31 Oct
2013 |
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Parkel, Lisa Jean (Birth
- 1971) |
BioM: Franz, Phyllis Amanda
(1971) |
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jan
1971) |
News: Globe (21 Jan 1971) |
News: Greenwood (21 Jan 1971) |
News: Pleasant Ridge (21 Jan
1971) |
News: Willard (21 Jan 1971) |
News: York (21 Jan 1971) |
New Photos provided by Kathy
Englebretson |
Greenwood Cemetery |
Celesnik, Albena |
Celesnik, John Anton |
Christie, Ardith I. |
Christie, Dimple S. |
Christie, Eugene S. |
Christie, Eva Sophia |
Christie, John F. |
Christie, Lyle Arthur |
Christie, Phillip Henry |
Cook, Dan |
Decker, Arno O. |
Decker, Evelyn M. |
Decker, Theodore A. |
Decker, Vernie Rebecca |
Dill, Gilbert N. (Gib) |
Dillenbeck, Dorothea A. |
Dillenbeck, Harold Albert |
Dillenbeck, Margaret E. |
Dillenbeck, Martha |
Dillenbeck, Roger A. |
New Records posted by Janet
Schwarze |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: White, Mrs. A.M. (Letter
- 1925) |
BioM: Johns, Edith (1925) |
News: Eaton Center (23 Jul 1925) |
News: Greenwood (30 Jul 1925) |
News: Hemlock (23 Jul 1925) |
News: Hendren & Foster (06 Aug
1925) |
News: Hendren & Foster (30 Jul
1925) |
News: Seif & Hendren (13 Jul
1925) |
News: Seif & Hendren (30 Jul
1925) |
News: West Side (30 Jul 1925) |
30 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Dieckhoff, Mareile (Engagement
- 1970)
Obit: Boyer, Mrs. George (?
- 1971)
Obit: Etta, Esther Marguerite
(1899 - 1971)
Obit: Kuester, Gustave Carl
(1891 - 1971)
Obit: Wesenberg, Fred (1907
- 1971)
Obit: Westbay, Philenus Leander,
Sr. #2 (1897 - 1971)
Obit: Wilding, Arthur E. (?
- 1971)
Obit: Young, Frank (? - 1971)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Greenwood Cemetery
Abel, Adolph
Abel, Anita Ella
Acker, Alice Birdeen
Acker, Edward R.
Acker, Kurt (Vet.)
Acker, Hazel
Paul (Vet.)
Acker, Ruby M.
Acker, Walter Henry
Anderson, Glenn
Barr, Bernyce A.
Barr, Fred J.
Blankenburg, Estelle
Bombach, Mary
Bombach, Matt
Brown, Hubert Henry
Carney, Mildred A.
Celar, Lawrence
Celar, Marian
Celar, William
New Records posted by Janet
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioM: Soefker, Mary (1925)
News: Braun Settlement (04 Jun
News: Eaton East Side (28 May
News: Hemlock (04 Jun 1925)
News: Janesville Settlement
(04 Jun 1925)
News: Seif & Hendren (28 May
News: West Side (28 May 1925)
News: West Side (04 Jun 1925)
News: West Side (11 Jun 1925)
Obit: Stewart, John #2 (1844
- 1925)
29 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital
(January 1971)
Bio: Dunn, Amy Sue (Birth -
BioM: Harrington, Ashley (2013)
BioM: Smart, Janice M. (1971)
News: Neillsville -1897 Clark
Co. Jail Museum (Oct. Mtg -
News: Washburn (14 Jan 1971)
Obit: Bothke, Louis A. (1890
- 1971)
Obit: Jarolimek, Frank (1898
- 1971)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Ward, Randy A.
Weaver, Mary S.
Weaver, Morris M.
White, Infant
Whiteman, Emma
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Isabella
New Records posted by Janet
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Haeuser, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Geo. (Birth - 1925)
News: Greenwood (28 May 1925)
News: Eaton Center (21 May 1925)
News: Hemlock (21 May 1925)
News: Hendren & Foster (21 May
News: Janesville Settlement
(21 May 1925)
News: Schilling (28 May 1925)
News: Seif & Hendren (21 May
News: Willard (28 May 1925)
Obit: Grashorn, Carl (1851 -
28 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Oelberg, Martha Margaret
“Marge” #2 (1918 - 2013)
Obit: Reisner, Dorothy E. (1923
- 2013)
Obit: Ricksham, Evelyn F. (1910
- 2013)
Obit: Selz, John Patrick #2
(1935 - 2013)
Obit: Steinbach, Gerald “Jerry”
Allen #2 (1959 - 2013)
Obit: Trybula, Goldie Agnes
(1923 - 2013)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Stevens, Byron C.
Stevens, Clifford Almond
Stevens, Electa
Stevens Ella
Stevens, Plander (Lon?)
Stevens, Simeon
Townsend, Clara
Turner Family Stone
Turner, Albert M.
Turner, Allie C.
Turner, Grace M.
Turner, Mary J.
Tynan, John L.
Uhrig, Infant Son
Vick, Henry
Vick, Howard
Vick, Sophia
Vogel, Everett
Vogel, Frank
Vogel, Lida
New Records posted by Janet
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Stabnow, Leroy Jr. (Birth
- 1925)
Bio: Wuethrich, John (Holstein
Sale - 1925)
News: West Beaver (21 May 1925)
News: Eaton - East Side (21
May 1925)
News: Hemlock (14 May 1925)
News: Hendren & Foster (14 May
News: Janesville Settlement
(14 May 1925)
News: Schilling (14 May 1925)
News: Seif & Hendren (14 May
News: West Side (21 May 1925)
News: Willard (14 May 1925)
25 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Zilk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
(Golden - 1971)
News: Greenwood (7 Jan 1971)
News: Willard (7 Jan 1971)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Schultz, Leroy Ernest
Schweiso Family Stone
Schweiso, Fredericka
Schweiso, John F.
Smith, Eda
Smith, Dorothy
Smith, Ella M.
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry
Smith, Herman Carl
Smith, Lawrence Adolph
Snow, Anna May
Snow, F.W.
Snow, Guy M.
Spry Family Stone
Spry, Anderson J.
Stange, Carl F.
Stange, Wilhelmina Ernestine
Steiner, John
Stevens Family Stone
New Records posted by Janet
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Korntved, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Soren (Birth - 1925)
Bio: Thorsen, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
H. (Birth - 1925)
News: Eaton - East Side (07
May 1925)
News: Eaton Center (30 Apr 1925)
News: Hemlock (07 May 1925)
News: Janesville Settlement
(07 May 1925)
News: Longwood (07 May 1925)
News: Schilling (07 May 1925)
News: Seif & Hendren (07 May
News: West Side (30 Apr 1925)
24 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Abeita, Sgt. Augustine
D. (Military Notes - 1971)
Bio: Barnett, Junior K. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Gault, Judith Ann (Engagement
- 1971)
Bio: Golomski, Glenn (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Marshall, Judy Marie (Engagement
- 1971)
Bio: Nozar, Carol Ann (Engagement
- 1971)
Bio: Peterson, Debra (Engagement
- 1971)
Bio: Poeschel, Jennifer Lynn
(Birth - 1970)
Bio: Volovsek, Kathleen M. (Engagement
- 1971)
BioM: Backhaus, Ardis Amanda
BioM: Boyer, Debbie Lynn (1971)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Radke, Clydia
Radke, Louis
Rayhorn, Donald A.
Rayhorn, Louisa
Rayhorn, Loy L.
Rayhorn, Meta L.
Rayhorn, William
Riske, Ernest
Riske, Leona Arline
Rossman, J & E.
Sayles Family Stone
Sayles, Helen D.
Sayles, James Arthur
Sayles, James C.
Sayles, Minnie
Schilling, Albert J.
Schilling, Lizzie V.
Schultz Family Stone
Schultz, Elsa
Schultz, Helena
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Cross, Alexander (1838
- 1892)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
News: West Eaton (30 Apr 1925)
News: Greenwood (23 Apr 1925)
News: Hemlock (30 Apr 1925)
News: Hendren & Foster (23 Apr
News: Schilling (30 Apr 1925)
News: Thorp (03 Feb 1966)
News: West Side (23 Apr 1925)
Obit: Baker, Mary L. #2 (1839
- 1925)
Obit: Brunner, Gene (1907 -
Obit: Rasmussen, Alice (1891
- 1966)
23 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Voie, Otto Reunion (Christmas
- 1970)
BioA: Stanley, Mr. and Mrs.
Willard (Silver - 1970)
News: Greenwood (31 Dec 1970)
News: Humbird (31 Dec 1970)
News: Neillsville Locals (31
Dec 1970)
News: Washburn (31 Dec 1970)
Obit: Jeremenko, Pawel (1894
- 1971)
Obit: Peterson, Bernhardt Henry
(1883 - 1970)
Obit: Pipkorn, Fred (1907 -
Obit: Schultz, Gladys (1903
- 1970)
Obit: Witt, Martha M. (1880
- 1970)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Mengel, Irvin
Mengel, Irvin J.
Mengel, Jessie M.
Mengel, Joyce
Mengel, Richard
Mengel, Robert
Miles Family Stone
Miles, Caroline (Mother)
Miles, Cora
Miles, Henry
Miles, William T.
Moritz, Anna Julia
Moritz, Carl Gustav
Niman, Elijah L.
Niman, Louise A.
Noble, Margaret
Nysted, Hans Emil
Nysted, Peter E.
Nysted, Tilla J.
Philpott, Elizabeth
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Isler, Johann and Anna
BioM: Glass, Mayble / Mabel
Claire (1907)
BioM: Isler, Anna (1903)
BioM: Isler, Lena Emma (1901)
BioM: Randall, Pricilla Cecelia
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Alger, Allen (Senior Profile
- 1966)
Bio: Boardman, La Vonne (Senior
Profile - 1966)
Bio: Hodorowski, Kathy (Senior
Profile - 1966)
Bio: Meyer, Nancy (Senior Profile
- 1966)
Bio: Paff, Lynn (Senior Profile
- 1966)
Bio: Zdrojkowski, Rosalie (Senior
Profile - 1966)
BioM: Kirkley, Mary F. (1966)
News: Reseburg (03 Feb 1966)
Obit: Elmendorf, Bernard B.
(1905? - 1966)
Obit: Kotecki, Frank Sr. (1900
- 1966)
22 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Kipp, Mary Louise (Engagement
- 1970)
BioM: Buchanan, Rosemarie Elaine
BioM: Gummerson, Mary (1970)
BioM: Hendricks, Judith Ann
(Marriage Blessed - 1970)
BioM: Rizner, Elsbeth (1970)
Obit: Belter, Herman R. (1902
- 1970)
Obit: Meihack, Frank August
(1888 - 1970)
Obit: Meihack, George Frederick
(1889 - 1970)
Obit: Thomas, Mr. (1890 - 1970)
Obit: Ziegler, Esther (1915
- 1970)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Borreson, Andreas
Lewis, Isabell
Lieske, Herman E.
Lieske, Ruth E.
Lintner Family Stone
Lintner, Augusta
Lyon Family Stone
Lyon, Adele
Lyon, Eutheda
Lyon, Ruby
Lyon, Wallace
Mack Family Stone #1
Mack Family Stone #2
Mack, Donald Vance
Mack, Erastus
Mack, Joseph
Mack, Lewis J.
Mack, Lillian M.
Mack, Walter Irving
Merrill, Addie I.
Record xpanded by family member
Obit: Pederson, Merle A. (1913
- 1999)
Records expanded by Janet Schwarze
BioM: Isler, Barbara (1907)
Obit: Holeton, Mabel Claire
(1880 - 1950)
New Records posted by Janet
Obit: Brunner, Louise E. Paul
(1905 - 1984)
Obit: Brunner, Walter R. (1900
- 1970)
Obit: Sterr, Jerome Arthur "Jerry"
(1915 - 1997)
Obit: Sterr, Mildred I. Mack
(1913 - 2006)
Obit: Thierry, Thomas David
(1875 - 1946)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Butzle, Roger Lee (Birth
25 years ago - 1941)
Bio: Deforth, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Phillip (Birth 50 years ago
- 1916)
Bio: Grogan, Child of Mr./Mrs.
John (Birth 50 years ago - 1916)
Bio: Misfeldt, Son of Mr./Mrs.
John (Birth 50 years ago - 1916)
Bio: Ramberg, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Oscar (Birth - 1916)
BioM: Cole, Bethel (50 years
ago - 1916)
Obit: Cornwell, Meta E. #3 (1903
- 1966)
Obit: Kubera, Andrew #2 (1945
- 1966)
21 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Allen, Willard H. “Bill”
(Retiring - 1970)
Bio: Artac, Sp 5 Bernard & Lawrence
(Military Notes - 1970)
Bio: Howard, Major James W.
(Military Award - 1970)
Bio: Larsen, Bradley D. (New
Bank Vice-Pres. - 1970)
Bio: Schultz, Bertie (100th
Birthday - 2013)
BioM: Arawinko, Susan Kay (1970)
News: Neillsville Standpipe
in Historic Register (2 Oct
News: Willard (24 Dec 1970)
Obit: Fortuna, Christine Ann
#2 (1915 - 2013)
Obit: Miller, Donald M. (1932
- 2013)
Obit: Zajack, Anna Josephine
(1922 - 2013)
New Record posted by Helen Blaha
& Emily Fjalkiewicz
Bio: Rohland, John & Caroline
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Hazeltine, Mary Ruth
Hazeltine, Merton Roy
Hazeltine, Wealthy L.
Herdrich, Charles F.
Herdrich, Matilda
Johnson, Hilda
Johnson, Victor
Kayhart, Marvin C.
Brock - Kline, Julia
Kline, Frank C.
Kline, James
Kline, Margaret J.
Kline, Merritt
Kline, Stanley L.
Kline, Violet
Krikku, Dorthea Merrill
Leatherdale, Maria
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, Betty Marie
Lewis, Elva B.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Brunner, Louise / Louisa
E. Paul (1905 - 1984)
Bio: Fenhouse, Merlin M. "Bud"
and Mabel Miller
Bio: Hoff, Martha Brechlin (1894
- 1989)
Bio: Sterr, Jerome " Jerry"
Arthur (1915 - 1997)
Bio: Thierry, Ann Brechlin (1888
- 1952)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Becker, JoAnn M. (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Halama, Elizabeth L. (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Suda, Charles (Barn fire
- 1966)
Bio: Wink, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Lawrence (Birth - 1966)
News: Reseburg (13 Jan 1966)
News: South Worden (20 Jan 1966)
Obit: Gengler, Mary & Marie
(? - 1966)
Obit: Heagle, Mabelle (1883
- 1966)
Obit: Larson, Leo R. (1941 -
Obit: Sygiel, Stanley (? - 21
18 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days, 25 Sep 2013
Obit: Chase Lyman L. (1894 -
Obit: Fritz, Pauline (? - 1970)
Obit: Garbisch, Frederick, Sr.
(1913 - 1970)
Obit: Gregorich, Helen Caroline
(1919 - 1970)
Obit: Hales, Lesta (1890 - 1970)
Obit: Kostner, Emil E. (1905
- 1970)
Obit: Kotecki, Evelyn T. (?
- 1970)
Obit: Kuehling, Albert August
(? - 1970)
Obit: Kuehling, Myra (? - 1970)
Obit: Staffon, Leo M. #2 (?
- 1970)
Obit: Syth, Ione (1921 - 1970)
Obit: Trunkel, Bernard James
(1970 - 1970)
New Records posted by Linda
News: Thorp (31 Dec 1964)
News: South Worden (31 Dec 1964)
Obit: Cieslek, John (1901 –
Obit: Hagen, Lt. Col. James
(1921 – 1964)
Obit: Kulawiec, Tom (1881 –
Obit: Lesiuk, John (1886 – 1964)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Gwin, Etta A.
Gwin, John C.
Gwin, Kate M.
Habhegger Family Stone
Habhegger, Gottfried
Habhegger, Julia
Habhegger, William
Haskin, John Earl
Haslett, Emma
Haslett, Maxwell
Haupt Family Stone
Haupt, Emil
Haupt, Grace E.
Haupt, Harold W.
Haupt, Mary
Hazeltine Family Stone
Hazeltine, Albert J.
Hazeltine, Catherine M.
Hazeltine, George Samuel
Hazeltine, Hattie J.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Stolze, Arce Joseph (Birth
- 1896)
Bio: Stolze, Victor Lee (Birth
- 1892)
BioM: Understock, Lina (1890)
BioM: Wilelo, Dorothia L. W.
Obit: Amacher, Loretta Marie
Van Dreel (1913 - 1985)
Obit: Amacher, Robert Arnold
(1913 - 1986)
Obit: Beckmann, Louise Eske
(1891 - 1967)
Obit: Brechlin, Gustav Adolf
(1891 - 1967)
Obit: Eske, August Friedrich
(1825 - 1905)
Obit: Eske, Emil Friedrich (1897
- 1897)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Dahm, Kurt Allen (Baptism
- 1966)
Bio: Skwierczynski, Betty (Engagement
- 1966)
News: Reseburg (06 Jan 1966)
News: Thorp (06 Jan 1966)
News: South Worden (06 Jan 1966)
Obit: Beyerl, Mary J. (1919?
- 2013)
Obit: Budzinski Frank (1883
- 1966)
Obit: Macewicz, Mary (1890 -
Obit: Romanowicz, Mary (1891
- 1965)
Obit: Wilczek, Steve (1878 -
Obit: Wolf, Frank G. (1888 -
17 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Gregurich, Baby Girl (Birth
- 1970)
News: Greenwood (17 Dec 1970)
News: Humbird (17 Dec 1970)
News: Pleasant Ridge (17 Dec
News: Willard (17 Dec 1970)
Obit: Cardarelle, Anthony (1905
- 1970)
Obit: Plunkett, Lloyd (? - 1970)
Obit: Rosekrans, Dr. Sarah (?
- 1970)
Obit: Shefchik, Emma (1894 -
Obit: Staffon, Leo Martin (1899
- 1970)
New Record posted by Phyllis
Obit: Schier, Oscar (1913 -
New Records posted by Jeanne
Obit: Wink, Albert (1883 - 1974)
Bio: Wink, Albert and Elizabeth
"Lizzie" Barbara (Keller)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Christiansen, Augusta
Clouse, Anna
Clouse, Lee
Clouse, Lillie
Clouse, Lyle
Clouse, Mary Jane
Davel, Anna G.
Davel, Charles Frederick
Duell, Adelbert William
Duell, Anna W.
Duell, Frank A.
Duell, Hattie M.
Duell, Merlin D.
Erickson, Emma
Fox, Florence G.
Fox, Harry E.
Fuchs Family Stone
Fuchs, Albert F. MD
Goehring, George G.
Goehring, Lizzie K.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Baures, Henry J. (1872
- 1960)
Bio: Brechlin, Gustav Adolf
(1891 - 1967)
Bio: Elliott / Eliott, Richard
(1845 - ?)
Bio: Eske, Emil Friedrich (1897
- 1897)
BioM: Carr, Eliza (1877)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Aaberg, Daughter of Dr.
& Mrs. M.E. (Birth - 1938)
Bio: Gemmeke, Edward (Letter
from China - 1930)
News: Greenwood (25 Aug 1938)
Obit: Finkle, Mary Ann (1860
- 1933)
Obit: Jones, John J. #2 (1862
- 1933)
Obit: Morehead, Doris E. (1899
- 1930)
Obit: Stoneburg, Wilbert R.
(1864 - 1930)
16 Oct
Response from Jeanne Weise
Pioneer Elementary, Worden Twp.,
Clark Co., Wisconsin
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Bayuk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
(35th - 1970)
BioM: Schiltz, Helen (1970)
News: Greenwood (3 Dec 1970)
News: Greenwood (10 Dec 1970)
News: Lynn (3 Dec 1970)
News: Washburn (3 Dec 1970)
News: Willard (3 Dec 1970)
Obit: Freid, Walter (1904 -
Obit: Lesar, Frank Jess #2 (1896
- 1970)
Obit: Vine, Price (1889 - 1970)
Obit: Walk, Arthur M. (1902
- 1970)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Weyer, Lisa Marie (Baptism
- 1966)
BioM: Neubecker, Kathleen Marie
#2 (1966)
BioM: Noeldner, Eleanor #3 (1966)
Obit: Benecke, Rev. Fred #2
(1913 - 1966)
Obit: Christiansen, Barbara
(1882 - 1966)
Obit: Cook, Harold L. #1 (1907
- 1966)
Obit: Cook, Harold L. #2 (?
Obit: Mott, Alvin (1917 -1966)
Obit: Oestreich, Bernard (1902
Obit: Schweiger, Louis (1873
- 1966)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Castner Family Stone
Castner, John
Castner, Lydia
Catlin Family Stone
Catlin, Aaron
Catlin, Jane S.
Catlin, Thomas A.
Christiansen Family Stone
Christiansen, Edward H.
Christiansen, William
Churchill, Sarah
Cleveland, Ardella M
Cleveland, George C.
Clouse, Bernard I.
Clouse, Charles
Clouse, Edith
Clouse, Ethel Leona
Clouse, Ira
Clouse, Jennie
Clouse, June C.
Expanded Records by Janet Schwarze
Bio: Elfert, Joe (90th Birthday
- 1947)
Bio: Fenhouse, Janene Mae (Birth
- 8 May 1947)
Obit: Baures, Anna (1872 - 1952)
Obit: Brandt, Fred (1899 - 1996)
Obit: Gallagher, Mabel Helena
(1909 - 1996)
Obit: Kuczma, Lillian An (1923
- 1996)
Obit: Olson, Bartlett Alfred
(1920 - 1996)
Obit: Osowski, Norbert (1926
- 1995)
Obit: Stasek, Emil Andrew (1907
- 1996)
Obit: Strojny, Rose Sawczuk
(1925 - 1995)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Lawein, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Walter (Birth - 1938)
Bio: Lindner, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Tony (Birth - 1938)
Bio: Poppe, George (Barn Burned
- 1938)
BioM: Breneman, Ethel (1938)
BioM: Fag, Edna (1938)
News: Greenwood (28 Jul 1938)
News: Hemlock (18 Aug 1938)
News: Janesville Settlement
(14 Jul 1938)
News: West Side (14 Jul 1938)
News: West Side (04 Aug 1938)
15 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Ray, Sherri (Eastern Star
Initiation - 1970)
BioM: Andersen, Karen Sue (1970)
BioM: Carstensen, Charolette
Marie (1970)
News: Columbia (26 Nov 1970)
News: Granton (19 Nov 1970)
News: Humbird (26 Nov 1970)
News: Neillsville Locals (26
Nov 1970)
News: Pleasant Ridge (19 Nov
Obit: Jordahl, P. L. (Leonard)
(? - 1970)
Obit: Lechner, Estelle (1904
- 1970)
Obit: Schaefer, Everest A. (1916
- 1970)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Neuman, Ray (Commendation
- 1966)
BioA : Skoog, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
(40th - 1966)
BioM: Hoefs, Ruth (1966)
BioM: Lindgren, Jean #2 (1966)
BioM: Rossow, Peggy #2 (1966)
BioM: Sands, Wendy #2 (1966)
Obit: Hayes, Millie (1872 -
Obit: Rollins, Clara (? - 1966)
Obit: Voss, Hattie (? - 1966)
Obit: White William: (1877 -
Response posted by Mary Urban
News: Greenwood (Old Tree Made
into Wood - 1929)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Albright, Addie R
Albright, George
Arndt, Bernie
Baines, Ethel May
Baker, Irene M.
Barber, Eliza
Barber, James
Barnett Family Stone
Barnett, Hiram
Barnett, Silva
Barnett, Warren
Berrett, Myrtia
Berrett, William J.
Bowman, Earl Dwight
Bowman, Mae
Boyer, Augusta
Boyer, Noah
Bredlau, Gerald T.
Bredlau, Janet C.
Bunnell, Ashley Marie
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Bores, Melvin
Bio: Witte, Richard H. & Bernice
G.Roohr Family
Obit: Foelsch, George E. (1903
- 1970)
Obit: Witte, Bernice G. (1907
- 1972)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioA: Elmer, Mr./Mrs. E.A. (Gold
- 1938)
BioA: Quast, Mr./Mrs. Joseph
(Gold - 1938)
BioA: Toburen, Mr./Mrs. Wm.
(30th - 1938)
BioM: Baskovec, Frances (1938)
BioM: Kline, Blanche M. #2
BioM: Stout, Merle #2 (1938)
News: Greenwood (30 Jun 1938)
News: Hemlock (16 Jun 1938)
News: Hemlock (7 Jul 1938)
News: Tioga & Gorman (16 Jun
14 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Marg/Winter Girls (Mini-Reunion
- 2013)
Bio: Navrestad, Laura Marie
(Birth - 1970)
Bio: Opelt, In Memory of Millie
(Reunion - 2013)
BioA: Stringer, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles (53rd - 1970)
News: Clark Co. College Notes
(25 Sep 2013)
News: Clark Co. 1897 Jail Museum
(Sep. Mtg - 2013)
Obit: Buddinger, Carl P. (?
- 1970)
Obit: Helwig, Lawrence (1902
- 1970)
Obit: Joyce, William Edward
(1891 - 1970)
Obit: Walker, Jessie G. (1887
- 1970)
Obit: Wisnosky, Dolly (1888
- 1970)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Gierl, Patrick Charles
(Birth – 1965)
Bio: Hebert, Rosaline (Engagement
– 1965)
Bio: Kittel, JoAnne Marie (Birth
– 1965)
BioA: Venzke, Mr. & Mrs. Emil
(Gold – 1965)
BioM: Bragg, Sherry Darlene
#2 (1965)
BioM: Fahrenbach, Kathleen #2
BioM: Kieser, Muriel Edith #3
BioM: Loughead, Neola (1965)
BioM: Potocnik, Sally Louise
BioM: Schultz, Elaine Evelyn
#2 (1965)
BioM: Willner, Sharon Lynne
#2 (1965)
Expanded Record with Phot by
Helen Blaha
Obit: Sillampa, Gust (1886 -
New Photos provided by Kathy
St. Anthony's Cemetery
Waldhauser, Robert Andrew
Waldhauser, Ruby Jeanette
Wehe, Alice M.
Wepfer, Emil A.
Wepfer, Infant
Wepfer, Julia
Zenz, Emma
Zenz, Joseph
Zettler, Gladys
Zettler, Judith M.
Zettler, Melvin
Zettler, Theodore M.
Ziegewied, Charles
Ziegewied, Joyce
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Hilgers, George
Bio: Jadack, Charles
Bio: Zvolena, John Joseph (1956
- 1999)
BioM: Wiesman, Cindy (1978)
Obit: McClaren, George Harvey
(1889 - 1973)
Obit: McClaren, Helen M. (1917
- 2008)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Braun, William (87th Birthday
- 1938)
Bio: Hindal, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Clair (Birth - 1938)
BioM: Barr, Jessie L. (1938)
News: Greenwood (28 Apr 1938)
News: Greenwood (26 May 1938)
News: Hemlock (26 May 1938)
News: Janesville Settlement
(19 May 1938)
News: Janesville Settlement
(02 Jun 1938)
News: West Side (28 Apr 1938)
School: Greenwood H.S. Graduation
11 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days, 18 Sep 2013
Bio: Cardarelli, Liberato “Bill”
and Mary (Reunion - 2013)
BioA: Knoop, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
(Golden - 1970)
BioA: Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
(Golden - 1970)
News: Chili (12 Nov 1970)
News: Columbia (12 Nov 1970)
Obit: Eichelt, Justin Lee (1989
- 2013)
Obit: Mitte, Theodore Carl (1899
- 1970)
Obit: Neisius, Jerome John #2
(1939 - 2013)
Obit: Stanley, Leon (1889 -
Obit: Wegner, Edward Emil (1921
- 2013)
New Records posted by Michelle
BioM: Fassbender, Clara Sybilla
BioM: Gunderson, Selma (1907)
Obit: Burnie, Tom (? – 1907)
Obit: Johnson, Sever #1 (1842
– 1907)
Obit: Johnson, Sever #2 (1842
– 1907)
Obit: Sieg, Dorathea (1831 –
New Records/Photo by Helen Vater
School: Mead Twp., Rocky Run
School (2013)
Church: Unity Twp., Friedens
Gemeinde History
New Records posted by Shari
Obit: Cervenka, Dorthy E. (1933
- 2012)
Obit: Cervenka, Jerry Charles
(1932 - 2013)
New Photos provided by Kathy
St. Anthony's Cemetery
Schmitz, Joshua Mark
Schwieso, Evelyn
Schwieso, John
Schwieso, Orel Eileen
Schwieso, Theodore H.
Sebold, Infant
Shupe, Donald Lee
Shupe, Marie Ann
Stutte, Carol
Swierczinski, Amelia
Swirczinski, Michael
Szynabski, Son
Tesmer, Warren L.
Trnka, Arleen B.
Trnka, Edward M. "Doc"
Trnka, Kenneth C.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Vine, Son of Mr./Mrs. Harley
(Birth - 1938)
BioM: Anderson, Myrtle A. (1938)
Church: Warner Immanuel West
Side (Confirmation - 1938)
News: Hemlock (07 Apr 1938)
News: Hemlock (21 Apr 1938)
News: Janesville Settlement
(07 Apr 1938)
News: Tioga & Gorman (07 Apr
News: Tioga & Gorman (14 Apr
News: West Side (21 Apr 1938)
Obit: Feirer, Harry A. (1929
- 2013)
Obit: Kadolph, Lucille M. (1917
- 2013)
Obit: Rossow-Darton, Lillian
I. (1920 - 2013)
Obit: Selz, John P. (1935 -
Obit: Steinbach, Gerald A. (1959
- 2013)
Obit: Telford, Alfred W. (1926
- 2013)
School: Greenwood H.S. Notes
(14 Apr 1938)
10 Oct
Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bell, Cheryl Ann (Baptism
- 1970)
Bio: Hagedorn, Airman John W.
(Military Notes - 1970)
BioM: Brunner, Yvonne (1970)
Obit: Bloy, Albert (1880 - 1970)
Obit: Buddinger, Carl Peter
(1909 - 1970)
Obit: Gest-Johnson, Nancy J.
(? - 2013)
Obit: Neisius, Jerome J. (?
- 2013)
Obit: Pflughoeft, Ethel Ella
#2 (1910 - 2013)
Obit: Rogalski, Regina Mary
#2 (1928 - 2013)
Obit: Tuttle, Irene C. (1882
- 1970)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Brunkhorst, Alan (Inductee
- 2013)
Bio: Cerny, Kaden Edward (Birth
- 2013)
Bio: Hoover, Rosalyn (Birth
- 2013)
Bio: Koch, Leo Aster (Birth
- 2013)
Bio: Lueddecke, Isabella Rose
(Birth - 2013)
Bio: Meyer, Everly Estelle (Birth
- 2013)
Obit: Gasecki, Lillian J. (1920
- 2013)
Obit: Hargraves, Robert (1918?
- 2013)
Obit: Jacobi, Kevin L. (1968?
- 2006)
Obit: Jacobi, Lloyd E. (1926
- 2013)
Obit: Meagher, Susan P. (1945
- 2013)
New Record posted by Marsha
BioM: Miller, Ethel M. (1943)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Rueth, Albert L.
Rueth, Angel Dawn
Rueth, Martha S.
Russell, Lynne Wilbur
Russell, Marceil C.
Schecklman, Dora
Schecklman, Joseph
Schecklman, Leo G.
Schecklman, Mary A.
Schecklman, Paul James
Schlagenhaft, Jamie Linn
Schmidt, Allie G.
Schmidt, Margaret
Schmidt, Duane (Pat)
Schmidt, George P.
Schmidt, LaVonne M.
Schmidt, Lorena H.
Schmidt, Wayne Patrick
Schmitt, Mary Margaret
Schmitt, Ralph E.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Burr Robins' Circus Advertisement
Bio: Tucker, Lyman H. & Mary
(1870 Census)
Burlock, Bettie (1944)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Crowley, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Lawrence (Birth - 1938)
Bio: Denk, Son of Mr./Mrs. Leonard
(Birth - 1938)
Bio: Suda, Son of Mr./Mrs. Joe
(Birth - 1938)
Bio: Thomas, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Phillip (Birth - 1938)
News: Greenwood (31 Mar 1938)
News: Greenwood (Old Tree Made
into Wood - 1929)
News: Hemlock (31 Mar 1938)
Obit: Francis, Gerrold P. #2
(1937 - 1938)
Obit: Pfunder, Mary A. #2 (1864
- 1938)
Obit: Trunkel, John Sr. #2 (1852
- 1938)
09 Oct
New Record posted by Emily Rohland
Hixon Twp., White School History
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Mills, Rev. Oren (High
Point, N.C. - 1970)
News: Greenwood (29 Oct 1970)
News: Neillsville Locals (29
Oct 1970)
Obit: Dux, Betty Rose (1938
- 1970)
Obit: Kath, Bertha M. #2 (1891
- 1970)
Obit: Laabs, Anna (1887 - 1970)
Obit: Lemke, Robert J. #2 (1898
- 1970)
Obit: Meyer, Adolph (1888 -
Obit: Peterson, Esther Elizabeth
(1895 - 1970)
Obit: Schmidt, Carl Albert #2
(1893 - 1970)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Zinthefer, Father Aloys
(Retirement - 01 Aug 1966)
BioM: Demuth, Kay Diane #2 (1966)
BioM: Hales, Mary Jo (1966)
BioM: Hansen, Diane Marie #2
BioM: Smith, Carla Rae (1966)
Obit: DuBrava, John #1 (1904
- 1966)
Obit: DuBrava, John #2 (1904
- 1966)
Obit: Haslow, Gerelda #1 ( 1887
- 1966)
Obit: Haslow, Gerelda #2 (1887
- 1966)
Obit: Zepplin, Mrs.John (? –
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Oblak, Heidi L.
Pernsteiner, Infant
Pernsteiner, Jay R.
Pernsteiner, Jerry M.
Petrowsky, Margaret
Petrowsky, Walter L.
Phillips, Leslie
Phillips, Shirley A.
Pieper, Jyllain
Potter, Norma F.
Potter, Robert A.
Radke, Florence T.
Radke, Ira T.
Redig, Infant Twins
Rinka, Sharon Lee
Rinka, Peter S.
Roder, Carl M.
Roder, Gertrude
Rondorf, Marie M.
Rondorf, Christine
Rondorf, Matt
Records expaned by Janet Schwarze
Obit: Luepke, Vern E. (1912
- 1988)
Obit: Schroeder, Henry (1908
- 1989)
Obit: Galvin, John James "Jack"
(1906 - 1989)
Obit: Langreck, Lawrence George
(1915 - 1998)
Obit: Seebandt, Betty C. Burlock
(1924 - 1988)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Ampe, Mother (Tribute -
Bio: Krueger, Frank & Leslie
(Seeking Pardon -1929)
Bio: Krueger, Frank & Leslie
(Denied Pardon - 1929)
Bio: Schwarze, Durward (Boy
Wonder - 1929)
BioA: Gregorich, Mr./Mrs. John
(Gold - 1954)
Church: Greenwood Zion UCC (Addition
- 1954)
Obit: Burns, Helen (1890 - 1953)
Obit: Dimler, Gustof (1871 -
Obit: Guptill, Freeman E. (1868?
- 1929)
Obit: Lakosky, Mrs. Fred - Susan
#2 (1895? - 1929)
08 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Puscheck, Maj. Herbert
C. (Military Notes - 1970)
BioM: Beyer, Nancy Jean (1970)
BioM: Hoeper, Maude E. (1970)
News: Greenwood (22 Oct 1970)
News: Humbird (22 Oct 1970)
News: Neillsville Locals (22
Oct 1970)
Obit: Holt, Ethel O. (? - 1970)
Obit: Kath, Bertha M. (1891-
Obit: Krysko, Peter (1892 -
Obit: Lemke, Robert J. (1898
- 1970)
Obit: McDonough, Carrie (1881
- 1970)
New Records posted by Linda
BioM: Kanten, Glenise (1964)
BioM: Laudenschlager, Barbara
News: South Worden (24 Dec 1964)
Obit: Lauer, George S. (1914
– 1964)
Obit: Neisius, John #2 (1899
– 1964)
Obit: Romanowski, Helen (1890
– 1964)
Obit: Sheblak, Mary (1872 -
Obit: Soeller, Robert (1921
– 1964)
Record expanded by Virgil O.
Obit: Converse, Samuel W. (1845
- 1902)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
McGonigal, Blanche
McGonigal, Mathew (Dr.)
Meyer, Becky Marie
Meyer, Jennie M
Meyer, Vicky Mae
Meyer, William J.
Miles, Esther Clara
Miles, Richard
Miles, Richard M. Sr.
Miller, James F.
Miller, Mary Frances
Milz, Edward L.
Milz, James W.
Milz, Luella C.
Mrotek, Mary
Neustedt, James G.
Neustedt, Mary Ann
O'Black, Irene G.
O'Black, Paul A.
Oblak, Gregory V.
Records expanded by Janet Schwarze
Bio: Bogaard, Clement (Military
- 1944)
Bio: Carlson, Raymond (Military
- 1944)
Bio: Perry, Ruth (Military -
BioM: Bound, Charlotte P. (1905)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioA: Hembre, Mr./Mrs. Ingvald
(Silver - 1954)
History: Greenwood Mem. by Smith
Miller #1 (1954 Letter)
History: Greenwood Mem. by Smith
Miller #2 (1954 Letter)
History: Greenwood Mem. by Smith
Miller #3 (1954 Letter)
News: Greenwood - Future Generations
(Jul 1954)
Obit: Celesnik, Frank #2 (1900
- 1954)
Obit: Jackson, Norman L. (1915
- 1954)
Obit: LaDue, Lee (? - 1954)
Obit: Morgal, Frank (1875 -
Obit: Plautz, Frances L. (1923
- 1954)
07 Oct 13
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Marvin, Scott Randall (Birth
- 1970)
Bio: Marvin, Scott Randall (Baptism
- 1970)
Bio: Schwarze, Mr. and Mrs.
Gary (Shower - 1970)
Bio: Weyer, Sheri Ann (Birth
- 1970)
BioA: Abel, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
(Ruby - 1970)
BioA: Lavene, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
(Silver - 1970)
BioA: Lightfoot, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob (Golden - 1970)
BioM: Heasley, Nancy Anne (1970)
BioM: Kindt, Grace D. (1970)
Obit: Antrim, Joy Louise (1957
- 1970)
Obit: Debevec, Anton, Sr. #2
(1881 - 1970)
Obit: Harding, Edith (1878 -
Obit: Heintz, Peter (1878 -
Obit: Swenson, Chris (? - 1970)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Dusek, Darlene (Engagement
– 1965)
BioA: Boxrucker, Mr. & Mrs.
John (Gold – 1965)
BioA: Bublitz, Mr. & Mrs. Otto
(Gold – 1965)
BioA: Lake, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
(Gold – 1950)
BioM: Fahrenbach, Kathleen (1965)
BioM: Kieser, Muriel Edith #2
BioM: Laski, Delores (1965)
BioM: Marzinski, Shirley Ann
#2 (1965)
BioM: Potocnik, Sally Louise
#2 (1965)
BioM: Schultz, Elaine Evelyn
Obit: Buss, Frank Theodore (1902
– 1965)
Obit: Earl, Edith #3(1882 –
New Records posted by Helen
Bio: Olson, Peter & Stella
Bio: Parkhill, Oakley Legare
(1890 - 1973)
BioM: Olson, Clara #2 (1916)
New Record posted by Glen Jensen
Bio: Jensen, Andreas F. F. (Military
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Fellenz, Cornelius G.
Irlene (Agnes?)
Fellenz, Mary A.
Fellenz, Sylvester Joseph
Firnstahl, Evelyn H.
Firnstahl, Lawrence P.
Foster, Carls Everson
Foster, Elmore
Fricke, August
Fricke, George O.
Fricke, Mary
Froeba, Mary M.
Froeba, Thomas
Froeba, Thomas R.
Genteman, William H.
Goergen, Joseph H.
Gotter, Deric
Hagens, Harrietta Hattie
Hagens, William
Hammond, Adeline
Hammond, George M.
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Borgenheimer, Anne (1937)
Obit: Borgenheimer, Walter Esra
(1901 - 1938)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kloster, Dwight/Vernon
(Save Friend - 1913)
Bio: McKimm, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Joe (Birth - 1910)
Bio: Zukowski, Dolores (Bachelor's
Degree - 1954)
BioA: Klune, Mr./Mrs. Joseph
(Silver - 1954)
News: Christie (09 Jun 1910)
News: Greenwood (17 Jul 1913)
News: Longwood (09 Jun 1910)
News: Schilling Station (09
Jun 1910)
Obit: Rychnovsky, Stephen P.
(1954 - 1954)
Obit: Weiher, Dr. Robert J.H.
(1900? - 1954)
04 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days, 11 Sep 2013
Bio: Dearth, John Harvey (Birth
- 1970)
Bio: Lindner, Christopher Anton
(Birth - 1970)
Bio: Schultz, Jason Andrew (Birth
- 1970)
News: Columbia (15 Oct 1970)
News: Globe (15 Oct 1970)
News: Greenwood (15 Oct 1970)
News: Humbird (15 Oct 1970)
News: Sherwood (15 Oct 1970)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Edblom, Rodney D. (1953
- 2013)
Obit: Herrick, Michael John
(1949 - 2013)
Obit: Justman, Delores M. (1922
- 2013)
Obit: Kathrein, David A. (1962
- 2013)
Obit: Krueger, LeRoy A. M.D.
(1933 - 2013)
Obit: Leahey, Robert A. Sr.
(1930 - 2013)
Obit: Leidiger, August #1 (1849?
- 1884)
Obit: Leidiger, August #3 (1849?
- 1884)
Obit: Somers, Alice Marie (1926
- 2013)
Obit: Woellner, Victor P. Sr.
(1932 - 2013)
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Hannan, Catherine E.
Hannan, Peter J.
Hannan, Wilbur J.
Harder, Terry V.
Hoffarth, Jerome Joseph
Hoffarth, Martha J.
Jungbluth, Margaret A. "Meg"
Jungbluth, Ralph M.
Kaiser, Rev. Roman
Kautzer, Kevin David
Klimmer, Frank
Klimmer, Margaret
Knack, Karen
Lakosky Family Stone
Loos, John C.
Loos, Marie G.
Loos, Steven M.
Martin, Hiram G.
Martin, Lenore C.
Metcalfe, Janet Jane
New/Expanded Records by Janet
Obit: Wiggens, Nora Olive Havens
(1879 - 1945)
BioM: Havens, Olive Nora (1897)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hartson, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Harry E. (Birth - 1910)
Bio: Peck, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Chas. (Birth - 1910)
News: Christie (19 May 1910)
News: Greenwood (05 May 1910)
News: Greenwood (02 Jun 1910)
News: Greenwood 15 years ago
- May 1895 (05 May 1910)
News: Hemlock (05 May 1910)
News: Hemlock (19 May 1910)
News: Janesville Settlement
(05 May 1910)
News: Longwood (05 May 1910)
News: Willard (05 May 1910)
Obit: Fortuna, Christine A.
(1915 - 2013)
Obit: Humke, Shirley A. (1923
- 2013)
Obit: Miller, Jeanette A. (1921
- 2013)
Obit: Miller, Joseph A. (1933
- 2013)
Obit: Schmadeke, Gina M. (1966
- 2013)
03 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Acker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
(Golden - 1970)
BioM: Hiles, Amber (1970)
BioM: Kalsow, Lois Ellen (1970)
BioM: Neuman, Lilli Marlene
Obit: Bardell, Clarence A. (1893
- 1970)
Obit: Kadolph, Anna (1890 -
Obit: Moeller, Adam (1876 -
Obit: Schoenherr, Victor F.
(1924 - 1970)
Obit: Voight, Ida #2 (1894 -
Obit: Williams, Melford H. (1875
- 1970)
New Records posted by Audrey
BioA: Sanger, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
(Gold - 1966)
BioA: Scheel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
(Gold - 1966)
BioA: Tessmer, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl (Gold - 1966)
BioM: Garbush, Carol Helen #2
BioM: Mews, Yvonne #2 (1966)
BioM: Oestreich Judy (1966)
BioM: Pagelsdorf, Carolyn Sue
#3 (1966)
Obit: Hardrath, Albert #3 (1891
- 1966)
Obit: Hecker Peter (1917 – 1966)
Obit: Kauffman, Elva (1891 -
Neillsville Cem. Civil War Updates
by Virgil O. Matz
Converse, Samuel; Co. D 3rd
WI Inf.
Cross, Alex; Co. A 7th WI Inf.
Fields, Isaac; Co. F 14th WI
Hopkinson, David W.; Co. I 12th
IL Cav.
Kayhart, Charles; Co. F 27th
NJ inf.
LaFlesh, Thomas Jefferson; Co.
B 2nd WI Cav.
Lavine, Franklin; Co. E 19th
WI Inf.
Pope, John; Co. E 113th IL Inf.
Stanley, Edward; Co. L 1st IL
Taylor, Holden E.; Co. H 64th
NY Inf.
Ulrich, Karl (William) C.; Co.
C 9th Reorganized
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Brecht, Herman P.
Brecht, Mabel
Brecht, Michael F.
Cain, Mabel F.
Cain, Martin Francis
Cammers, Arthur
Cammers, Marguerite
Casperson, Troy Robert
Castner, John A. Jr.
Castner, John L.
Castner, Theresa B.
Clouse, Bernard A. (Ben)
Clouse, Clara
Clouse, Catherine Ann
Davel, Lawrence A.
Davel, Nettie S.
Denk, Kristin J.
Domine, Holly Elizabeth
Domine, Dustin Kyle
Esselman, Joseph C.
Esselman, Phyllis E.
New Records posted by Janet
Obit: Bauer, Rena (1879 - 1968)
Obit: Zillmer, Emma (1882 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Barnes, Dr. R.L. (Buys
Loyal Office - 1925)
Bio: McMahon, Eugene (New Feed
Store - 1925)
Bio: Schwarze, Adolph (Fire
- 1925)
News: West Beaver (28 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood (09 Apr 1925)
News: Greenwood 15 years ago
- Apr 1895 (28 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 18 years ago
- Apr 1892 (28 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 18 years ago
- May 1892 (05 May 1910)
News: Hemlock (28 Apr 1910)
Obit: Weston, Harry H. (1879?
- 1925)
02 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bowe, Dean Michael (Birth
- 1970)
Bio: Resong, Kimberly Ann (Baptism
- 1970)
BioA: Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
#2 (Golden - 1970)
BioM: Reyzer, April Ann (1970)
News: Granton (8 Oct 1970)
News: Greenwood (8 Oct 1970)
Obit: Tews Arthur Edward (?
- 1970)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Mengel, Chelsey N. (Military
- 2013)
Obit: Albrecht, Lorin A. (1920
- 2013)
Obit: Burggraf, Marian L. (1925
- 2013)
Obit: Clark, David D. (1936
- 2013)
Obit: Duvall, Allen H. (1944
- 2013)
Obit: Hein, Lois Lorraine #2
(1933 - 2013)
Obit: Michlig, Beatrice M. (1929
- 2013)
Obit: Ried, Barbara J. (1930
- 2013)
Obit: Schreiner, Frank Joseph
Jr. (1936? - 2013)
Obit: Ustianowski, Michael #2
(1929 - 2013)
Bio: Harvey, Robert Oliver (1892
- 1976)
BioM: Price, Margarett (1874)
Obit: Bauer, Irving Edward (1885
- 1962)
Obit: Gustafson, Ida Amanda
Pierson (1872 - 1962)
Obit: Harvey, Robert Oliver
(1892 - 1976)
Obit: Vrana, Frank (1895? -
New Photos provided by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony's Cemetery
Artz, Buddie "Gene"
Artz, Margaret
Bauer, Beatrice
Bauer, Catherine M.
Bauer, Elaine R.
Bauer, Joseph F.
Bauer, Mark J.
Bauer, Robert R.
Bauer, Roland
Beaver, Bernard
Beaver, Clara
Beaver, Donald William
Beaver, Harold J.
Beaver, Helen C.
Beaver, Nicholas J.
Beaver, Rosetta W.
Beaver, William A.
Bichler, Anna M.
Bichler, Peter Sr.
Braun, Amelia M.
Braun, Benedict H.
New Records posted by Janet
BioM: Melander, Sophie C. (1898)
BioM: Smith, Phyllis (1960)
BioM: Werner, Elsie B. (1963)
Obit: Baeschlin, Arthur A. (1902
- 1976)
Obit: Baeschlin, John Jacob
(1823 - 1905)
Obit: Wilsmann, Augusta A. Stark
(1887 - 1967)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Decker, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Alfred Decker (Birth - 1910)
BioM: Wolf, Anna (1910)
News: Christie (21 Apr 1910)
News: Gemmeke Settlement (21
Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 15 years ago
- Apr 1895 (14 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 15 years ago
- Apr 1895 (21 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 18 years ago
- Apr 1892 (21 Apr 1910)
News: Janesville Settlement
(21 Apr 1910)
News: River Square (21 Apr 1910)
News: West Side (21 Apr 1910)
01 Oct
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Baehr, Earl Fred #2 (1924
- 2013)
Obit: Barth, Lorraine “Lorrie”
Barbara (1932 - 2013)
Obit: Benzschawel, Betty Mae
(1932 - 2013)
Obit: Braatz, Donald H. #2 (1916
- 2013)
Obit: Colby, Bradley Darrell
(1952 - 2013)
Obit: Hein, Lois Lorraine (1933
- 2013)
Obit: Lis, Marilyn Janet (1932
- 2013)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Otto, Mathilda (83 rd Birthday
- 1966)
Bio: Schwieso, Evelyn (Resigned
as Librarian - 1966)
BioA: Ertl, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
(Silver - 1966)
BioM: Lavene, Bonnie (1966)
Obit: Conrad, Roman (1888 –
Obit: Lis, Carolyn (1936 - 1966)
Obit: Phillips, Orville (1923
- 1966)
Obit: Simonson, Debbie (1966
- 1966)
School Loyal H.S. (Valedictorian/Salutatorian
- 1966)
School: Loyal H.S. Alumni Banquet
New Record posted by Betty Comstock
Record expanded by Deb Sanger
Obit: Harvey, Frank (1875 -
New Photos provided by Kathy
West Spencer Cemetery
Yoder, Maxine
Yoder, Walter Ervin
Yoder, Walter Ervin
Youmans, Arlene H.
Youmans, Charles Alfred
Youmans, Margaret L. "Maggie"
Youmans, Merton A.
Zubke, Elaine
Zubke, Harlen William
Zubke, Esther A.
Zubke, Leo H.
Zweifel, Peter
New/Expanded Records posted
by Janet Schwarze
Bio: Baeschlin (Birth - 1904)
Bio: Baeschlin, John Jacob (1897
- 1976)
Bio: Pfefferkorn, Dr. Ethan
Benjamin (1895 - 1973)
Bio: Sauter, Albert & Edwin
Bio: Wilsmann, August (1890
- 1962)
BioM: Fricke, Matilda (1894)
Obit: Heimerdinger, Fred (1887
- 1943)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Wetzel, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Otto (Birth - 1910)
News: West Beaver (07 Apr 1910)
News: Christie (31 Mar 1910)
News: Gemmeke Settlement (31
Mar 1910)
News: Greenwood (07 Apr 1910)
News: Greenwood 18 years ago
- Apr 1892 (14 Apr 1910)
News: Hemlock (07 Apr 1910)
News: Longwood (31 Mar 1910)
News: Schilling Station (07
Apr 1910)
News: Willard (07 Apr 1910)