31 Mar 2014 |
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr)
Kenyon |
Bio: Flores, Christopher James (Birth
- 1971) |
Bio: Litzer, Lynn Marie (Adoption -
1971) |
BioA: Opdyke, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar (56th
- 1971) |
BioA: Pakiz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Silver
- 1971) |
News: Clark Co. Historical Society (Annual
Mtg - Dec 1971) |
News: Granton (2 Dec 1971) |
News: Greenwood (2 Dec 1971) |
News: Greenwood (9 Dec 1971) |
News: Willard (2 Dec 1971) |
Obit: Lobsinger, Herman (1905 - 1971) |
Obit: Yenni, William H. (1905 - 1971) |
New Records posted by Ann Stevens |
BioM: Korman, Alice #2 (1916) |
BioM: Schmitt, Katie (1916) |
News: Christie (10 Aug 1916) |
News: Globe (24 Aug 1916) |
News: Levis (24 Aug 1916) |
News: North Pine Valley (24 Aug 1916) |
News: Sydney (10 Aug 1916) |
News: West York (10 Aug 1916) |
News: York Center (10 Aug 1916) |
Obit: Walk, Carl Frederick William #2
(1845 - 1916) |
New Cemetery Photos by Kathy Englebretson |
Loyal Lutheran |
Fravert, Bertha |
Fravert, Frederick William |
Haas, Merlin Paul |
Haselow, Bertha |
Haselow, Carl W.J. |
Haselow, Friedericka |
Haselow, Mabel |
Haselow, William Frederick |
Haslow, Alvin R. |
Haslow, Anna L. |
Haslow, Edward Carl |
Haslow, Gerelda |
Haslow, Ida A. |
Haslow, Orville D. |
Haslow, Walter Jr. |
Hills, Anna G. |
Hills, Harold A. |
Hinkelmann, Alvina |
Hinkelmann, Gerda |
Hinkelmann, Julius Ferdinand |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Behrens, Judith (Scholarship -
1953) |
Bio: Snedic, Bill (Track honors - 1953) |
Bio: Vollrath Couples (Enjoy Trip -
1953) |
Bio: Wuethrich, Trevor (Citizen of the
Year – 2014) |
BioM: Noah, Bernelda M. (1953) |
Church: Greenwood Our Savior's Luth.(Confirmation
- 1953) |
Church: Longwood Emmanuel Luth. (Confirmation
- 1953) |
News: Greenwood Area (04 Jun 1953) |
Obit: Briski, Mathew #4 (1878 - 1953) |
Obit: Kansora, August J. (1874 - 1953) |
Obit: Kleinschmidt, Delmar W. (1930
– 2014) |
Obit: Schmidt, Charlene A. (1950 –2014) |
School: Greenwood H.S. Badger Boys State
Reps (1953) |
28 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days
29 Jan 2014
Bio: Oja, Air Force Airman Kaylyn R.
(Military Notes - 2014)
News: Clark Co. College Notes (5 Feb
News: Thorp - Campus Highlights (UW-Stevens
Point - 2014)
News: Thorp - UW River Falls (Dean’s
List - 2014)
News: Thorp - UW-Platteville (191st
Commencement - 2014)
News: Thorp - Winona State (Dean’s List
- 2014)
Obit: Eddy, Jeffrey R. (1954 - 2014)
Obit: Hurt, Donna Anne (1948 - 2013)
Obit: Pawelko, Marie A. (1926 - 2014)
Obit: Pawlicki, Joseph Andrew (1917
- 2014)
Obit: Rodermund, Dr. A. M. (1882 - 1920)
New Records
posted by Ann Stevens
News: Dells Dam (3 Aug 1916)
News: East Lynn (3 Aug 1916)
News: Neillsville (3 Aug 1916)
News: East Weston and West York (3 Aug
News: West York (3 Aug 1916)
Obit: Bearheart, Joe #2 (1834? - 1916)
Obit: Delane, Almira Virginia (1850
- 1916)
Obit: Kleckner, Maynard Everett #2 (1914
- 1916)
Obit: Wasserberger, John (1859 - 1916)
Obit: Wright, Alvina (1856? - 1916)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Loyal Lutheran
Altman Family Stone
Bloedow Family Stone
Bloedow, Elsie Anna Emelia
Bloedow, Emma
Bloedow, Karl F.
Boushon, Harry Henry
Bredlau, Emma I.
Bredlau, Walter E.
Bushnell, Charles M.
Bushnell, Joyce B.
Capelle Family Stone
Capelle, David D.
Capelle, Martha
Capelle, Phillip G.
Deuermeyer, Alma Augusta
Deuermeyer, Sophia
Deuermeyer, William
Domine, Charles
Ertl, Marie L.
Ertl, Raymond Frank
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Jolivette, Norbert L. (Graduates
Seminary - 1953)
Bio: Jolivette, Norbert L. (Ordination
- 1953)
Bio: Thorson, Mr./Mrs. Alvin (Honored
- 1953)
BioA: Zell, Mr./Mrs. William (Silver
- 1953)
Obit: Hull, Merlin (1870 - 1953)
Obit: Stabnow, August F. #5 (1868 -
Obit: Walter, William J. (1873 - 1953)
Obit: Wells, Willis Ira #2 (1872 - 1953)
School: Greenwood H.S. Graduation (20
May 1953)
School: Greenwood H.S. Honor Students
27 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Nov
BioA: Lohmeier, Mr. and Mrs. John (Golden
- 1971)
BioA: Maser, Mr. and Mrs. Christ (Golden
- 1971)
Obit: Blackhawk, Andrew (1886 - 1971)
Obit: Cohara, Blaz (1886 - 1971)
Obit: Dusso, Lexton M. #2 (1891 - 1971)
Obit: Greeler, Minnie J. (1884 - 1971)
Obit: Hebert, Katherine (1898 - 1971)
Obit: Jordan, Louis (1877 - 1971)
Obit: Koepp, Dr. Arthur William (1895
- 1971)
Obit: Susa, Joseph J. (? - 1971)
Obit: Wegert, Candace Mary (1971 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Buman, Julie A. (Graduation - 2014)
Bio: Decker, Megan (Dean’s List - 2013)
Bio: Romatowski, Heather (Resident Director
- 2014)
News: Colby (10 Jan 1889)
News: Colby (Flour Mill Fire - 17 Jan
News: Dorchester - Meyer Mfg (Awards
- 2013)
News: Milan (9 Jan 1924)
Obit: Morgan, Dorothy M. (1929 - 2014)
Obit: Pecher, James J. (1942 - 2014)
Obit: Thums, Lillian (1917 - 2014)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Weiler, Brenda J.
Welsch, Emma
Welsch, Henry
Wentzel, Lavern E.
Wicker, Blandina E.
Wicker, Elmer F.
Wilde, Helen
Wilde, James P.
Wilson, Robert David
Young, Amy L.
Young, Evelyn M.
Young, Jacqueline M.
Young, Judi
Young, Richard "Dick"
Young, Thomas M.
Young, William F. Sr.
Young, William F. Jr.
Zassenhaus, William F. - Military
Zawacki, Michael
Zawacki, Rose Pauline
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Apr 1953)
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Apr 1953)
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Apr/May
Bio: Carl, Francis Irvin (Baptism -
News: Greenwood Area (07 May 1953)
Obit: Ociecek, Katherine #3 (1887? -
Obit: Toburen, William H. #3 (1881 -
Obit: Toburen, William H. #4 (1881 -
Obit: Westcott, May #2 (1877 - 1953)
School: Greenwood H.S. Junior Prom (24
Apr 1953)
26 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Garvin, Ruby L. (1920? - 2013)
Obit: Laufenberg, Bernard (1930 - 2014)
Obit: Reshel, Karen H. (1940 - 2013)
Obit: Rudebeck, Roselyn A. (1924 - 2013)
Obit: Smoke, Catherine P. (1930 - 2013)
Obit: Thompson, Joseph O. “Joe” (1937
- 2013)
Obit: Walker, Lorikay A. (1964 - 2013)
Obit: Williams, Joseph Williams Sr.
(1935 - 2013)
Obit: Wood, Rex Lee (1939 - 2013)
New Records
posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Habermeyer, Mabel Helen (1922
- 2013)
Obit: Jensen, Jesse D. (1990 - 2014)
Obit: Meyer, Dolores M. (1933 - 2014)
Obit: Nelson, Margaret E. (1930 - 2014)
Obit: Pickruhn, Jerome A. (1939 - 2014)
Obit: Reynolds, Judith A. (1945 - 2014)
Obit: Schoelzel, Glen R. (1938 - 2014)
Obit: Sorensen, George C. (1921 - 2014)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Untiedt, Gregory L.
Untiedt, Phylis J.
Untiedt, Harry
Untiedt, Viola
Vandehey, Daniel
Vandehey, Julia
Ven Rooy, Elva M.
Ven Rooy, Norbert A.
Ven Rooy, Nobert - Military
Ven Rooy, Richard A.
Vincent, Essie E.
Weber, Carol
Weber, Carol M.
Weber, James M.
Weber, Jerome Lawrence
Weigel, Anna A.
Weigel, Herman J.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Malnar, Dolores (Joins Fraternity
- 1953)
BioA: Afkend, Mr./Mrs. Martin #2 (Gold
- 1903)
BioA: Brandt, Mr./Mrs. Nyle (Wedding
Shower - 1953)
BioM: Lindner, Elaine (1953)
BioM: Mattioda, Edith M. (1953)
Church: Greenwood St. Mary's #2 (First
Communion -1953)
Obit: Drummond, Emil P. #2 (1894 - 1953)
Obit: Humke, Adeline A. #3 (1880 - 1953)
Obit: Meinholdt, Emma A. #2 (1874 -
Obit: Spencer, Valentine (1874 - 1953)
25 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Beyel, Jacqueline Lee (Birth -
Bio: Briski, Betsy Ann (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Free, Bruce Dean (Baptism - 1971)
Bio: Schoenherr, Shawn Herbert (Birth
- 1971)
BioA: Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kuehn
(57th - 1971)
Obit: Bold, Vernal (1890 - 1971)
Obit: Braatz, Clarence R. (1913 - 1971)
Obit: Foemmel, Alfred Martin (1916 -
Obit: Oestreich, Everett (1906 - 1971)
Obit: Vollrath, Laverne Irene (1927
- 2014)
New Records
posted by Audrey Roedl
Bio: Knaack, Kristine (All-state Orchestra
BioA: Loos, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert (Silver
- 1967)
BioA: Prior, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (60th
- 1967)
BioA: Voss, Mr. and Mrs. Harry (60th
- 1967)
BioM: Ebert, Karen (1967)
News, Loyal (08 Jun 1967)
Obit: Bauer, Caroline (1915 - 1967)
Obit: Bloy, Esther (1896 - 1967)
Obit: Jenni, Emilie (1884 - 1967)
Obit: McGonigal, Blanche (Abt. 1883-
New Obituary
posted by Tina Tropf
Obit: Kelpin, Elsie H. #2 (1895 – 1991)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Suckow, Harvey R.
Suckow, Margaret A.
Thums, Madelyne
Thums, Ronald
Tyznik, Darla J.
Tyznik, Duane
Tyznik, Henry N.
Tyznik, Joanne I.
Umhoefer, Anton
Umhoefer, Anton Xavier
Umhoefer, Bertha
Umhoefer, Bertha A.
Umhoefer, Catherine
Umhoefer, James Edwin
Umhoefer, Mary
Umhoefer, Paul A.
Umnus, Gerhard H.
Umnus, Marie E.
Untiedt, Emil
Untiedt, Viola
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Angel, Barbara A. (1931 – 2014)
Obit: Boehning, Phillip N. (1940 – 2014)
Obit: Darge, Pearl R. (1942 – 2014)
Obit: Kilmer, Annie V. (1952 – 2014)
Obit: Litka, Ruth (1922 – 2014)
Obit: Ramker, Ida L. (1946 – 2014)
Obit: Schreiner, Elmer A. (1930 – 2014)
Obit: Schwinn, Angela F. (1932 – 2014)
Obit: Seefeld, Barry L. (1956 – 2014)
Obit: Seefeld, Frances E. (1926 – 2014)
Obit: Seidel, Catherine J. (1938 – 2014)
Obit: Smrecek, Marian L. #2 (1932 –
Obit: Young, Jeannine P. (1929 – 2014)
24 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Nov
Bio: Hagedorn, John (Military Notes
- 1971)
Bio: Hynes, Pvt. Patrick J. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Mehner, Sgt. Bruce W. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Olson, Pfc. John R. (Military Notes
- 1971)
Bio: Schutz, Pvt. Ronald A. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioM: Bork, Ellen Mae (1971)
BioM: Clintsman, Roxane (1971)
BioM: Peterson, Debra Liu (1971)
News: Greenwood (11 Nov 1971)
News: Neillsville Locals (11 Nov 1971)
New Records
posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Writz, Evelyn Darlene (Birth -
News: Clark Co. & Marathon Amish (29
Jan 2014)
Obit: Anderson, Peter J. (1932 - 2014)
Obit: Borchardt, Gerald C. (1929 - 2002)
Obit: Borchardt, Irene I. (1928 - 2014)
Obit: Capes, Mark Allen #3 (1949 - 2014)
Obit: Heeg, Irene E. (1923 - 2014)
Obit: Kalson, Lois J. (1932 - 2013)
Obit: Laessig, J. Terry (1942 - 2014)
Obit: Phillips, RoseMary A. (1927? -
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Bio: Brown, Laverne (Buddy) (car accident
Bio: Warner, Don (Retirement-Mail Carrier
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Sterzinger, Adena M.
Sterzinger, Frank C.
Sterzinger, George
Sterzinger, George J.
Sterzinger, George J. - Military
Sterzinger, Lorena M.
Sterzinger, Lorena M.
Sterzinger, Michael
Sterzinger, Randall G.
Sterzinger, Rosemary
Sterzinger, Violet R.
Stieber, Audrey A.
Stieber, Emma
Stieber, Michael J.
Stieber, Roman
Stroota, Albert
Stroota, Margaretha
Stuttgen, Carol A.
Stuttgen, Melvin J.
Suckow, Jeannie
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Dahl, Alvin L. (1936 – 2014)
Obit: Denk, William E. “Bud” (1925 –
Obit: Dillenbeck, Robert #2 (1948 –
Obit: Dux, Martha E. #2 (1918 – 2014)
Obit: Jakel, Vincent P. (1936 – 2014)
Obit: Kubista, Robert A. (1944 – 2014)
Obit: Lindner, Loriena I. #2 (1917 –
Obit: Mack, Sherrin L. (1925 – 2014)
Obit: Musich, Alton “Bud” (1926 – 2014)
Obit: Vollrath, Esther D. (1928 – 2014)
21 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 22 Jan 2014
Bio: Imig, Belle (95th Birthday - 2014
News: Clark Co. - UW Madison (Fall
Dean’s List - 2014)
News: Clark Co. - CVTC (President’s
List - 2014)
News: Clark Co.- UW EC (Fall Dean’s
List - 2014)
News: Thorp - UW Whitewater (Campus
Highlights - 2014)
News: Thorp -UW Superior (Campus Highlights
- 2014)
Obit: Durst, Ivan Santford (1922 - 2014)
Obit: Lendosky, Clara C. (1923 - 2014)
Obit: Plautz, George James, Sr. (1918
- 2014)
Obit: Schwellenbach, Doris Jane (1920
- 2014)
Obit: Trunk, Russell John (1940 - 2014)
Obit: Zschernitz, Joyce Marie (1946
- 2014)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Roeber, Louise Soefker #3 (1871
- 1949)
Obit: Schwarze, Ed (Edwin) #3 (1877
- 1950)
Obit: Shanks, Albert #2 (1868 - 1949)
Obit: Sherman, Velma Mae #2 (1908 -
Obit: Stabnow, Henry F. #2 (1860 - 1948)
Obit: Stanton, John #2 (1874 - 1949)
Obit: Steffen, Ann Margaret #2 (1916
- 1959)
Obit: Varney, Edith E #2 (1872 - 1950)
Obit: Volk, Caroline #2 (1884 - 1950)
Obit: Volk, Valentine #2 (1879 - 1937)
Obit: Volk, Valentine #3 (1879 - 1937)
Obit: Wehrman, Arthur #2 (1911 - 1954)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Sellung, Francis
Sellung, Ina
Sieverding, Gerard J.
Singstock, Ermine O.
Singstock, Roy N.
Skrzeczkoski, Rita Ann
Smudde, Lester Charles
Smudde, Martha
Sommer, Jeanette R.
Sommer, Marvin C.
Steinmetz, Kevin
Steinmetz, Roselyn
Steinwand, Herbert
Steinwand, Margaret
Steinwand, Joseph L. - Military
Sterzinger, Clara
Sterzinger, Dorothy
Sterzinger, Elsie
Sterzinger, Frank A.
Sterzinger, Laura M.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Obit: Braun, John J. (1963 – 2014)
Obit: Clintsman, Robert E. (1932 – 2014)
Obit: DeVries, Harlan C. (1940 – 2014)
Obit: Dietsche, Eileen (1919 – 2014)
Obit: Green, Dever E. #2 (1915 – 2014)
Obit: Hanne, Irene A. (1920 – 2014)
Obit: Hurt, Donna A. #2 (1948? – 2013)
Obit: Johnson, Colleen, M. (1941 – 2014)
Obit: Juedes, Ruth M. (1923 – 2014)
Obit: Pigott, Gwen I. (1937 – 2014)
Obit: Plautz, George J. Sr. #2 (1918
– 2014)
Obit: Tesmer, Audrey L. (1923 – 2014)
Obit: Wissell, Charles E. #2 (1927 –
Obit: Wojcik, Jean M. #2 (1958 - 2014)
20 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Auman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (30th
- 1971)
BioA: Parkel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jr.
(35th - 1971)
News: Chili (4 Nov 1971)
News: Clark Co. Accordionist Entertainment
(4 Nov 1971)
News: Globe (4 Nov 1971)
News: Granton (4 Nov 1971)
News: Willard (4 Nov 1971)
Obit: Bertz, Reuben (1902 - 1971)
Obit: Hubing, Raymond (1908 - 1971)
Obit: Waller, Eva (1900 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Abel, William Frederick #3 (1872
- 1959)
Obit: Buker, Arthur Clarence #3 (1895
- 1959)
Obit: Busch, Edith Lauretta #3 (1918
- 1949)
Obit: Carteron, Olive #2 (1876 - 1949)
Obit: Decker, Ferdinand #2 (1874 - 1950)
Obit: Franz, Henry #2 (1873 - 1949)
Obit: Gates, Margaret #2 (1862 - 1950)
Obit: Gosse, Anna Augusta #3 (1880 -
Obit: Ketchpaw, Ella #2 (1857 - 1950)
Obit: Ludwig, Charles F. #2 (1881 -
Obit: Memhard, Addie #2 (1878 - 1959)
Obit: Peterson, Elizabeth #3 (1871 -
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Schmidt Family Stone
Schmidt, Billy G.
Schmidt, Elmo J. (Dr.)
Schmidt, Norma V.
Schmitt, Antoinette
Schmitt, Edward H.
Schmitt, Frank
Schmitt, Margaret
Schneider, Dawn M.
Schneider, Florence
Schneider, George J.
Schueller, Barbara M.
Schultz, Dolores K.
Schultz, Walter H.
Schultz, William R.
Schuster, Caroline H.
Schuster, Joseph J.
Schuster, Joseph J. - Military
Seefeld, Jeffery
Seefeld, Kristine
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kohlnhofer, Joseph (Injured in
Korea - 1953)
News: Greenwood Area (01 Jan 1953)
Obit: Franz, Augusta #2 (1878 - 1953)
Obit: Gardner, Linda #2 (1869 - 1953)
Obit: Himes, Wallace E. (1895 - 1953)
Obit: Lenz, Ida E. (1882 - 1953)
Obit: Richmond, Fred B. (1872 - 1953)
Obit: Rude, Sena (1889 - 1953)
Obit: Speich, Emma D. #3 (1894 - 1953)
Obit: Speich, Emma D. #4 (1894 - 1953)
19 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Amacher, Airman Alvin F. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Arch, Brenda Lynn (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Clintsman, Roxanne (Engagement
- 1971)
Bio: Standiford, Shawn Roger (Birth
- 1971)
Bio: Zuber, Pvt. Kenneth W. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioA: Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore (Golden
- 1971)
BioM: Untiedt, Cynthia R. (1971)
Obit: Henchen, Arnold Hugo (1893 - 1971)
Obit: Mikottis, Joseph #2 (1887 - 1971)
Obit: Robb, Ralph Nelson (1884 - 1971)
Obit: Schultz, Howard (1927- 1971)
Obit: Trybula, Henry George #2 (1907
- 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Abel, Louise #2 (1875 - 1949)
Obit: Abel, Meta #2 (1879 - 1946)
Obit: Boedeker, Meta #3 (1872 - 1947)
Obit: Boedeker, Simon #3 (1857 - 1947)
Obit: Hartson, Hilda #2 (1867 - 1945)
Obit: Horn, Emma Tanner #3 (1882 - 1947)
Obit: Trimberger, Emma #2 (1871 - 1948)
Obit: Westcott, Herbert Artelle (1878
- 1945)
Obit: Wiltsey, Ruth #2 (1891 - 1948)
Obit: Wuethrich, John S. #3 (1883 -
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Rychtik, Agnes F.
Rychtik, Anton M.
Sazama Family Stone
Sazama, Franz
Sazama, Ida
Sazama, Johann
Sazama, John
Sazama, John Paul
Sazama, Karlina
Sazama, Katerina
Sazama, Mary
Sazama, Paul
Sazama, Tomas
Sazama, Veronica
Sazama, Wenzel
Scheibe, Galen Randell
Schilling, Elizabeth L.
Schilling, Karl W.
Schilling, Catherine
Schilling, William
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Dec 1952)
Bio: Wuethrich, John (Record Holstein
- 1952)
Bio: Zallar, John (Tribute - 01 Jan
News: Greenwood Area (04 Dec 1952)
Obit: Clintsman, Inez (1896 - 1952)
Obit: Kelty, Ruth Ann #2 (1944 - 1952)
Obit: Klovas, Antoinette #3 (1901 -
Obit: Lawrence, Mable (1906 - 1952)
Obit: Zallar, John F. #2 (1907 - 1952)
Obit: Zallar, John F. #3 (1907 - 1952)
18 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Boisen, Jeffery K. (Military Notes
- 1971)
Bio: Gluch, Mrs. Dan (85th Birthday
- 1971)
Bio: Gordee, Stella (75th Birthday -
Bio: Witt, David J. (Military Notes
- 1971)
BioA: Kalsow, Mr. and Mrs. Lebrecht
(65th - 1971)
BioM: Govek, Mary Ruth (1971)
BioM: Halida, Jean Marie (1971)
BioM: Hunt, Linda (1971)
BioM: Richert, Linda L. (1971)
Obit: Hallowell, Alaire #2 (1928 - 1971)
Obit: Tomlinson, Margie (1890 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Beyer, Florentine #2 (1860 - 1946)
Obit: Blecha, Lee #2 (1915 - 1943)
Obit: Buland, Bertha #2 (1862 - 1944)
Obit: Huntzicker, Clara #2 (1876 - 1946)
Obit: McMahon, Patrick Eugene #2 (1869
- 1942)
Obit: Reese, Ethel Marian #2 (1927 -
Obit: Sillick, Dr. F.E. #2 (1856 - 1943)
Obit: Sonderegger, Jacob #2 (1890 -
Obit: Wehrman, Henrietta #3 (1867 -
Obit: Zahren, Edna #2 (1900 - 1945)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Ramker, Bonnie J.
Ramker, Edith M.
Ramker, John B.
Ramker, Melvin L.
Randall, Jeanne M.
Rankel, George
Rankel, John
Rankel, Mary "Betty"
Rankel, Pauline
Rankel, Stanley P.
Rankel, Walter
Robinson, James R.
Robinson, Marguerite
Rosenlof, Donald D.
Rosenlof, Ida M.
Rosenlof, Robert J.
Roth, Elsie
Roth, Floyd
Rueden, Jerome
Rueden, Rita
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Nov 1952)
BioA: Haeuser, Mr./Mrs. George (40th
- 1952)
BioM: Stai, Grace (1952)
BioM: Tyrrell, Eleanor L. (1952)
BioM: Wetzel, Carol (1952)
Obit: Celesnik, Flemina (1882 - 1952)
Obit: Kokaly, Martin #2 (1867 - 1952)
Obit: Lyon, Virginia M. #3 (1928 - 1952)
Obit: Lyon, Virginia M. #4 (1928 - 1952)
Obit: Schuette, Louise #3 (1885 - 1952)
17 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Church: Willard - Holy Family (PCCW
Meeting - 7 Oct 1971)
News: Greenwood (7 Oct 1971)
News: Neillsville - Company E (Reunion
Planned - 1971)
News: Neillsville - Happy Hustlers 4-H
(Meeting - 1971)
News: Pleasant Ridge (7 Oct 1971)
Obit: Afkend, Melva Alvina (1905 - 1971)
Obit: Northup, Gary E. Jr. (1958 - 1971)
Obit: Rondorf, Yvonne Loretta #2 (?
- 1971)
Obit: Wright, Bessie (1886 - 1971)
School: Greenwood H.S. Class of 1956
(15 Yr Reunion - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Behrens, Carrol Eugene #2 (1895
- 1943)
Obit: Bostwick, Mary #2 (1861 - 1943)
Obit: Braun, Maria #2 (1863 - 1943)
Obit: Drummond, John Tabor #2 (1865
- 1942)
Obit: Drummond, John Tabor #3 (1865
- 1942)
Obit: Gruwell, Minnie Arvilla #2 (1868
- 1943)
Obit: Kuehn, Ferdinand #3 (1862 - 1942)
Obit: Pickruhn, Charles #3 (1867 - 1942)
Obit: Potter, Frances #2 (1890 - 1943)
Obit: Reese, Mary Ann #2 (1856 - 1943)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Ohlinger, Charles
Ohlinger, John A.
Ohlinger, Joyce
Ohlinger, Leona
Orth, Evelyn A.
Orth, Raymond George Sr.
Patrick, Edgar Lawrence
Patrick, Sarah
Patrick, William R.
Peissig, Beverly A.
Peissig, Clyde F.
Peissig, Clyde F. - Military
Pudlas, F. John
Pudlas-Long Gertrude
Rachu, Gayle J.
Rachu, William C.
Raczykowski, Bernard
Raczykowski, Emily
Raczykowski, Hattie
Raczykowski, Joseph Jr.
Raczykowski, Joseph V.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Ampe, David John (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Oct 1952)
Bio: Elmer, Susan Kaye (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Nolan, Vernon (Injured in Accident
- 1952)
Bio: Prust, Lois Louise (Birth - 1952)
Bio: Richmond, Harriet (91st Birthday
- 1952)
BioA: Swieso, Mr./Mrs. Walter #2 (35th
- 1952)
News: Greenwood Area (06 Nov 1952)
Obit: Fortuna, Joseph #2 (1914 - 1952)
School: Greenwood H.S. (Band Mothers
Officers - 23 Oct 1952)
14 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Oct
BioA: Opelt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Golden
- 1971)
BioM: Petke, Dawn Marie (1971)
BioM: Roberts, Mary Beth (1971)
Church: Greenwood Area Churches (30
Sep 1971)
News: Greenwood American Legion Auxiliary
(30 Sep 1971)
Obit: Adler, Fred W. (1895 - 1971)
Obit: Campbell, Ida Louella (1886 -
Obit: Ehlers, William Francis (1909
- 1971)
Obit: Nysted, Peter E. (1890 - 1971)
Obit: Schmidt, Vila Irene (? - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Arends, Gladys #2 (1883 - 1939)
Obit: Baumgartner, Bertha #2 (1876 -
Obit: Behrens, Louise #2 (1868 - 1943)
Obit: Buker, Orlando Chester #2 (1900
- 1942)
Obit: Buker, Orlando Chester #3 (1900
- 1942)
Obit: Kippenhan, Gladys #2 (1927 - 1942)
Obit: Korntved, Myrtle #2 (1926 - 1943)
Obit: Limprecht, Fred August #2 (1850
- 1941)
Obit: Rossman, Paul #2 (1873 - 1943)
Obit: Syth, Katherine #2 (1864 - 1942)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Mercier, Albert J. "Jim"
Mercier, Albert J. - Military
Mercier, Dolores A.
Mews, Louise M.
Mews, Richard D.
Mohan, Gerald M.
Moore, Margaret F.
Mueller, Mary L.
Mueller, Walter C.
Neumeister, Harold
Neumeister, Helen
Neumeister, Herman
Neumeister, Mabel
Neumeister, Mary
Nikolai, Helen
Nikolai, Joseph
Ohlinger Family Stone
Ohlinger, Arnold
Ohlinger, Bert
Ohlinger, Louise
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Trunkel, Anton (Loses Hand - 1952)
BioA: Wells, Mr./Mrs. Adelbert (35th
- 1952)
News: Greenwood Area (02 Oct 1952)
Obit: Corey, Charles A. #2 (1864 - 1952)
Obit: Ellingson, Engwald S. (1890 -
Obit: Lesnjak, Mike #1 (1875 - 1952)
Obit: Lesnjak, Mike #2 (1875 - 1952)
Obit: Noah, Louise (1865 - 1952)
Obit: Stiefvater, Robert X. (1889? -
Obit: Voigt, Marion #3 (1917 - 1952)
13 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Colvin, Floyd L. (Vehicle Crash
-15 Jan 2014)
Obit: Berger, Arvid W. #2 (1926 - 2014)
Obit: Capes, Mark Allen #2 (1949 - 2014)
Obit: Filitz, Anne (1935? - 2014)
Obit: Nandory, Robert E. (1946 - 2014)
Obit: Stone, Matthew Ray (1959 - 2014)
Obit: Suda, Anthony V. #3 (1938 - 2014)
New Record
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Braun, Neal F. #3 (1929 - 1945)
Obit: Dill, Leo #2 (1924 - 1944)
Obit: Drummond, Ida Louise #3 (1872
- 1942)
Obit: Humke, Herbert Henry #3 (1915
- 1944)
Obit: Huntzicker, Fred #2 (1893 - 1948)
Obit: Liebzeit, Albert #2 (1885 - 1946)
Obit: O’Connell, John (1852 - 1940)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Kugel, Ernest Joseph
Kugel, Marjorie Anna
Kugle, Fanny
Kunze, Albert A.
Kunze, Benjamin Joseph
Kunze, Justin James
Kunze, Loretta M.
Lamont, Angus L.
Lamont, M. Katherine
Lamont, Virginia B.
Leffel, Joanne M.
Leffel, Leo H.
Leffel, Marie
Lyons Family Stone
Lyons, Catherine
Lyons, James E.
Malik, Monsignor John Edward
Marvin, Jarold L.
Massop, Richard
Massop, Rita M.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Aug 1952)
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Aug 1952)
Bio: Jordan, Mr./Mrs. Ludwig (Return
from Trip - Aug. 1952)
Bio: Vinger, Mr./Mrs. Palmer (Return
from Trip - Aug. 1952)
BioA: Thompson, Rev. & Mrs. T.O. (Gold
- 1952)
BioM: Lee, Elaine R. (1952)
BioM: Reese, Dorothy J. (1952)
News: Greenwood Area (04 Sep 1952)
Obit: Clouse, Anna #2 (1881 - 1952)
Obit: Schofield, Sara (1876 - 1952)
Obit: Wilson, Frank H. #2 (1890 - 1952)
12 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Christopherson, Shane Alan (Birth
- 1971)
Bio: Horn, Melanie Marie (Birth - 1971)
Bio: Rasmussen, Michael John (Birth
- 1971)
BioA: Nowack, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (45th
- 1971)
BioA: Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (33rd
- 1971)
BioM: Becht, Kristin Elizabeth (1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Sep-Oct 1971)
BioM: Mayer, Carol E. (1971)
BioM: Petkovsek, Donna Lee (1971)
Obit: Leach, Ervin (1898 - 1971)
Obit: Worden, Neva #2 (1903 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Buker, Ed #2 (1869 - 1954)
Obit: Butcher, Mary #2 (1862 - 1940)
Obit: Franz, Alvina #3 (1871 - 1939)
Obit: Haglund, Charlotte #2 (1858 -
Obit: Johnson, Mary #2 (1862 - 1940)
Obit: Quast, Caroline #2 (1867 - 1943)
Obit: Schofield, Emma K. #2 (1874 -
Obit: Sloniker, Joseph Sherman #2 (1868
- 1942)
Obit: Stafford, John Henry #2 (1865
- 1941)
Obit: Varney, Charlie Abraham Lincoln
#2 (1865 - 1940)
Obit: Young, Gracia Schofield #2 (1872
- 1942)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Kaudy, Mary Sylvia
Kesler, Elizabeth C.
Kesler, George
Kesler, Raymond Arnold
Kiefer, Celia A.
Kiefer, Kenneth L.
Kleparski, Baby
Knutson, Carol Jean B.
Kops, LeRoy L.
Kops, Shirley A.
Kossian, Anna
Koziolek, Joseph A.
Krebsbach, Darrel
Krebsbach, Melanie
Krebsbach, Raymond
Kriplean, Anna
Kriplean, Anton J.
Kriplean, Ethel Izora
Kugle Family Stone
Kunze, Justin James
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Dill, Gottlieb (Auto Accident -
Bio: Hunt, Hale (50+ year subscriber
- 1952)
Bio: Schwarze, Judy Ann (Birth - 1952)
BioM: Stiemke, Roselyn (1952)
Obit: Larson, John (1874 - 1951)
Obit: Meek, Ralph R. #2 (1885 - 1952)
Obit: Miller, Allen C. #2 (1952 - 1952)
Obit: Perushek, Pauline #2 (1882 - 1952)
Obit: Perushek, Pauline #3 (1882 - 1952
Obit: Pieper, Reuben #3 (1924 - 1952)
11 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Arndt, Diane Marie (1971)
BioM: Kuechenmeister, Diane Marie (1971)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Sep-Oct 1971)
BioM: Smith, Etta Ann (1971)
BioM: Zinsli, Kristy Lynn (1971)
News: Granton (23 Sep 1971)
News: Greenwood (23 Sep 1971)
News: Willard (23 Sep 1971)
New Records
posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Bhend, Norman T. (1933 - 2014)
Obit: Dassow, Lorain M. (1925- 2014)
Obit: Kuenne, Edward C. (1937? - 2014)
Obit: Lulloff, Robert A. (1943 - 2014)
Obit: Malchow, David Lowell (1943- 2014)
Obit: Ruplinger, Isabelle J. (1928 -
Obit: Ruplinger, Mary L. (1956 - 2006)
Obit: Ruplinger, Wyman J. (1925 - 2012)
Obit: Wissell, Charles Edwin (1927 -
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Jacobi, Joseph Michael
Jeske, Geraldine
Jeske, Lawrence
Jordan, Cecelia
Jordan, Elizabeth
Jordon, Francis
Jordan, Frank Joseph
Jordan, Frank Joseph - Military
Jordan, Joseph
Jordan, Margaret
Juedes, Mildred A.
Juedes, Raymond W.
Justman, Eileen
Justman, Fred
Justman, Julia M.
Kaiser, Elliott J.
Kasmauskas, Barbara
Kasmauskas, John
Kassie, John J.
Kassie, Rita A.
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
News: West Beaver (21 Oct 1926)
News: Eaton - East Side (14 Oct 1926)
News: Eaton Center (21 Oct 1926)
News: Gorman (21 Oct 1926)
News: Hemlock (14 Oct 1926)
News: Hemlock (21 Oct 1926)
News: Mead (21 Oct 1926)
News: Seif & Hendren (14 Oct 1926)
News: Seif & Hendren (21 Oct 1926)
News: Willard (21 Oct 1926)
10 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bartnik, Pvt. Eugene P. (Military
Notes - 1971)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Sep
Bio: Hilber, Airman Duane A. (Military
Notes - 1971)
BioA: Dux, Mr. and Mrs. Herman (Golden
- 1971)
Obit: Abel, Otto W. #2 (1901 - 1971)
Obit: Brandt, Bertha #2 (1905 - 1971)
Obit: Ripplinger, Agnes (1906 - 1971)
Obit: Shefchik, Hildegard (1913 - 1971)
Obit: Zuege, Elsie (1900 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Bartell, W. H. (Move - 1889)
News: Milan (2 Jan 1924)
Obit: Beck, Myron E. (1922 - 2013)
Obit: Ludwig, Caroline J. (1928 - 2014)
Obit: Olson, Floyd W. (1928 - 2014)
Obit: Steen, Jean B. (1929 - 2013)
Obit: Strassman, Marilyn Edith (1925
- 2013)
Obit: Suda, Anthony V. #2 (1939? - 2014)
Obit: Zimmerman, Seth D. #2 (2000 -
Funeral Card
provided by Betty Comstock
Obit: Decker, Lydia (1881 - 1936)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Grammer, Margaret D.
Grammer, Theodore R.
Grewe, Jane Nicolel
Grewe, Mason Michael
Grewe, Shannon Michael
Hackel, Helen H.
Hackel, William A.
Hainzlsperger, Felix
Hainzlsperger, John
Hainzlsperger, Marjorie
Hainzlsperger, Stella M.
Hainzlsperger, Joseph F.
Hainzlsperger, Theresa
Hebert, Hazel
Hebert, Leo
Hebert, Leo - Military
Heeg, Dawn Marie
Hilber, Alex
Hilber, Lucille
Jacobi, John
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Greenwood Area (Jul 1952)
Bio: Klune, J.R. (Rescued - 1952)
BioM: Denk, Dorothy (1952)
BioM: Kaiser, Helen M. (1952)
BioM: Kelly, Grace (1952)
News: Greenwood Area (07 Aug 1952)
Obit: Corey, Mervin W. (1888 - 1952)
Obit: Horner, Frank J. #4 (1859 - 1952)
Obit: Johnson, Patty Jo (1951 - 1952)
Obit: Sowieja, Jerome M.J., Jr. #2 (1948
- 1952)
07 Mar 2014
New Records
posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Barth, Mr. and Mrs. John (Golden
- 1971)
News: Clark County Male Chorus (Election
of Officers - 1971)
News: Granton (16 Sep 1971)
News: Pleasant Ridge (16 Sep 1971)
News: Willard (16 Sep 1971)
Obit: Eastman, Orin Forest (1889 - 1971)
Obit: Guk, Bertha (1880 - 1971)
Obit: Humke, Laura #2 (1888 - 1971)
Obit: Krejci, Alice (1907 - 1971)
Obit: Krutsch, Henry (1911 - 1971)
New Records
posted by Betty Comstock
Obit: Smith, Charles (1895 – 1947)
Obit: Speich, Lillian Emma (1898 – 1946)
Obit: Steiger, Bertha (1882 – 1948)
Obit: Varney, Carrie Belle (1873 – 1947)
Obit: Varney, Ralph L. (1877 – 1949)
Obit: Voight, Julius E. #2 (1862 – 1944)
Obit: Warner, Henry (1874 – 1944)
Obit: Weins, Charles L. (1877 – 1937)
Obit: Youngs, Alice Ann (1863 – 1943)
New Cemetery
Photos by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Foster, James J. - Military
Frane, Alvin
Frane, Donald Victor
Frane, Florence
Frane, Irene G.
Frane, Lila E.
Frane, Marlene
Frane, MaryAnn R.
Frane, Theodore
Frane, Vincent P.
Fuller, Kathryn M.
Fuller, Marion Lee
Fullerton, Alberta
Fullerton, Michael K.
Gasch, Mary E.
Gasch, Walter F.
Gierl, Killian
Gierl, Laurina A.
Gierl, Nicholas R
Gierl, Robert
New Records
posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births – Greenwood Area (Jul 1952)
Bio: Mlada, Mr./Mrs. E.L. (Sell Store
– 1952)
Bio: Smith, David (Award – 1952)
BioA: Herrick, Mr.//Mrs. Jack Sr. (Gold
– 1952)
Obit: Brick, Mathilda #2 (1876 – 1952)
Obit: Emberson, Dena J. #2 (1881 – 1952)
Obit: Flick, Lottie (1871? –1952)
Obit: Francel, Johanna #3 (1887 – 1952)
Obit: Francel, Johanna #4 (1887 – 1952)
Obit: Olson, Ida C. #3 (1887 – 1952)