31 Jul
2014 |
Family Records Posted by Betty
Comstock |
Obit: Gehrt, Edward G. (1920
- 1943) |
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon |
Bio: Wry, Alma & Amanda Gereau
(15th Reunion - 2014) |
BioA: Greeler, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward (45th - 1972) |
BioA: Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern
(Golden - 2014) |
BioA: Swenson, Mr. and Mrs.
John (Golden - 1972) |
News: Clark Co. College Notes
(23 Jul 2014) |
News: Willard (28 Sep 1972) |
New Records posted by Robert
Lipprandt |
Obit: Bockhop, Merlin W. (1935
- 2014) |
Obit: Chariton, Edwin L. (1951
- 2014) |
Obit: Edwards, Gaylin E. (1951
- 2014) |
Obit: Froeba, Donna E. #3 (1936
- 2014) |
Obit: Hoesly, Donald J. (1930
- 2014) |
Obit: King, Aloysius J. (1921
- 2014) |
Obit: Nye, Marcella O. (1919
- 2014) |
Obit: Peterson, Ruth M. (1933
- 2014) |
Obit: Seidel, Bea S. #2 (1939
- 2014) |
Obit: Sigmund, Gabriel J. (2001
- 2014) |
Obit: Spencer, Robert L. (1921
- 2014) |
Obit: Zenner, Ronald J. (1937
- 2014) |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Buddinger, Daughter of
Mr./Mrs. Pete (Birth - 1905) |
Bio: Dietsche, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Fred (Birth - 1905) |
BioM: Heintz, Mary (1905) |
News: Eaton Loyal Liners (6
Feb 1905) |
News: Green Grove (10 Jan 1905) |
News: Loyal (09 Feb 1905) |
News: Spencer (14 Jan 1905) |
News: Veefkind (6 Feb 1905) |
News: York (6 Feb 1905) |
Obit: Galland, Faith Idele (1898?
- 1905) |
30 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Granton, Wisconsin's 64th
Annual Festival (2014)
Obit: Bahr, Gwendolyn P. (?
- 2014)
Obit: Biggins, Marie Louise
(1926 - 2014)
Obit: Gault, Donna Mae (1932
- 2014)
Obit: Hemp, Robert Herman (1927
- 2014)
Obit: Schoengarth, Robert Ernest
(1934 - 2014)
Obit: Schreiber, Bertha E. (1914
- 2014)
Obit: Seliskar, Daniel J.
#2 (1984 - 2014)
Obit: Volovsek, Judith A. Bucheger
#2 (1963 - 2014)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Abrahmson, Thomas Michael
(Baptism - 1969)
Bio: Hetchler, Clancy James
(Baptism - 1969)
BioM: Fravert, Karen Ellen (1968)
Obit: Castner, John A. (1937
- 1969)
Obit: Goetz, Anna (1873 - 1969)
Obit: Hoffman, Frank (1885 -
Obit: Nelson, Mark Jr. (1958
- 1968)
Obit: Oestreich, Robert #2 (1935
- 1969)
Obit: Schilling, Lizzie (Abt.
1885 - 1968)
Obit: Vogel, Mae (1887- 1969)
Obit: Wolters, Daniel (1907
- 1969)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Schmitt, Dylan (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Schoenborn, Alyssa (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Sebold, Wade (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Sprote, Cassandra (Award
- 2014)
News: Colby (4 Jul 1889)
News: Milan (2 Jul 1924)
Obit: Austin, Gladys (1922 -
Obit: Heindl, Charles John (1962
- 2014)
Obit: Lueck, Laura Emma (1916
- 2014)
Obit: Michlig, Leo W. (1937
- 2014)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Badzinski, John D. (Air
Training Instr. Award - Jan
Bio: Births - North Clark Co.
(Jan 1967)
Bio: Jarocki, Allan (Essay Winner
- Jan 1967)
Bio: Michur, Diane (Miss Withee
- Jan 1967)
Bio: Nowak, Diane (Engagement
- 1966)
BioM: Derks, Joyce Ann (1966)
News: Reseburg (26 Jan 1967)
News: Thorp (26 Jan 1967)
Obit: Kozikowski, Michael (1880
- 1967)
Obit: Myhre, Ivar C. (1894 -
29 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Horn Family (Reunion -
News: Greenwood (21 Sep1972)
Obit: Gile, Gibson H. (1914
- 1972)
Obit: Hale, Emma (1877 - 1972)
Obit: Hendrikson, Alma (1900
- 1972)
Obit: Johnson, Art (? - 1972)
Obit: Kenyon, Myron E. (? -
Obit: Landry, Mr. (? - 1972)
Obit: Lincoln, Warren M. (1900
- 1972)
Obit: Novotny, Effie (1887 -
New Records posted by Audrey
BioA: Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
(Gold - 1969)
BioA: Volovsek, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley (Silver 1969)
BioM: Noeldner, Kristine (1969)
News: Greenwood-Loyal-Spencer
Area (Merger - 1969)
Obit: Bruckert, Samuel #2 (1917
- 1969)
Obit: Thwing, David #3 (1888
- 1969)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Betz, Chelsea (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Broeske, Nicolette (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Brooks, Jennifer (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Bruger, Heather (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Dommer, Kristin (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Haas, Micaela (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Kay, Terese (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Leiby, Christine (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Mercier, Kelly (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Nosbisch, Mitchell (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Palmerton, Kelly (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Schmelzer, Amber Lynn (Birth
- 2014)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Conklin, Connie Gail (Engagement
- 1967)
Bio: Grajkowski, A3c Gerald
J. (Beale AFB - Jan 1967)
Bio: Gulcynski, Judith Ann (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Mikolainis, Suzette Ann
(Engagement (1967)
Bio: Nason, Merlin W. (Recognition
- 1967)
Bio: Weber, Catherine (103rd
Birthday - 1967)
BioM: Thorpe, Katherine (1966)
News: Gilman (05 Jan 1967)
Obit: Briski, Mary #2 (1891
- 1967)
Obit: Rosiejka, Sophie #2 (1881
- 1966)
28 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bauer, Anthony Robert (Birth
- 1972)
Bio: Dallman, Lisa Marie (Birth
- 1972)
Bio: Hunt, Steven Mathew (Birth
- 1972)
BioA: Offord, Mr. and Mrs. Arles
(Silver - 1972)
BioM: McKuen, Shirley Ann (1972)
BioM: Wenzel, Debra Elvie (1972)
Obit: Cleveland, Nina (1918
- 2014)
Obit: Dzick, Sandra K. (1950
- 2014)
Obit: Moore, Larry M. (1944
- 2014)
Obit: Scholze, Paul Fredrick
(? - 2014)
Obit: Vetrone, William Henry
(1929 - 2014)
New Records posted by Audrey
Bio: Horn, Kenneth (Baptism
- 1968)
Bio: Noeldner, Kerri Lynn (Baptism
- 1968)
Bio: Noeldner, Kristine (Engagement
- 1968)
BioA; Brue, Mr. and Mrs. Engvold
(40th - 1968)
BioM: Hilber, Barbara (1968)
BioM: Johnson, Darlene Maria
Obit: Hutter, Leo A. (1892 -
Obit: Lakosky, Fred H. (1894
- 1968)
Obit: Oestreich, Iva Mae (1888
- 1968)
Obit: Poulton, O. D. (1882 -
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Neillsville (28 Sep 1916)
News: North Pine Valley (7 Sep
News: Pleasant Ridge (21 Sep
News: Shortville (14 Sep 1916)
News: Tioga (7 Sep 1916)
News: West York (14 Sep 1916)
Obit: Hake, Eli (1851 - 1916)
Obit: Whitcomb, Fred W. #1(Announcement
of Death – 1916)
Obit: Whitcomb, Fred W.#2
(1839 - 1916)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Crossett, John (Barn Fire
- 30 Dec 1966)
Bio: Dorn, Robert (Chairman
of Clark Democrats - Dec 1966)
Bio: Prokopiak, Irene V. (Engagement
- Dec 1966)
Bio: White, William C. (Combat
Badge - 29 Nov 1966)
BioM: Bielecki, Rosaline #3
BioM: Langiewicz, Joan (1966)
News: South Worden (29 Dec 1966)
Obit: Bemmann, Gerhard P. (1908
- 1967)
Obit: Delis, Ruby S. (1909 -
Obit: Fillo, Rudolph (1912 -
25 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days, 28 May 2014
Bio: Zilk, Patricia Ann (Engagement
- 1972)
News: Clark Co. - Ten Years
Ago (1972)
News: Clark Co. Male Chorus
(Officers - 1972)
News: Granton Fall Festival
(Schwarze’s Honored - 1972)
News: Greenwood (14 Sep 1972)
News: Neillsville Locals (14
Sep 1972)
Obit: Jingle, Walter Sr. #2
(1907- 1988)
Obit: Novak, Walter N. (1918
- 1956)
Obit: Siems, Helen (1892 - 1984)
New Records posted by Dinah
BioA: Rannow, Mr. & Mrs. Otto
(Gold – 1966)
BioM: King, Judy (1966)
BioM: Koffarnus, Kathy (1966)
BioM: Schiferl, Janet (1966)
Obit: Miller, Charles H. (1878
– 1966)
Obit: Prange, Carl H. #2 (1887
– 1966)
Obit: Reeves, John P. #1 (1896
– 1966)
Obit: Reeves, John P. #2 (1896
– 1966)
Obit: Sprotte, Daniel Paul (1966
– 1966)
Obit: Weber, Elizabeth (1890
– 1966)
Obit: Wiedenhoeft, Anna (1881
– 1966)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Dahl, Herman (Car Stolen
– 1916)
Bio: Dahl, Herman (Car Found
– 1916)
BioM: Forman, Isadora #2 (1916)
News: Chili (21 Sep 1916)
News: Christie (21 Sep 1916)
News: Globe (7 Sep 1916)
News: North Grant (14 Sep 1916)
News: North Grant (21 Sep 1916)
News: Hewettville (14 Sep 1916)
News: Hewettville (21 Sep 1916)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Dubicki, Marilyn (Senior
Profile - Dec 1966)
Bio: Fisher, Kathleen (Stewardess
Wings - Dec 1966)
Bio: Hempelman, Deborah Ann
(Birth - 1966)
Bio: Lobazc, Antonette "Toni"
(Senior Profile - Dec 1966)
BioM: Tomkowiak, Rose L. (1966)
News: Lublin (29 Dec 1966)
News: Reseburg (29 Dec 1966)
News: Thorp (29 Dec 1966)
Obit: Bucheger-Volovsek, Judith
A. (1963 – 2014)
Obit: Hottmann, Alice (1918
- 1966)
Obit: Huber, Elroy E. (1928
– 2014)
Obit: Miller, Duane R. (1935
– 2014)
Obit: Przybylski, Anton F. (1901
- 1966)
Obit: Seliskar, Daniel J. (1984
– 2014)
24 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights
(Winona State - 2014)
News: Thorp Area Graduates (UW-River
Falls - 2014)
News: Thorp Area Graduates (Winona
State - 2014)
Obit: Anason, Nettie Mildred
(1913 - 2014)
Obit: High, Marvin W. #2 (1998
- 2014)
Obit: Lamkin, Katherine J. #2
(1954 - 2014)
Obit: Nye, Marcella O. #2 (1919
- 2014)
Obit: Plombon, William Vincent
(1937 - 2014)
Obit: Sheffer, Dolores J. “Dolly”
(1926 - 2014)
Obit: Smiley, George C. (1934
- 2014)
Obit: St. George, John L. #2
(1944 - 2014)
New Taylor County Cemetery listings
provided by Robert Lipprandt
Maplehurst Township
Town of Maplehurst Cemetery
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Frane, Patricia
Lynn (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Kops, Rick Allen
(Birth – 1966)
Bio: Oehmichen, Son
of Mr./Mrs. Elmer (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Pietrowski, Thomas
Allen (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Pipkorn, Son
of Mr./Mrs. Eugene (Birth –
Bio: Ruppert, James
David (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Weber, Son of
Mr./Mrs. James (Birth – 1966)
Obit: Baer, Elizabeth
#2 (1905 – 1966)
Obit: Bunkelman, Chester
(1897 – 1966)
Obit: Frome, Louis
F. (1878 – 1966)
Obit: Lapp, Harry
M. #2 (1911 – 1966)
Obit: Prange, Carl
H. (1887 – 1966)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Abney, Amanda (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Beyerl, Jared (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Bruesewitz, Hadley Marie
(Birth - 2014)
Bio: Holapka, Kelsey (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Kaiser, Amanda (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Miller, Sierra (Engagement
- 2014)
Bio: Schnabel, Mitchell (Honor
Roll - 2014)
Bio: Seefeld, Michelle (Graduation
- 2014)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Jasek, Kate (Tours Europe
- Nov 1966)
BioM: Frese, Roxey Ann (1966)
BioM: Przybylski, Lillian H.
News: South Worden (08 Dec 1966)
Obit: Lemanski, Elias (1904?
- 1966)
Obit: Rosiejka, Sophie (1881?
- 1966)
Obit: Rubisch, Harriet (1902
- 1966)
Obit: Skwierczynski, John (1881
- 1966)
Obit: Tomczak, John (1910 -
Obit: Zakrzewicz, Anna #2 (1890
- 1966)
23 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Aden, Loni Rae (1972)
BioM: Holbrook, Barbara J. (1972)
BioM: Kozic, Sharon (1972)
BioM: Woods, Diane Lynn (1972)
BioM: Zajack, Carolyn Rose (1972)
BioM: Zepplin, Andrea Faye (1972)
Obit: Breseman, Walter (1899
- 1972)
Obit: Porath, Jennie (1901 -
School: Greenwood H.S. Class
of 1952 (20th Reunion - 1972)
New Taylor County Cemetery Listings
provided by Robert Lipprandt
Maplehurst Township
First Apostolic
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Jacobi, Robert E. #2 (1916
- 2014)
Obit: Lamont, Angus D. #2 (1920
- 2014)
Obit: Shewczyk, Judith Ann (1940
- 2014)
Obit: Slusser, Roger Dale (1952
- 2014)
Obit: Thomfohrda, Harry Eugene
(1937 - 2003)
Obit: Thomfohrda, Jeanne Louise
(1941 - 2014)
Obit: Topinka, Naomi R. (1926
- 2014)
Obit: Van Vliet, David Richard
(1957 - 2014)
New Records posted by Dinah
BioM: Denzin, Lynette
Obit: Baer, Elizabeth
(1905 – 1966)
Obit: Colby, James
Lyman (1891 – 1966)
Obit: Foelska, Iva
(?? – 1966)
Obit: Frome, Orvin
August (1901 – 1966)
Obit: Green, Minnie
#1 (1872 – 1966)
Obit: Green, Minnie
#2 (1872 – 1966)
Obit: Haderlein, Marguerite
(1907 – 1966)
Obit: Johnston, Margaret
(Gretchen) (1894 – 1966)
Obit: Lapp, Harry
Mervin (1911 – 1966)
Obit: Marquardt, Franklin
William (1899 – 1966)
Obit: Whitney, Claude
(1896 – 1966)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioM: Newell, Clovis A. (1966)
Obit: Brunner, Edith (1884 -
Obit: Dreger, Margaret J. (1876
- 1966)
Obit: Herzberg, Merry (1875
- 1966)
Obit: Lund, Rudolph (1898 -
Obit: Maslowski, Elizabeth #2
(1865 - 1966)
Obit: Neiman, Stanley A. (1890
- 1966)
Obit: Persok, Anna (1897 - 1966)
Obit: Switalski, Frank (1900
- 1966)
Obit: Traven (Travinski), Walter
(1897? - 1966)
22 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bayuk, Richard (Teaching
- 1972)
Bio: Volovsek, Kyra Jean (Baptism
- 1972)
Bio: Waldburger, Kathryne Elizabeth
(Birth - 1972)
BioM: Cernik, Sandra Mae (1972)
BioM: Folstad, Jane Ann (1972)
BioM: Rago, Loreta (1972)
BioM: Schultz, Linda L. (1972)
BioM: Soczka, Mary L. (1972)
Obit: White, Minnie A. #2 (1892
- 1972)
New Taylor Co. Cemetery Listings
provided by Robert Lipprandt
Little Black Township;
Stetsonville Public Cemetery
Sacred Heart Catholic
Zion Ev. Lutheran/God's Acres
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Binning, Kelly (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Bunkelman, Kelsey (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Gonnering, Cassie (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Johnson, John Daniel (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Krause, Max Daniel (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Schilling, Tara (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Soyk, Alyssa (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Viegut, Taylor (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Wolff, Jordan (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Obit: Borchardt, Carol R. (1943
- 2014)
New Record posted by Janet Schwarze
Bio: Mayfield, Clyde Stanley
(1896 - 1966)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Butek, Elizabeth M. (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Domine, Helen (101 year
old Twin - 2014)
Bio: Seeman, Hazel (101 year
old Twin - 2014)
Bio: Pernic, John (Burned -
26 Nov 1966)
Bio: Schunk, Ed Jr. (Barn Fire
- 1966)
Bio: Zaborowski, Betsy (Senior
Profile - 24 Nov 1966)
BioA: Schmidt, Mr./Mrs. Hermiss
( Silver - 1966)
News: Gilman (01 Dec 1966)
News: Lublin (24 Nov 1966)
News: Reseburg (01 Dec 1966)
Obit: Hazuga, John A. (1906
- 1966)
Obit: Zakrzewicz, Anna (1890?
- 1966)
21 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Hameloth, David (Europe
Trip - 1972)
News: Greenwood (31 Aug 1972)
News: Neillsville Locals (31
Aug 1972)
News: Willard (7 Sep 1972)
School: NHS Class of 1957 (15th
Reunion - 1972)
New Taylor Co. Cemetery Listings
provided by Robert Lipprandt
Holway Township
Our Saviour's Lutheran/Holway
St. Mary's Catholic
Little Black Township
St. Mary's Catholic
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Borgemoen, Ryanna (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Buchholz, Travis (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Erickson, Lydia (Presidents’
List - 2014)
Bio: Hull, Samara (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Tyznik, Jake (Graduation
- 2014)
Bio: Voss, Loren (Graduation
- 2014)
News: Colby (20 Jun 1889)
News: Colby (27 Jun 1889)
News: Milan (18 Jun 1924)
News: Milan (25 Jun 1924)
Obit: Fasbender, Gerald Lee
(1957 - 2014)
Obit: Miller, David U. (1955
- 2014)
Obit: Niznik, Nancy J. (1944
- 2014)
Obit: Wicke, Norman (1924 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
BioA: Badzinski, Mr./Mrs. Walter
M. #2 (60th - 1966)
News: Thorp (24 Nov 1966)
Obit: Deutschlander, Rudolph
#2 (1885 - 1966)
Obit: Glamkowski, Anton (1890
- 1966)
Obit: Gutowski, Felix P. (1914
- 1966)
Obit: Hamm, George B. (1902
- 1966)
Obit: Maslowski, Elizabeth (1865
- 1966)
Obit: Travinski, Charles (1891
- 1966)
Obit: Weinberger, David (1892
- 1966)
Obit: Yaeger, Georgia (? - 1966)
18 Jul
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days, 21 May 2014
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Stary, Opal Mary-Ellen
(Birth - 2014)
Bio: Suckow, Brianna (Dean’s
List - 2014)
News: Abbotsford (12 Jul 1924)
News: Colby (11 Jul 1889)
Obit: Boxrucker, Agnes V. #2
(1926 - 2014)
Obit: Brownell, Arthur Franklin
Jr. (1932 - 2014)
Obit: Hemke, David C. (1952
- 2014)
Obit: Kalmon, Franklin S. (1930
- 2014)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Bargender, Wendy
Dawn (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Brandl, Joyce
Ann (Baptism – 1966)
Bio: Gray, Sara Lynn
(Birth – 1966)
Bio: Hammel, Sandra
Marie (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Hoffmann, Tammy
Lynn (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Weiler, Robert
Kevin (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Woik, Dennis
Ronald (Birth – 1966)
BioA: Wibben, Mr.
& Mrs. Robert (Silver – 1966)
Obit: Harvey, Charlotte
(1896 – 1966)
Obit: Koffarnus, Clarence
(1912 – 1966)
Obit: Tischer, Kenneth
(19?? – 1966)
Obit: Van Dreel, Mary
Catherine (1892 – 1966)
Obit: Voelker, August
(1879 – 1966)
New Record posted by Janet Schwarze
BioM: Naumann, Caroline A. E.
Bio: Naumann, Mathilda ( 1890
- 1954)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Benzschawel, Reinold L.
(Honors in Vietnam - 1966)
Bio: Deutschlander, Jacqueline
A. (1966)
Bio: Kaczmarek, Robert (Arrives
in Vietnam - 15 Oct 1966)
Bio: Pabich, Henry J. (Stanley
Drug Store - 1 Nov 1966)
BioA: Zurakowski, Mr./Mrs. Walter
(Gold - 1966)
News: Lublin (10 Nov 1966)
Obit: Beltz, Kason A. (2005
– 2014)
Obit: Deutschlander, Rudolph
(1886? - 1966)
Obit: High, Marvin W. (1998
– 2014)
Obit: Knutson, Dolores A. (1935
– 2014)
Obit: Molczan, Andrew J. (1884
- 1966)
Obit: Pagel, Henry A. (1910?
- 1966)
Obit: Richert, Robert (1943
– 2014)
Obit: Sallis, Margaret (1913?
- 1966)
Obit: St. George, John L. (1944
– 2014)
17 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Johnson, Lisa Barbara (Birth
- 1972)
Bio: Liephardt, Christian Allen
(Birth - 1972)
BioM: Grottke, Vicki Sue (1972)
BioM: Meyer, Ann L. (1972)
BioM: Moore, Shelley Ann (1972)
BioM: Ouimette, Lorraine Mary
Obit: Fredrickson, Doris E.
#3 (1936 - 1972)
Obit: Grabe, Kenneth A. #2 (1896
- 1972)
Obit: Larson, Peter (1885 -
Obit: Warner, Donald David (1898
- 1972)
New Records posted by Audrey
BioA: Bannach, Mr. and Mrs.
John S. (67th - 1968)
BioM: Dean Nancy (1968)
BioM: Francis, Lydia (1968)
BioM: Stasinopaulos, Tina (1968)
News: Twenty-Six Road (21 Nov
Obit: Buchholz, Daniel (1886
- 1968)
Obit: Kline, Frank (1884 - 1968)
Obit: Lavandowski , Leroy D.
#2 (1936 - 1968)
Obit: Roder, James (1902 - 1968)
Obit: Walter, Janice (1953 -1968)
New Records Posted by Betty
Bio: Schmalz, Rev. John (1888
- 1908)
BioM: Wehrmann, Bonnie
BioM: Wehrmann, Sherri
J. (1979)
Obit: Quast, Hugo #2 (1893 –
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Deuel, Mary "Jane" (Senior
Prfile - 3 Nov 1966)
Bio: Ebben, Dean (Kohler Co.
Branch Asst. Manager - 1966)
Bio: Possley, John (Senior Profile
- 3 Nov 1966)
Bio: Ragatz, Ted (Player of
the Week - Oct 1966)
Bio: Sniegowski, Jerry (Senior
Profile - 3 Nov 1966)
BioM: Malinowski, Velma J. (1966)
BioM: Sanville, Kay Judith (1966)
News: Reseburg (27 Oct
Obit: Mamajek, Mary #2 (1872
- 1966)
Obit: Redlin, Mildred (1902?
- 1966)
16 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
(60th - 2014)
News: Clark Co. - College Notes
(9 Jul 2014)
News: Clark Co. 1897 Jail Museum
(June 2014)
News: Neillsville Locals (24
Aug 1972)
News: Thorp - Campus Highlights
(2014 Grads - UW La Crosse)
News: Thorp - Campus Highlights
(Dean’s List - 2014)
Obit: Lamkin, Katherine J. (?
- 2014)
Obit: Shewczyk, Judith Ann “Gee”
#2 (1940 - 2014)
Obit: Wittkopf, Genevieve M.
(- 2014)
School: NHS Class of 1947 (25th
Reunion - 1972)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Frane, Kevin
Joseph (Baptism – 1966)
Bio: Rachu, Shawn
Ervin (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Schuster, Renee
Ann (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Schuster, Renee
Ann (Baptism – 1966)
BioM: Decker, Kristine
A. (1966)
BioM: Kernze, Kathryn
Ann (1966)
BioM: Kopp, Barbara
Rose (1966)
Obit: Jacobson, Norma
(1908 – 1966)
Obit: Kops, Norman
(1917 – 1966)
Obit: Will, Joseph
(1878 – 1966)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony
Schmidt, Edward J.
Schmidt, Genevieve C.
Schmidt, June
Schmidt, Robert E.
Schuld, Bernard (Maybe)
Schwieso, Orel Eileen
Schwieso, Theodore H.
Shefchik, Emil
Shefchik, Hildegard
Spangler, Anton J. - Military
Spangler, Eleanor
Stutte, Anna Margaret
Stutte, Florence O.
Stutte, Fred Anthony
Stutte, Hugo Fredrich
Stutte, Laura Mary
Wilke, Edward C.
Wilke, Jennifer Lee
Wilke, Penelope
Wucherpfennig, Marie Ann
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kluk, Kathy (Homecoming
Queen - 1966)
Bio: Przybylski, Lillian (Engagement
- 1966)
BioA: Badzinski, Mr./Mrs. Walter
(60th - 1966)
BioA: Starks, Mr./Mrs. Emory
(30th - 1966)
BioM: Burzinski, Gail G. (1966)
BioM: Mnichowicz, Antoinette
J. #2 (1966)
News: Gilman (27 Oct 1966)
News: Thorp (27 Oct 1966)
News: South Worden (27 Oct 1966)
Obit: Jones, Irma (1888? - 1966)
15 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital
(Aug 1972)
Bio: Miller, Scott Michael (Birth
- 1972)
BioM: Becherer, JoAnne (1972)
BioM: Hagen, Connie Jean (1972)
BioM: Humboldt, Judith Ann (1972)
BioM: Schlinkert, Karen (1972)
BioM: Turczyn, Mary (1972)
Obit: Garbisch, Charlotte (1907
- 1972)
Obit: Klueckmann, Edwin W. (1891
- 1972)
New Records posted by Robert
News: Colby (13 Jun 1889)
News: Milan (11 Jun 1924)
Obit: Bergmann, Norma Jean (1937
- 2014)
Obit: Brown, Lucille Patricia
(1957 - 2014)
Obit: Dall, Mary Jane (1959
- 2014)
Obit: Felhofer, Charolette D.
(1924 - 2014)
Obit: Hinke, Fern Fayette (1954?
- 2014)
Obit: Judnic, Clarence E. (1927
- 2014)
Obit: Kremsreiter, Sandra J.
(1966 - 2014)
Obit: Maroney, Larry Michael
(1950 - 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony
Loos, Steven
McNelly, Erna
McNeely, Raymond
Miller, Caroline
Miller, Raymond J.
Rogstad Family Stone
Rogstad, Edward
Rogstad, Othilia
Rogstad, Nobert Delbert
Rueth, Agnes
Rueth, Leo H.
Schecklman, Anita A.
Shecklman, Anthony J.
Schlagenhaft, Anthony J.
Schlagenhaft, Dawn M.
Schlagenhaft, George
Schlagenhaft, Theresa
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Kurth, Augusta Schnur (1857
- 1942)
Bio: Kidd, Earle W. & Laura
Elliott (1885 - 1930)
Bio: Laine, Helga M. Koskinen
(1876 - 1960)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bielecki, Rosaline (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Matson, Roger H. (Completes
Army Course - 1966)
BioA: Deniskiewicz, Mr./Mrs.
Charles (Gold - 1966)
BioA: Nelsen, Mr./Mrs. C.A.
(Gold - 1966)
BioM: Alger, Georgia J. (1966)
BioM: Boie, Connette J. (1966)
Obit: Brux, Gary #2 (1938 -
Obit: Garrich, Fred (1909 -
Obit: Lato, John K. (1905 -
Obit: Papierniak, John (1886?
- 1966)
14 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Caliebe, Robert (Graduate
- 1972)
Bio: Kalsow, Beverly Lou (Engagement
- 1972)
Bio: Radke, Marvin (Barn Fire
- 17 Aug 1972)
Bio: Wuethrich, Todd Allen (Baptism
- 1972)
BioA: Gregorich, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe (40th - 1972)
News: Greenwood (17 Aug 1972)
News: Neillsville Locals (17
Aug 1972)
Obit: Leonard, John Peter (1916
- 1972)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Sebold, Megan M. (President’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Ustanovska, Anna Sofia
(Birth - 2014)
Obit: Beranek, Roseann (1931
- 2014)
Obit: Conrad, Richard K. (1960
- 2014)
Obit: Karaba, Amelia (1918?
- 2014)
Obit: Kelley, Beatrice (1922
- 2014)
Obit: Loucks, Charles M. (1928
- 2014)
Obit: Schuette, Orville D. #2
(1923 - 2014)
Obit: Synol, Donovan P. (1948
- 2014)
Obit: Untiedt, Emil W. Jr. (1935
- 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony
Christman, Gilbert J.
Davel, Patricia Frances
Davel, Paul A.
Davel, Paul A. - Military
Davel, Scott
Degenhardt, Albert M.
Degenhardt, Dorothy
Elsinger, Judy
Froeba, Diana
Froeba, Herbert
Hartl, Helen D.
Hartl, Roy Florian
Hoeser, Dale
Hoeser, Flroence M.
Hoeser, Lenus A. "Leon"
Loos, Dorothy "Jean"
Loos, Gilbert C.
Riegel, Margaret
Rueth Family Stone
New Record posted by Janet Schwarze
BioM: Timmer, Jennie L. (1895)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Seliskar, William (2nd
Bronze Star - 1966)
BioM: Sarkela, Jeanette M. (1966)
BioM: Schultze, Patricia A.
BioM: Staroselec, Mary L. (1966)
News: Gilman (29 Sep 1966)
Obit: Boxrucker, Agnes A. (1926
– 2014)
Obit: Dawley, Barbara (1938
– 2014)
Obit: Dow, Robert I. (1933 –2014)
Obit: Froeba, Donna E. #2 (1936
Obit: Jankoski, George (1900
- 1966)
Obit: Kaminski, Joseph F. (1894
- 1966)
Obit: Kolenkiewicz, Felix (1896
- 1966)
Obit: Kotcon, Victor (1929 -
Obit: Loughead, Janet L. (1933
- 2014)
Obit: Steinhilber, James H.
(1950 – 2014)
Obit: Voight, Joseph F. (1934
- 2014)
School: Thorp H.S. Homecoming
Royalty (1966)
11 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days, 14 May 2014
Bio: Parkel, Sarah Jane (Baptism
- 1972)
Bio: Simek, Douglas Richard
(Birth - 1972)
BioA: Brandt, Rev. Frederick
(50 Years Minister - 1972)
BioM: Kauffman, Kathleen Rae
BioM: Marriage Licenses (August
- 1972)
BioM: Voie, Karla Jean (1972)
News: Granton (10 Aug 1972)
News: Greenwood (10 Aug 1972)
News: Willard (10 Aug 1972)
Obit: Herdrich, Reno #2 (1902
- 1972)
Obit: Short, Clara (1887 - 1972)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Bruss, Son of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jr. (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Chris, Jeffrey
Carl (Baptism – 1966)
Bio: Diers, Tina Marie
(Birth – 1966)
Bio: Grambort, Christine
Ann (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Mantor, Dana
Marie (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Mroczenski, Rhonda
Claire (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Zuber, Kim Warren
(Birth – 1966)
BioM: Mohan, Marlene
BioM: Schaefer, Sharon
Marie (1966)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Becker, Joseph (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Bloome, James Ralph (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Bruehling, Sabrina (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Decker, Megan (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Hansen, Susanna (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Hebda, Elizabeth (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Kaiser, Quinn (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Bio: Krebsbach, Nicolas (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Loertscher, Dylan (Dean’s
List - 2014)
Bio: Reynolds, Jenna (Dean’s
List - 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Loyal St. Anthony
Andraska, James
Annen, Florence
Annen, William
Ayers, Rachael H.
Bart, James
Bart, Nancy
Bauer, Lorene V.
Bauer, Paul O.
Becker, Delbert
Becker, Florence
Bertz, Joseph J.
Bertz, Mary
Bielen, Alois J.
Bielen, Eva A.
Braun, Allen P.
Braun, Doris
Braun, Joseph
Braun, Vincent
Brown, Bert B.
Brown, Frances E.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Schesel, Robert H. (Promoted
- 1966)
Bio: Vircks, Dennis F. (Special
Forces Training - 1966)
BioM: Conklin, Lila K. #2 (1966)
BioM: Dachel, Barbara Ann (1966)
BioM: Lobacz, Yvonne M. (1966)
BioM: Szymanski, Marlene (1966)
News: Reseburg (29 Sep 1966)
News: Thorp (29 Sep 1966)
News: South Worden (29 Sep 1966)
Obit: Artabasy, Mary T. (1902
- 1966)
10 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Griepentrog, Kade Allan
(Baptism - 2014)
Bio: Pischer, Ryan Michael (Birth
- 2014)
News: Clark Co. College Notes
(18 Jun - 2014)
News: Thorp - Campus Highlights
(Deans’ Lists - 2014)
Obit: Cadwell, Mary L. (1948
- 2014)
Obit: Eisberner, Sarah Marie
(1957 - 2014)
Obit: Michur, Edward Leon (1921
- 2014)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Nimz, Robert
George (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Vrana, Julie
Ann (Birth – 1966)
BioA: Sterzinger,
Mr. & Mrs. Joe (60th - 1966)
BioM: Westphal, Arlene
Obit: Firnstahl, G.
W. (18?? – 1966)
Obit: Hingiss, Iva
(1901 – 1966)
Obit: Lowe, Roy Lee
(1878 – 1966)
Obit: Miller, Charles
H. #2 (1878 – 1966)
Obit: Sill, Viola
(1908 – 1966)
Obit: Stowe, Helen
Emma #1 (19?? – 1966)
Obit: Stowe, Helen
Emma #2 (19?? – 1966)
New Records Posted by Audrey
Bio: Davel, Albert (94th birthday
Bio: Guzman, Melva (New Librarian
In Loyal - 1968)
BioM: Denk, Kathy (1968)
BioM: Lemke, Barbara Dianne
BioM: Noeldner, Helen (1968)
BioM: Pruett, Jean #2 (1968)
Obit: Biermeier, Barbara Ann
(1968 - 1968)
Obit: Colby, James R. #2 (1892
- 1968)
Obit: Moh, Dora #2 (1879 - 1968)
School: Loyal H.S. (Press Conference
- 1968)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Wilcox, Bert W.
Wilcox, Hesper Lillian
Wildish, Diane C.
Wildish, John B.
Wildish, John B. - Military
Wisth, Arthur
Wisth, John P.
Wisth, Julia P.
Wisth, Thorvald
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Burzynski, Gail (Bridal
Shower - 1966)
Bio: Konieczny, Sharon H. (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Potocnik, Judith Ann (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Solz, Lynda Dawn (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Welzien, David M. (Serving
on USS Towers - 1966)
BioM: Brenner, June Mae (1966)
BioM: Rapisardo, Irene (1966)
BioM: Ruda, Sharon (1966)
Obit: Kaszubowski, Aleck P.
#2 (1883 - 1966)
Obit: Munson, Lawrence H. (1890
- 1966)
09 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Turnquist, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur (40th - 1972)
News: Columbia (3 Aug 1972)
News: Greenwood (3 Aug 1972)
News: Humbird (3 Aug 1972)
News: Lynn (3 Aug 1972)
Obit: Fees, Charles, Jr. (?
- 1972)
School: Granton H.S. Class of
1952 (Reunion - 1972)
School: Greenwood H.S. Class
of 1942 (Reunion - 1972)
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Amacher, Lee
Ann (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Chris, Jeffrey
Carl (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Eggebrecht, Karen
Marie (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Johnson, James
Kevin (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Maki, Son of
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Pawlowicz, Sandra
Ellen (Birth – 1966)
BioM: Hund, Charlotte
Obit: Calmes, Susan
(1870 – 1966)
Obit: Heide, Edwin
(18?? – 1966)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Anderson, Dorothy I. (1923
- 2014)
Obit: Fudala, Gary J. (1942
- 2014)
Obit: Hoppenworth, Dorothy I.
(1929 - 2014)
Obit: Loberg, Stella Grace #2
(1911 - 2014)
Obit: Nuernberger, Herbert C.
(1925 - 2014)
Obit: Schueller, George J. (1925
- 2014)
Obit: Sossaman, Estella Marie
(1932 - 2014)
Obit: Truitt, Rose Marie (1952
- 2014)
Obit: Weidman, Guy H. (1930
- 2014)
Obit: Wiesman, Robert J. (1927
- 2014)
Obit: Ziembo, Emma R. (1918
- 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Thomas, Gelia
Thwing, Iva Ethel
Thwing, Myron Duwell
Thwing, Willmett E. (William)
Tomlinson, Romelle J.
Tomlinson, Ronald I
Trampbush, Frank Bert
Trampbush, Evelyn Ingrid
Verhulst, Alice Myrtl
Verhulst, Lyle A.
Vivoda, George
Vivoda, Mary
Welsch, Dickie
Welsch, Emma
Welsch Family Stone
Welsch, Henry - Military
Wessel, Albert Frederick
Wessel, Mary
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Anderson, Dale E. (Engagement
- 1966)
Bio: Michur, Edward J. (Promoted
to PFC - 1966)
Bio: Sadler, S/Sgt. Barry (Honored
Guest - 1966)
BioA: Bivans, Mr./Mrs. Lauran
(40th - 1966)
BioM: Kraut, Bunee M. (1966)
BioM: Reinke, Ruth E. #2 (1966)
News: Reseburg (01 Sep 1966)
News: Thorp (01 Sep 1966)
News: South Worden (01 Sep 1966)
Obit: Kaszubowski, Aleck P.
(1883? - 1966)
08 Jul
New Family Album provided by
Betty Comstock
Photo: Volk Family Album
New Family Photos added by daughter,
BioM: Siegienski, Rose Irene
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Gurklis, A1/c Constance
M. (Military Notes - 1972)
Bio: Kara, Pvt. Billy C. (Military
Notes - 1972)
Bio: Kesler, Amy Lynn (Birth
- 1972)
Bio: Ours, Sherry A. (Military
Notes - 1972)
BioM: Haines, Kay Lynette (1972)
BioM: Polnaszek, Carol Jean
BioM: Pree, Susan (1972)
BioM: Rohland, Teresa (1972)
Obit: Ponomarenko, Wasyl (1900
- 1972)
Obit: Raine, Everett E. (1882
- 1972)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Baltus, Mary Ann (1934
- 2014)
Obit: Kolbo, Karey Dee #2 (1947
- 2014)
Obit: Krasselt, Eva Pauline
(1929 - 2014)
Obit: Laakso, Arne (1911 - 2014)
Obit: Nikolay, Frank V. Jr.
(1929 - 2014)
Obit: Vorland, Pearl Anna #2
(1913 - 2014)
Obit: Webb, Lee A. Jr. (1925
- 2014)
Obit: Westrich, Alice M. (1927
- 2014)
Obit: Wood, Marcella M. (1923
- 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Stevens Family Stone
Stevens, Anna I.
Stevens, Perry M.
Stevens, Baby
Stewart, Clara Theresa
Stone, Dianna L.
Sweet, Margaret "Mary"
Sweet, Sylvester E. - Military
Syth Family Stone
Syth, George Nelson
Syth, Helen Marie
Syth, Isabella
Syth, Isabella
Syth, James
Syth, John
Syth, Kathrine (Kate)
Syth, Reynold Edward
Syth, Robert "Babb"
Thomas, Arnold Ellwood
Thomas, Dolores Charlotte
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Binning, Nellie (Letter
from Oregon - 1933)
Bio: Stewart, David E. (Another
Local Boy Makes Good - 1933)
Bio: Thomas, Dr. J.R. (Injured
- 1933)
BioA: Irvine, Mr./Mrs. D.A.
(Silver - 1933)
BioM: Aaberg, Myrtle J. #2 (1933)
News: Eaton - East Side (12
Oct 1933)
News: Greenwood (Old Band Boys
- 31 May 1933)
News: Greenwood - Coxie (12
Oct 1933)
News: Janesville Settlement
(12 Oct 1933)
Obit: Forman, Cyrus E. #2 (1840
- 1933)
07 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bailey, Mrs. Chet (Honored
Teacher - 1972)
News: Chili (27 Jul 1972)
News: Humbird (27 Jul 1972)
News: Neillsville Locals (27
Jul 1972)
School: Humbird - Wilbur School
School: NHS Class of 1952 (20th
Reunion - 1972)
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Brown, Eastyn Ryan (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Bunkelman, Lamea Rose (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Hein, Braxton Jaymes (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Larson, Jack Theodore Kenneth
(Birth - 2014)
Bio: Lynn, Kinley Mark (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Niemann, Cruz Dennis Rueben
(Birth - 2014)
Bio: Schreiber, Nella Ann (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Weideman, Heston Alan (Birth
- 2014)
Bio: Wilson, McKenzie Marie
(Birth - 2014)
News: Colby (30 May 1889)
News: Milan (28 May 1924)
Obit: Becht, Francis A. (1917
- 2014)
Obit: Berens, David C. (1951
- 2014)
Obit: Custer, Harold Phillip
(1922 - 2014)
Obit: Preisinger, Delores J.
(1936 - 2014)
School: Colby High School (Graduation
- 2014)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Schultz, Janette L.
Severson, Edith
Severson, John
Severson, Lisa Jean
Severson, Robert Allen
Shanks, G. Albert
Shanks, Hattie May
Sheets, Asa Leland
Sheets, Joseph Asa
Sheets, Nancy Leandrey
Sloniker, Verlyn John
Smith, Della May "Delia"
Smith, Sylvia Jane
Sonderegger, Duane
Sonderegger, Julia Alvilda
Sonderegger, Laura
Sonderegger, William
Stanley, Leo
Stanley, Sylvina
Stensvold, Carl Oscar
New Records posted by Janet
Bio: Gaulke, Vilas (1912? -
Bio: Smith Elizabeth Florence
"Lizzy" (1896 - 1922)
Bio: Porter, Glen P. (1927 -
Obit: Hayes, Mary (1925 - 2009)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Ampe, Albert (Boy Makes
Good - 1933)
Bio: Drew, Fred (Faces Charges
- 1933)
Bio: Horn, Otto, M. (Home Destroyed
by Fire - 1933)
BioM: Hatfield, Verona (1933)
News: Eaton Center (05 Jan 1933)
News: Greenwood - Coxie (05
Jan 1933)
News: Greenwood - Eastern Star
(Installs Officer - Jan 1933)
News: Hemlock (05 Jan 1933)
News: Janesville Settlement
(05 Jan 1933)
Obit: Dickey, Sharon A. (1938
- 2014)
Obit: Froeba, Donna E. (1936
- 2014)
Obit: Jacobi, Robert E. (1939?
- 2014)
Obit: Lamont, Angus D. (1920
- 2014)
Obit: Seidel, Bea S. (1939 -
Obit: Shields, Hiram S. (1855
- 1933)
Obit: Volk, Bethel (1916 - 2014)
03 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Mott, Jennifer Lynn (Baptism
- 1972)
Bio: Sowieja, Vincent (80th
Birthday - 1972)
BioM: Mews, Lu Ann (1972)
BioM: Theirl, Terry (1972)
News: Greenwood (20 Jul 1972)
News: Willard (20 Jul 1972)
Obit: Davis, Merton (1896 -
Obit: Seibold, Louie (1887 -
New Records posted by Dinah
Bio: Aschebrook, Son of Mr./Mrs.
(Birth – 1966)
Bio: Beil, Kari Marie (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Frane, Kevin Joseph (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Frome, Bradley Dennis (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Gaetz, Karen Sue (Baptism
– 1966)
Bio: Johnson, Son of Mr./Mrs.
William (Birth – 1966)
Bio: Rehberg, Michael Jon (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Schmitt, Heidi Marie (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Voss, Darrel Eddie (Birth
– 1966)
Bio: Weber, Catherine C. (102nd
Birthday – 1966)
Obit: Brunkhorst, Allie (1882
– 1966)
Obit: Rilling, Dr. Jacob A.
(1885 – 1965)
Obit: Weetz, Clarence J. #2
(1907 – 1966)
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Otis, Hannah Josephine
Palmatier, Carl P.
Peck, Walter Benson - Military
Petkovsek, Arthur William
Petkovsek, Jeanette Marie
Pfeifer, Charles Earl
Phillips, Gilbert
Poole, Fern Irene
Puro, Helen M.
Puro, Theda
Rask, Clifford H. - Military
Rossman, Anna M.
Rossman, Johanna "Anna"
Rossman, Paul R. - Military
Rossman, Roy Peter
Rossow, Clara
Rossow, Orville
Rossow, Otto
Sanford, Adelbert M.
Schultz, Dale Edward
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Daniels, Rev. Wm. (Leaving
Greenwood St. Mary's - 1932)
BioM: Jorenby, Adele M. (1933)
News: West Beaver (30 Apr 1933)
News: Eaton - East Side (30
Apr 1933)
News: Gorman (17 Mar 1932)
News: Greenwood - Coxie (30
Apr 1933)
News: Hemlock (30 Apr 1933)
News: Janesville Settlement
(30 Apr 1933)
News: Longwood (30 Apr 1933)
News: West Side (30 Apr 1933)
02 Jul
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bruhn, Tiffany
Carol (Dean’s List -
News: Thorp - Campus
Highlights (Graduates
- 2014)
News: Thorp - Mich.
Tech. Univ. (Spring
Commencement - 2014)
Obit: Auman, Brian Allen
(1975 - 2014)
Obit: Herman, Jeanne
(1930 - 2014)
Obit: Meyer, Carole
J. (1939 - 2014)
New Records posted by
Betty Comstock
News: East Lynn (17
Apr 1914)
News: East Lynn (24
Apr 1914)
News: Lynn (17
Apr 1914)
News: Lynn (24 Apr
News: Nasonville (24
Apr 1914)
News: Romadka (24
Apr 1914)
News: Star Corner
(24 Apr 1914)
News: East York and
West Fremont (17 Apr
News: York and West
Fremont (24 Apr 1914)
News: York Center
(24 Apr 1914)
School: Granton School
Notes (24 Apr 1914)
New Records posted by
Dinah Reinke
Bio: Roder, Emma (99th
Birthday – 1966)
Obit: Amundson, Amelia
(1890 – 1966)
Obit: Berry, Warner
(1909 – 1966)
Obit: Denzin, Ray August
(1918 – 1966)
Obit: Gridel, Anne (1892
– 1966)
Obit: Heinzel, Clara
(1886 – 1966)
Obit: Meyers, Herbert
H. #2 (1891 – 1966)
Obit: Plautz, Rev. James
L. (19?? – 1966)
Obit: Wedeking, Chris
M. (18?? – 1966)
Obit: Winkel, William
H. (1885 – 1966)
New Cemetery Photos
by Kathy Englebretson
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Moore, Charles
Moore, Ellen Garwin
Moore, Francis E (Frank)
Moore, Ivy E.
Moore, Stephen B.
Mortl, John
Moseley, Joyce K.
Nielsen, Anna Elizabeth
Nielsen, Beatrice
Nielsen, Gerda Johanna
Nielsen, Harris Eugene
Nielsen, Henry
Nielsen, John
Norton, Dorothy Isabelle
Norton, Everett L.
Norton, William H.
Noyes, Inf. Son
Ogden, Donald Robert
Ortwig, Myrtle I.
Ortwig, Samuel Bernard
New Records posted by
Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hammer, William
(Home Destroyed - 1932)
Bio: Kind, Daughter
of Mr./Mrs. Otto (Birth
- 1932)
BioM: Aaberg, Myrtle
BioM: Schnell, Bertha
E. (1933)
News: Braun Settlement
(17 Mar 1932)
News: Eaton Center (17
Mar 1932)
News: Hemlock (17 Mar
News: Twenty-Six Road
(17 Mar 1932)
News: Willard (17 Mar
Obit: Sheets, Daughter
of Mr./Mrs. Carl (1932
- 1932)
01 Jul 2014
New Records posted by
Betty Comstock
BioM: Krejci, Emma
#3 (1914)
News: Chili (24 Apr
News: Foemmel Corners
(17 Apr 1914)
News: Foemmel Corners
(24 Apr 1914)
News: Granton Locals
(17 Apr 1914)
News: Granton Locals
(24 Apr 1914)
News: North Grant
(17 Apr 1914)
News: Harris Spur
(24 Apr 1914)
News: Heathville (24
Apr 1914)
News: Lindsey (17
Apr 1914)
News: Lindsey (24
Apr 1914)
New Records posted by
Audrey Roedl
Bio: Raab, Mrs. Jesse
(50 Year RNA Pin -1968)
Bio: Zinthefer, Father
(60th Priesthood Anniv.
- 1968)
BioM: Domine, Barbara
BioM: Richert, Beverly
News: Granton (05 Sep
News: Twenty-Six Road
(05 Sep 1968)
Obit: Limp, Lelia (1887
- 1968)
Obit: Noeldner, Maggie
#1 (1884 - 1968)
Obit: Noeldner, Maggie
#2 ( ? - 1968)
Obit: Porter, Edward
J. (1914 - 1968)
New Cemetery Photos
by Kathy Englebretson
Greenwood, WI City Cemetery
Mason, Clarence Austin
Mathison, Anna M.
Mathison, Eva Ione
Mathison, Henry Anton
McConnell, George, Jr.
McConnell, George, Sr.
McConnell, John H.
McConnell, Lanty
McConnell, Robert Lyn
McConnell, Sarah E.
Mech, Elaine
Mech, Vernon T.
Meredith, Ralph
Meredith, Rose
Meredith, Ruth H.
Meredith, William
Meyers, Lenore Mae
Minsaas, John E.
Moore Family Stone
Moore, Catherine
New Records posted by
Stan Schwarze
Bio: Berrett, Son of
Mr./Mrs. Verland (Birth
- 1932)
BioM: Thorson, Leona
News: Eaton - East Side
(29 Dec 1932)
News: Hemlock (29 Dec
News: LaTart (29 Dec
News: Longwood (29 Dec
News: Seif & Hendren
(29 Dec 1932)
News: Tioga & Gorman
(29 Dec 1932)
News: Twenty-Six Road
(29 Dec 1932)
News: West Side (29
Dec 1932)