emma (1882 - 1973)

School: Abbotsford H.S. - New FBLA Chapter (1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Hixon Township - Riverside:

BRO - Brossow, Carolyn


Colby St. Mary's:

A - Apfelbeck, Carl


Marathon Co. - St. John's Luth. (North Spencer):

D - Fischer, Richard C. "Dick"


Marathon Co. - Unity Trinity Lutheran:

J - Johnson, John Walter


23 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Jakobi, Brandon - Named State FFA Star Finalist (2022)

Bio: Roehl, Rex - Municipal Treasurer Certification (2022)

Bio: Ruchti, Cynthia - Visits Neillsville Public Library (2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (May/Jun - 2022)

News: Neillsville - Celebrates Park, Trailhead Groundbreaking (2022)

News: Neillsville - Donates to ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ (2022)

Obit: Beidel, Mary Magdalene (1932 - 2022)

Obit: Blaskowski, Diane Beth (1944 - 2022)

Obit: Hayden, Casey John Ryan “Higgins” (1983 - 2022)

Obit: Hopfensperger, Esther M. (1957 - 2022)

Obit: Kanter, MaryAnn M. (1939? - 2019)

Obit: Kneller, Beverly D (1938 - 2020)

Obit: Lapp, John G. (1933 - 2022)

Obit: Piotrowski, Barbara M. (1949 - 2022)

Obit: Siudak. Frank L. “Jr.” (1944 - 2022)

Obit: Thompson, Lars (1901 - 1953)

Obit: Tibbett, James (Jim) Frederick, Sr. (1934 - 2018)

Obit: Wick, Lois Elaine “Teep” (1938 - 2002)

Obit: Zrutskie, Dustin L. “Dusty” (1954 - 2022)

School: Greenwood - New Elementary Principal (2022)


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson


Bio: Weyer, Annette Faith (Engagement 1983)

BioM: Hiroskey, Gail Frances (1983)

BioM: Schlough, Cynthia Jean (1983)

News: Loyal (Mini-Rodders 1983)

Obit: Sook, Ellen (1891-1983)

New Records posted by Janet Schwarze


Bio: Fialkowski / Fijalkowski Family

BioM: Fijalkowski, Victoria (1913)

Obit: Becker, Victoria Fialkowski (1892-1986)

News: Thorp, WI, Lost Gold Discovered on the Frinack Farm (13 Nov 1942)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Thorp, WI, Birdseye View (1913)

*Victoria Fijalkowski to "Leo" Leonhard Frank Becker (Her future husband)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Abney, Joy Kara (Birth - 17 Mar 1973)

Bio: Hardrath, Corrine Fay (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Kuehling, Leanne - Junior Festival Solos (1973)

Bio: Nikolay, Lynn - Badger Girl for Abbotsford H.S. (1973)

Bio: Schauer, Burt - ROTC Scholarship (1973)

Bio: Tuttle, Margaret Louise (Engagement - 1973)

Obit: Schemmer, Gertrude D. (1889 - 1973)

Obit: Smart, Charles F. (1896 - 1973)

Obit: Sossaman, Bonnie (1931 - 1973)

School: Colby H.S. Badger Girls Representatives (1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Colby Memorial:

SI - Smart, Charles F.

SO - Sook, Ellen


Sherman Township - West Spencer:

HO - Hopfensperger, Esther Mary


Neillsville St. Mary's:

BL - Blaskowski, Diane Beth

Neillsville City:

T - Thompson, Lars

20 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 3 Feb 2021

Good Old Days 10 Feb 2021


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson


Obit: Doberstein, Dagmar (1909-1983)

Obit: Skaleski, Victor (1911-1983)

New Postcards from Steve Roberts & Ellen Johnson


Photo: Thorp, WI, Tornado Photo & News (1924)


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado Clips (1924)

*Includes a clip of the Frank Hustis Farm

Photo: Thorp, WI, Tornado_Laniewski Farm (1924)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Archambo, Helen - Collection of Kerosene Lamps (1973)

Bio: Hauser, Bryan - Eagle Scout (Mar 1973)

Bio: Meyer, Michelle Renee (Baptism - 18 Mar 1973)

Bio: Thorp, Colleen (Engagement - Mar 1973)

BioM: Stange, Rhonda Marie (1973)

News: Colby/Abbotsford - Scouts in First Aid Meet (Mar 1973)

Obit: Engeldinger, Goldie (1891 - 1973)

Obit: Lulloff, Martha (1902 - 1973)

Obit: Schaefer, Mrs. Werner (1894 - 1973)

Obit: Snedic, James B. (1937? - 2022)

Obit: Wenzel, Carl J. (1885 - 1973)

School: Abbotsford H.S. Graduation (2022)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Colby Memorial:

EM - Engeldinger, Goldie


Colby Township - Green Grove St. Paul:

LI - Lulloff, Martha


19 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Boe, Infant Son (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Fitzmaurice, Daniel D. (Service Notes - 1978)

Bio: Kubaskie, Christopher Nason (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Olson, Jennifer Danell (Baptism - 1979)

Bio: Schapen, Heather Ann (Birth - 1978)

Bio: Verschay, Holly Dawn (Birth - 1978)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (? - 1978)

News: Greenwood Midland Cooperative (Fire - 1978)

Obit: Hanson, Mrs. Selmar (? - 1978)

Obit: Hoeft, Ottelia (1889 - 1978)

Obit: Schulz, Georgeana A. (1909 - 1978)

Obit: Sears, Wendell (1930 - 1978)

Obit: Seefeldt, Edna M. (1898 - 1978)

Obit: Phillips, Ruth (1909 - 1978)

Obit: Rand, Mabel (1895 - 1978)

Obit: Schulz, Georgeana #2 (1909 - 1978)

Obit: Voigt, Esther B. (1915 - 1978)

Obit: Wickersham, Louis (1886 - 1978)

Obit: Wilding, Emma L. (1878 - 1978)

New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado, Nielsen Farm (1930)

*Hans Nielsen


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Graffunder, Kent James (Birth - 12 Mar 1973)

Bio: Haas, Linda - Concordia Dean’s List (Winter Qtr 1972-73)

Bio: Rosenlof, Dean Joseph (Birth - 19 Mar 1973)

Bio: Staab, Karleen Marie (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Swanson, Rose E.C. (Engagement - Dec 1972)

Bio: Uhlig, Kyle Brent (Birth - 9 Mar 1973)

Bio: Wulk, Todd James (Birth - 14 Mar 1973)

BioM: Bengford, Bonnie Marie (1973)

Obit: Bredow, Arthur L. (1898 - 1973)

Obit: Dettmann, Conrad E. (1900 - 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillville City:

SCHU - Schulz, Georgeana A.


Fremont Township - Yolo:

T - Wickersham, Louia


Granton Windfall:

HO - Hoeft, Ottelia F.


18 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Vollrath, Ernest (80th - 1976)

BioA: Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Golden - 1976)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Dec. - 1978)

News: Neillsville - College Notes (Degrees - 1976)

News: Neillsville - MATC-Madison (Enrollees - 1978)

Obit: Fay, Floyd R. (1900 - 1978)

Obit: Grow, Edith L. (1887 - 1978)

Obit: Montgomery, Joseph (1903 - 1976)

School: Granton FFA Alumni (Annual Mtg. - 1978)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado (1930)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Bandura, Karolyn (Engagement - Mar 1973)

Bio: Davidson, Diane Marie (Engagement - Mar 1973)

Bio: Heiman, Lorene (Engagement - Mar 1973)

Bio: Johnson, Daniel/David (Twin Births - 11 Mar 1973)

Bio: Meyer, Michelle Renee (Birth - 2 Mar 1973)

Bio: Streckert, Elizabeth Lee (Baptism - 12 Mar 1973)

Obit: Hederer, Marie C. (1906 - 1973)

Obit: Husen, Isabelle (1895 - 1973)

School: Abbotsford H.S. - Forensic Contest Results (Mar 1973)

School: Colby H.S. Forensic Contest Results (Mar 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Granton Windfall:

M - Montgomery, Joseph


Neillsville City:

GRE - Grow, Edith L.


17 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Foster, Gregory (Fitting Lenses - 1980)

Bio: Garbisch, Alisa Marie (Baptism - 1980)

Bio: Hediger, Lucretia (Outstanding - 1980)

Bio: Magnuson, Debra Lynn (Engagement - 1980)

BioA: Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Albert (44th - 1980)

BioM: Becker, Cindy (1980)

BioM: Carl, Lynne D. (1980)

BioM: Hansen, Debra Theresa (1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Apr./May - 1980)

Obit: Grap, Martha E. (1878 - 1980)

Obit: Hein, William Frederick (1882 - 1980)

Obit: Kasprzak, Stanley J. (1904 - 1980)

Obit: Marsh, Louis Schuster “Twoy” (1892 - 1980)

Obit: Mildebrath, Herbert O. (1894 - 1980)

Obit: Rhinehart, Arthur S. (1911 - 1980)

Obit: Stuve, Howell Archie (1890 - 1980)

Obit: Zink, Pauline (1901 - 1980)

School: Granton - FFA (Donations - 1980)

School: Greenwood FFA (Top Awards - 1980)

School: NHS Class of 1980 (High Honors - 1980)

New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson


Bio: Smazal, Sheila Sue (Engagement 1983)

News: Neillsville - Tufts Museum (1983)

Obit: Lindow, Albert (1889-1983)

Obit: Olson, Elvina (1902 - 1983)

Obit: Pacewicz, Anna (1894-1983)

Obit: Switlick, Lenore (1920 - 1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado, Mortimer Farm (1924)

*Frank R. Mortimer


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Didier, Roselind - Women Foresters President (1973)

Bio: Haas, Edward W. - Colby H.S. Principal (1973)

Bio: Newburn, Nile A. - Pilot Training Grad (1973)

Bio: Orth, Conrad - VFW Conference (1973)

Bio: Rector, Brooks - Farewell Party (Feb 1973)

Bio: York, Christine M. - Dean’s List (1st Sem. - 1972/73)

BioM: Weller, Eileen (1973)

News: Colby - Lion’s Club 10th Anniversary (1973)

Obit: Anderson, Kenneth (1908 - 1973)

Obit: Lasiuk, David S. #2 (1964 - 2022)

Obit: Weix, Marzell J. (1901 - 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Thorp - New St. Hedwig's:

L - Lasiuk, David Stanley


Abbotsford City:

A - Anderson, Kenneth


Colby, St. Mary's:

W - Weix, Marzell


Neillsville City:

MI - Mldebrath, Herbert O.

RE - Rhinehart, Arthur S.


Weston Township - Globe Imm. Lutheran:

G - Grap, Martha E.


Mentor Township Cemetery:

HE - Hein, William Frederick

STAVES - Stuve, Howell Archie


Chili - Immanuel Methodist:

L - Lindow, Albert


16 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Bogdonovich, Patricia Ann “Pat” (1946 - 2022)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (May/Jun - 2022)

News: Neillsville Kiwanis Club Celebrates 100 Years (2022)

News: Neillsville - Huls Family Highlighted for Foster Care (2022)

Obit: Abrahamson, Arlene Ann (1939 - 2022)

Obit: Albrecht, Robert E. “Bob” (1934 - 2022)

Obit: Anding, Patricia Jean (1931 - 2022)

Obit: Asplin, Florence #2 (1901 - 1978)

Obit: Bentzler, Donald James (1929 - 2022)

Obit: Bush, Dale Floyd (1936 - 1978)

Obit: Chupp, Sylvia (1939- 2022)

Obit: Larsen, Diane Marie (1965 - 2022)

Obit: O’Brien, Jerry Ferdinand (1939 - 2020)

Obit: Hursh, Joanna F. (1969 - 2022)

Obit: Loos, Thomas G. (1943 - 2022)

Obit: Miller, Lori Ann (1963 - 2022)

Obit: Miller, Marilyn Ann (1939 - 2019)

Obit: Sternitzky, Allen O. (1947 - 2022)

Obit: Weinfurter, Otto J. (1936 - 2022)


New Record posted by James Sternitzky/transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Four Granton Students Earn State FFA Degrees (2022)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado, Urch Farm (1924)


New Record posted by Janet Schwarze


Bio: Urch, Clarence Edward & Eunice Agnes Dickinson


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Kramer, Tricia (Adopted - Mar 1973)

Bio: Larocque, Linda (Engagement - Feb 1973)

Bio: Schoenfuss, Ted - General Tel. Install/ Repairman (1973)

BioM: Chubin, Helen (1973)

BioM: Mader, Barbara (1973)

BioM: Pohlmeyer, Kayrene (1973)

BioM: Staab, Mary Ann (1973)

News: Abbotsford - Hardware Company Award (1972)

Obit: Fuchsgruber, Dawn (1927 - 1973)

Obit: Mueller, John (1890 - 1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Dorchester Memorial North (Peace):

M - Mueller, John


Dorchester Memorial (South):

FO - Fuchsgruber, Dawn


Greenwood St. Mary's:

B - Bogdonovich, Patricia


Loyal St. Anthony:

L - Loos, Thomas Gilbert


Lynn Township Cemetery:

A - Anding, Patricia Jean


Granton - Zion Missouri Lutheran:

STERNITZKY - Sternitzky, Allen O.


13 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 20 Jan 2021

Good Old Days 27 Jan 2021


New Records posted by Kathleen Englebretson

Bio: Valentine, David L. (Pastor - New Harvest 1983)

Church: Withee - Nazareth Lutheran (90th Anniversary 1983)

Obit: Krause, Leonard (1917-1983)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado, Graikowski Farm (1924)


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Cadena, Bettie Kay (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Gray, James J. - Mgr. at Plainwell Paper Co. (1973)

Bio: Holder, Louis - Fire Destroys Home (Feb 1973)

Bio: Leonhard, Elaine - Abbotsford H.S. D.A.R Winner (1973)

Bio: Schwartz, Mary Ellen - Capped at Marquette (1973)

Bio: Stange, Rhonda Maria (Engagement - 1973)

Obit: Bates, Dolle (1893 - 1973)

Obit: Lydiksen, Andrew (1884 - 1973)

Obit: Wiersig, Amelia (1887 - 1973)

School: Colby H.S. - FHA Award Winners (1973)


Cemetery Updates/Additions


Abbotsford City:

B - Bates, Dolle or Dolly


Colby Memorial:

WH - Wiersig, Amelia


Unity Township - Riplinger St. John's:

K - Lydikesen, Andrew H.


Sherman Township - West Spencer:

KI - Krause, Leonard


12 May 2022


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


BioM: Jake, Kay Marie (1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Apr. - 1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Apr. - 1980)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Apr/May - 1980)

Obit: Barrett, Dorothy (1903 - 1980)

Obit: Green, Raymond H. (1917 - 1980)

Obit: Halbrader, John A. (1913 - 1980)

Obit: Kutsche, Hattie I. (1898 - 1980)

Obit: Lezotte, Edward J. (1905 - 1980)

Obit: Olson, Arthur (1901 - 1980)

Obit: Perpich, Nicky (? - 1980)

Obit: Phipps, Judson (1922 - 1980)

Obit: Rath, Carl W. (1905 - 1980)

Obit: Scherr, Pete #2 (1887 - 1980)

Obit: Schultz, Guy E. (1899 - 1980)

Obit: Schwanebeck, Doris J. (1917 - 1980)

Obit: Washburn, Asa A. (1908 - 1980)

School: NHS FFA (High Honors - 1980)


New Postcard from Steve Roberts


Photo: Withee, WI, Tornado_Nowobielski Farm (1924) - *Additional Card Added.

*Nowobielski, John


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Cloud, Teddy W. - Recruit Training Grad (1973)

Bio: Eiden, Jim - Award Winner (1972)

Bio: Kopecky, Linda - Elected College Senator (1973)

Bio: Peissig, Mary - Colby H.S. D.A.R. Winner (1973)

Bio: Runzheimer, Susan M. - Colby H.S. Betty Crocker Award (1973)

Bio: Schilling, Jan - Abbotsford H.S. Betty Crocker Award (1973)

Bio: Schmidt, Neal E. - Named to State Post (1973)

Bio: Smith, Dick - Fire Chief in Dorchester (1973)

Bio: Witt, Shirley - NCTI Super Bowl Honors (Feb 1973)

Obit: Goeltz, Frank H. (1893 - 1973)


Cemetery Additions/Corrections


Neillsville City:

KUN - Kutsche, Hattie L.


Neillsville St. Mary's:

LE - Lezotte, Edward J.


Granton - Windfall:

P - Phipps, Judson


Levis Township - Dells Dam Cemetery:

M - Schultz, Guy E.


Mentor Township Cemetery:

W - Washburn, Asa A.