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January 1 - 15, 2011 Updates


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New Records posted by Bob Lipprandt

Bio: Brown, Tylan Rae (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Ewert, Brinley Lynn (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Horacek, Phoenix Richard (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Juzwiak, Isabella Anne (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Koepke, Lukas Richard (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Kunze, Allie Jean (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Lueth, Hunter Miles (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Melvin, Krista (Graduation - 2010)

Bio: Olson, Desirae (Engagement - 2010)

Bio: Preisinger, Jena (Engagement - 2010)

Bio: Rachu, Layne Allen (Adoption - 2010)

Bio: Rachu, Michael Ray (Adoption - 2010)

Bio: Ruggles, Easton Joe (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Runnion, Robert R., 1 Lt. (Promotion - 2010)

Bio: Soyk, Anakah Fawn (Birth - 2010)

Bio: Venzke, Amanda (Engagement - 2010)

Bio: Welsh, Joshua R. (Award - 2010)

Bio: Witkowski, Teri (Engagement - 2010)

BioA: Dorn, Mr./Mrs. Terry (50th Anniversary - 2010)

BioM: Klieforth, Chelsea (Marriage - 2010)

New Records posted by Stan Schwarze

BioA: Davel, Mr./Mrs. Albert (Gold – 1952)

BioA: Voss, Mr./Mrs. Max (45th – 1952)

BioM: Baker, Florence I. (1902)

News: Loyal (21 Aug 1952)

Obit: Christman, Rosetta K. (1881 – 1952)

Obit: Elpert, John G. (1873 – 1952)

Obit: Litten, George #2 (1873 – 1952)

Obit: Pieper, Reuben #2 (1924 – 1952)

Obit: Smith, Martha (1887 – 1952)

Obit: Weyhmiller, Catherine (1885 – 1952)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


Bio: Kaemerer, F. A., Pastor

Bio: Kaiser, Agnes I. (1908 – 2008)

Bio: Kaiser, Marion F. (1918 – 2008)

Bio: Kaiser, Ray #2 (1921 - 2009) #2

Bio: Kaiser, Ray (1921 – 2009)

Bio: Kallestad, Walther, Pastor

Bio: Kallien, Fred "Fritz" (1872 – 1943)

Bio: Kalwitz, J., Pastor

Bio: Kann, Sylvia M. (1922 – 2008)

Bio: Kebler, S. H.

Bio: Kehle, L., Pastor

Bio: Kellogg, John A. (1881)

Bio: Kellogg, John Azor (1879)

Bio: Kelly, Nathaniel T. (1881)

Bio: Kelly, Paige K. (1962 – 2008)

Bio: Kennedy, J. J. (1881)

Bio: Kerstein, Sebastian (1881)

Bio: Kessinger, Nancy Lou (Engagement - 1967?)

Bio: Kickbusch, August (1881)

Bio: Kickbusch, Frederick W. (1881)

Bio: Kickbusch, Otto (1881)

Bio: Kleppe, Theo., Pastor

Bio: Klosterman, August (1881)

Bio: Knippel, Darrell (1934)

Bio: Knoll, Clemens (1931 - 2009) 

Bio: Knox, William H. (1881)

Bio: Koch, Albert T. (1881)

Bio: Koch, Ernest E., Pastor

Bio: Koerner, Amanda Jill (Graduation - 2009)

Bio: Koerner, Walter W. (10 Feb 1893 – 22 Nov. 1943)

Bio: Koffler, Kevin (Military - 2010)

Bio: Kollath, Fred, Pastor

Bio: Kolter, Jacob (1881)

Bio: Korbitz, Fred, Pastor

Bio: Kramer, Eunice (Pape) (1934)

Bio: Krause, Franz

Bio: Krieski, Halder, Friday, Pendowski 

Bio: Kronenwetter, Sebastian (1881)

Bio: Krueger, Charles (1881)

Bio: Kuehmichel, Lorena Viola (1917 – 2009)

Bio: Kuethe (1881)

Bio: Kunkel, Leopold August (1927 – 2008)

Bio: Newman, Lorenzo M. (1881)

Bio: Nussle, E. (1881)

Bio: Olson, Arvid DeWayne (Family Group Sheet) 

Bio: Olson, Marie (2009) 

Bio: Sackett, Eldred G. (1881)

Bio: Salsbury, James F. (1881)

Bio: Sanders, Charles D. (1881)

Bio: Schlegelmilch, Herman (1881)

Bio: Schmidt, August (1881)

Bio: Scott, Robert E. (1881)

Bio: Searle, Harris (1818 – 1876)

Bio: Searles, Samuel W. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Daniel (1813 - 1881)

Bio: Shaw, Daniel (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Henry (1845? – 1880)

Bio: Shaw, Henry S. Mrs. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, J. S. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Loren A. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Noah (1881)

Bio: Shepherd, Amos W. (1881)

Bio: Simons, Daniel Page (1881)

Bio: Skinner, F. R. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Arthur (1881)

Bio: Smith, George W. (1881)

Bio: Smith, M. S. (1881)

Bio: Smith, S. E. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Seth D. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Stillman J. (1881)

Bio: Smith, W. H. (1881)

Bio: Snodgrass, Ferman E. (1881)

Bio: Southmayd, J. A. (1881)

Bio: Spencer, Dudley Carlton (1881)

Bio: Stafford, H. C. (1881)

Bio: Stevens, A. H. (1881)

Bio: Stevens, Emery C. (1881)

Bio: Stevens, J. H. (1881)

Bio: Stiles, L. A. (1881)

Bio: Stocking, H. M. (1881)

Bio: Stocking, J. B. (1881)

Bio: Stone, John F. (1881)

Bio: Stone, Uriah M. (1881)

Bio: Strum, L. E. (1881)

Bio: Sullivan, Leonard D. (1881)

Bio: Swift, Elijah (1881)

Bio: Syverson, Casper (1881)

Obit: Kaas, Alesha Rose (1991 - 2009)

Obit: Kaczmarek, Anne (1921? - 2009)

Obit: Kaczmarek, Anne (1921? - 2009) 

Obit: Kafka, Clarence E. (1926 – 2008)

Obit: Kage, Mary Ann (1926 - 2010)

Obit: Kaiser, Agnes I. (1908 – 2008)

Obit: Kaiser, Marion F. (1918 – 2008)

Obit: Kaiser, Ray #2 (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Kaiser, Ray (1921 – 2009)

Obit: Kallien, Fred (1872 – 1943)

Obit: Kalmon, Dennis (1938 - 2008)

Obit: Kalmon, Kelly A. (1963 - 2009)

Obit: Kalson, Karen Sue (1953 - 2009)

Obit: Kaminski, Lucille (1914 - 1988)

Obit: Kamps, Margaret E. (1914 – 2000)

Obit: Kapitz, Arthur J. (1947 – 2008)

Obit: Kapitz, Arthur J. Jr. #2 (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Kapszukiewicz, Louise (1879 – 1951)

Obit: Karhu, Caroline (1931 – 2002)

Obit: Karlen, Alexius J. (1918 – 2008)

Obit: Karlen, Bonnie Ann (1939 - 2009)

Obit: Karlen, Mary Irene (1944 - 1997)

Obit: Karpluk, Margaret (1908 - 2001)

Obit: Kasberger, Emilia T. (1920 – 2009)

Obit: Kaske, Gerhard (1911 - 1996)

Obit: Kasparek, Joseph J. (1914 – 1999)

Obit: Katzenberger, Glen A. (1941 – 2009)

Obit: Katzenberger, Joseph A. (1919 – 2009)

Obit: Kauer, Catherine M. #2 (1910 - 2009)

Obit: Kauer, Catherine M. (1911? - 2009)

Obit: Kauer, James Allen Sr. (1942 – 1999)

Obit: Kauer, Julia Ann (1912 - 2007)

Obit: Kavanaugh, Patrick Francis (1951 - 2009)

Obit: Kawleski, David C. (1961 – 2005)

Obit: Keach, Loretta M. #2 (1916 – 2009)

Obit: Keach, Loretta M. (1916 - 2009)

Obit: Keding, Gene E. (1939 - 2009)

Obit: Keefe, Thomas F. (1923 - 2008)

Obit: Keith, Richard C. (1936 – 2009)

Obit: Kekhofer, Julia (1915 – 1989)

Obit: Kelk, Jeffry S. (1952 – 2009)

Obit: Keller, Lawrence E. (1942 – 2009)

Obit: Kellerman, Edrie L. (1908 – 2002)

Obit: Kelley, William P. (? - 1877)

Obit: Kellner, Alvina R. #2 (1914 – 2009)

Obit: Kellner, Alvina R. (1914 - 2009)

Obit: Kelly, Paige K. (1962 – 2008)

Obit: Kelnhofer, Mae J. #2 (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Kelnhofer, Mae J. (1925 – 2009)

Obit: Kelnhofer, Sylvius G. (1914 – 2002)

Obit: Kempf, Albert E. (1912 – 2000)

Obit: Kennedy, Patrick Joseph (1948 - 2009)

Obit: Kenney, Patrick (1956 – 2009)

Obit: Kennow, Isabelle F. (1917 – 2009)

Obit: Kent, Wesley (1916? - 2009)

Obit: Kent, Wesley Martin (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Kenyon, Bernice Mildred (1925 – 2009)

Obit: Keogh, Rita Arlie (1916 – 2009)

Obit: Keppert, William F. (1905 – 1991)

Obit: Keshick, Karen Joy (1945 – 2009)

Obit: Kickbusch, Martin F. (1803? - 1873)

Obit: Kieffer, Helen M. (1918 - 2009)

Obit: Kielszewski, Ambrose J. (1930 – 2009)

Obit: Kiesling, Raymond G. (1906 - 1996)

Obit: Kilty, Vern T. (1932 - 2008) 

Obit: Kiselicka, Miriam L. (1922? - 2008)

Obit: Kitchner, Audrey M. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Kjos, Edwin M. Rev. (1924 - 2010)

Obit: Klauser, Irma V. (1928 - 2008)

Obit: Klein, Evelyn Wallburga (1914 - 2000)

Obit: Klein, Joseph (1969 – 2009)

Obit: Klein, Raymond Otto (1916 – 1992)

Obit: Klein, Royal J. (1915 – 1979)

Obit: Kleinstick, Raymond O. (1927? - 2008)

Obit: Klement, Lorraine M. (1920 – 2008)

Obit: Klemm, Shirley Marie (1939? - 2009)

Obit: Klepps, Elizabeth M. (1919 – 2005)

Obit: Klepps, Louis E. (1911 – 2007)

Obit: Klimek, Lawrence (1913 – 1940)

Obit: Klimpke, Elizabeth (1929 – 2009)

Obit: Klimpke, Elizabeth A. #2 (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Klimpke, Winifred (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Klingbeil, Audrey #2 (1923? - 2008)

Obit: Klingbeil, Audrey A. (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Klingbeil, Steven J. (1961 - 2008)

Obit: Kloos, David R. (1962 - 2009)

Obit: Kloth, Lester H. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Klubertanz, Lucilia (1914 - 2005)

Obit: Knabe, Alvin (1914 - 2009)

Obit: Knapp, Patricia (1941 – 1988)

Obit: Knauf, Delores (1919 - 2009)

Obit: Knauf, Yvonne J. (1958 - 1996)

Obit: Knepper, Philip J. Jr., (1949 - 2007)

Obit: Knetter, Mary E. (1981 - 2008)

Obit: Knetter, Robert P. (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Kniskern, Mildred (1900 – 1987)

Obit: Knoll, Clemens #2 (1931 - 2009)

Obit: Knoll, Clemens B. (1931 – 2009)

Obit: Knoll, Jerome M. (1951 - 2009)

Obit: Knorr, Dolores R. (1936? - 2010)

Obit: Knox, Walter E. (1888 – 1946)

Obit: Knutson, Timothy J. (1966 – 2009)

Obit: Kobs, Ilma Elizabeth (1913 - 2009)

Obit: Kobylarczyk, Antoinette J. (1936 - 2008)

Obit: Koch, Melvin G. (1924 – 1994)

Obit: Kochan, Albin Joseph (1923 - 2007)

Obit: Koenig, Lucille A. (1914? - 2009)

Obit: Koenig, Ruth Marie (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Koenig, Sharon P. (1937 – 1990)

Obit: Koerner, Walter W. (1892? – 1943)

Obit: Koester, Harold E. (1934 - 2008)

Obit: Kohel, Ben (1899 – 1944)

Obit: Kohel, Eugene Lloyd (1925 – 1948)

Obit: Kohel, Glen (1923 - 1966)

Obit: Kohel, Harlan (1931 – 1932) 

Obit: Kohel, James D. (1934 – 2003)

Obit: Kohel, Leone (1932 – 1942)

Obit: Kohel, Robert B. (1927 - 1996)

Obit: Kohl, Isabel R. (1921 – 2008)

Obit: Kohl, Wilma S. (1906 – 1990)

Obit: Kohlbeck, Donald (1934? – 1959)

Obit: Kohnhorst. Douglas J. (1922 – 2005)

Obit: Kolasinski, Joseph (1918 – 1952)

Obit: Koller, Anna (1905 – 1983)

Obit: Kolpack, Albert (1873 – 1950)

Obit: Komarek, Brian J. Sr. (1956 - 2008)

Obit: Komarek, Ronald Allen Jr., (1970 - 2008)

Obit: Kommer, Lela Madge (1897 – 1936)

Obit: Kommer, Norman A. (1911 – 2009)

Obit: Kondrasuk, Ruth (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Konitzer, Alfred A. (1928 - 2009)

Obit: Konitzer, Gerald C. (1933 – 2009)

Obit: Konopacke, Walter (1915 – 1990)

Obit: Koontz, Gerald G. (1930 - 2008)

Obit: Kopacz, Monica P. (1920 – 2008)

Obit: Koplin, Ruth E. (1928 - 2007)

Obit: Koppa, John A. (1918 – 2004)

Obit: Korallus, David H. (1958 - 2008)

Obit: Korbitz, Bernard C. (1935? - 2009)

Obit: Korth, Irving L. (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Koszewski, Charlotte M. (1927 - 1993)

Obit: Kotowski, Donald Emil (1949? - 2009)

Obit: Kowalczyk, Stella (1922 - 2008)

Obit: Kowalski, August Constantine (1895 – 1957)

Obit: Kraemer, Frank C. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Kralohwil, Anna (1842 - 1922)

Obit: Kramer, James J. (1934? - 2009)

Obit: Kramer, Wilfred (1930 - 2009)

Obit: Kraus, Edward (1920 - 1960)

Obit: Kraus, Emma A. (1918 – 2004)

Obit: Krause, Geraldine E. (1925 – 2009)

Obit: Krause, Walter B. (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Krause, William (1867 – 1941)

Obit: Krautkramer, Lorraine M. (1922 - 2009)

Obit: Kremsreiter, Dale (1947? - 2009)

Obit: Krieg, Marlene M. (1938 - 1997)

Obit: Krieski, Robert J. (1919 – 2008)

Obit: Kroening, Leon M. #2 (1928? - 2008)

Obit: Kroening, Leon M. (1928 – 2008)

Obit: Kroening, Marion M. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Kroeplin, Lorraine A. (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Kroll, Marion D. (1933 - 2009)

Obit: Kroll, Maurice E. (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Krolnik, Max Alvin (1929 - 2008)

Obit: Kronstedt, Gertrude C. (1914 – 2008)

Obit: Kropp, Bessie N. (1921 - 2008)

Obit: Kropp, Clara (1907 – 1978)

Obit: Kropp, Clarence E. Sr. (1911 - 2010)

Obit: Kropp, Josephine (1919?- 2009)

Obit: Krueger, Andrew A. (1927? – 2008)

Obit: Krueger, H. A. Dr. (1894 – Bef. 1949)

Obit: Krueger, Marcella (1925? - 2009)

Obit: Krueger, Marcella C. (1932? - 2009)

Obit: Krupka, Catherine (1868 – 1940)

Obit: Kuehl, Esther (1910 – 1998)

Obit: Kuehl, William (1886? – 1961)

Obit: Kuehmichel, Lorena Viola (1917 – 2009)

Obit: Kuehnhold, Ida E. (1918 – 2004)

Obit: Kuker, Casey J. #2 (2009 - 2009)

Obit: Kuker, Casey J. (2009 - 2009)

Obit: Kulinski, Stanley (1922 – 1987)

Obit: Kulinski, Stanley (1922 – 1987)

Obit: Kummer, Ernest (1935? – 1986)

Obit: Kummer, Joseph #2 (1919 - 2009)

Obit: Kummer, Joseph (1919 – 2009)

Obit: Kundinger, Geraldine (1921 – 2008)

Obit: Kunkel, Leopold August (1927 – 2008)

Obit: Kunze, Carl A. (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Kunze, Lorraine I. (1926 - 2009)

Obit: Kurth, Marvin Bernard (1931 – 2007)

Obit: Kurtzweil, Kenneth Alan (1947 – 2008)

Obit: Kurtzweil, Norbert J. (1924? - 2009)

Obit: Kussrow, Lavina M. (1914 - 2008)

Obit: Kuyoth, Irene M. #2 (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Kuyoth, Irene M. (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Kuyoth, Peter Z. #2 (1911 – 2008) 

Obit: Kuyoth, Peter Z. (1911 – 2008)

Obit: Kuzenski, Robert C. (1928 - 2008)

Obit: Lang, Jule D. (1939? - 2010)

Obit: Lex, Phyllis Jean (1945 - 2010)

Obit: Liesenberg, Agnes Margaret (1930? - 2010)

Obit: Liske, Violet V. (1927? - 2010)

Obit: Loertscher, Herbert Rudolph (1915? - 2010)



New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Good Old Days 8 Dec. 2010

Bio: Bealer (Trip West – 1937)

News: Chili (30 Sep 1937)

News: Clark County - R. E. A. (30 Sept 1937)

News: Clark County - Soil Conservation (30 Sept 1937)

News: Clark County - Wis. Educators (30 Sept 1937)

News: Clark County Agent Landry Notes (30 Sept 1937)

News: Cozy Corner (30 Sept 1937 – Part II)

News: Lindsey (30 Sept 1937)

News: Lynn (30 Sept 1937)

News: North York (30 Sept 1937)

News: Spring Creek Valley (1937)

News: Star Corner (30 Sept 1937)

News: York Center (30 Sept 1937)

School: Granton School (Notes – 1937)

New Records posted by Audrey Roedl

Obit: Davenport, Robert (1917 - 2002)

Obit: Druschke, Richard  (1926 - 2002)

Obit: Dumler, Matthew  (1969 - 2002)

Obit: Eckes. Kevin  (1969 - 2002)

Obit: Ellingson, Elmrya  (1925 - 2002)

Obit: Gandee, Bettie Lou  (1933 - 2002)

Obit: Gonnering, Halle  (2002 - 2002)

Obit: Harkness, Victor  (1911 - 2002)

Obit: Kingery, Clifford  (1926 - 2002)

Obit: Kotecki, Edward  (1927 - 2002)

Obit: Kozlowski, Walter  (1916 - 2002)

Obit: Lasiuk, Magdalena  (1909 - 2002)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


 Bio: Mandelert, Charles (1881)

 Bio: Mandelert, Joseph (1881)

 Bio: Marriner, Robert (1881)

 Bio: Marshall, R. D. Honorable (1881)

 Bio: Martin, William (1881)

 Bio: Maxeiner, Henry (1881)

 Bio: McBean, Alexander (1881)

 Bio: McClintock, James (1881)

 Bio: McCord, Warren E. (1881)

 Bio: McDonald, Alex R. (1881)

 Bio: McDonell, Angus J. (1881)

 Bio: McGilvrary, Angus V. (1881)

 Bio: McGilvray, A. J. (1881)

 Bio: McGilvray, William D. (1881)

 Bio: McGuire, Frank M. (1881)

 Bio: McKay, D. L. (1881)

 Bio: McKinnon, James (1881)

 Bio: McLeod, Kenneth A. (1881)

 Bio: McMartin, Peter D. (1881)

 Bio: McRae, Hector C. (1879)

 Bio: McRae, Hugh (1881)

 Bio: McRae, John A. (1881)

 Bio: McRea, Hector C. (1881)

 Bio: McWethy, Adelbert P. (1881)

 Bio: Mead, Lyell O. (1881)

 Bio: Mendl, Albert (1881)

 Bio: Miles, Eusebeus M. (1881)

 Bio: Miller, Alphonse (1881)

 Bio: Miller, John (1881)

 Bio: Miller, William C. (1881)

 Bio: Millious, Chauncey K. (1881)

 Bio: Mitchell, John P. (1881)

 Bio: Morris, Thomas (d. 1872)

 Bio: Moses, A. (1881)

 Bio: Mullikin, Charles G. (1881)

 Bio: Murray, Jotham (1881)

 Bio: Murray, Thomas (1881)

Bio: Jacobs, John B.

Bio: Jaeckel, Lee Ann (Farm Bureau Queen – 1960)

Bio: James, Benjamin W. (1881)

Bio: Jeffers, T. G.

Bio: Jeide, Joseph, Pastor

Bio: Johnson, Robert H. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Robert O. (1938 – 2008) 

Bio: Johnston, F. W. (1881)

Bio: July, N., Father (1847)

Bio: Junemann, Ethel M. (1923 – 2002)

Bio: Noonan, Robert 

Bio: Sackett, Eldred G. (1881)

Bio: Salsbury, James F. (1881)

Bio: Salter, Charles A. (1923)

Bio: Salter, George Harold (1923)

Bio: Sampson, Ahira (1837 – 1913?)

Bio: Sanders, Charles D. (1881)

Bio: Sanford, Stella M. (Marriage License – 1926)

Bio: Sawin, Dwight D. (1923)

Bio: Schaar, Leon G. (1923)

Bio: Schlegelmilch, Herman (1881)

Bio: Schluenz, Robert William (Baptism – 1943)

Bio: Schmidt, August (1881)

Bio: Schmidt, Ernst G. (1881)

Bio: Schneider, Charles (1881)

Bio: Scofield, Wm. S. (1881)

Bio: Scott, Robert E. (1881)

Bio: Scott, Thomas B. (1879)

Bio: Scott, Thomas B. Hon. (1881)

Bio: Searle, Harris (1818 – 1876)

Bio: Searles, Samuel W. (1881)

Bio: Searls, Andrew (1923)

Bio: Seehafer, Fred (1927)

Bio: Setzkorn, Charles R. (1923)

Bio: Severns, James Quick (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Daniel (1813 - 1881)

Bio: Shaw, Daniel (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Henry (1845? – 1880)

Bio: Shaw, Henry S. Mrs. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, J. S. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Loren A. (1881)

Bio: Shaw, Noah (1881)

Bio: Shepherd, Amos W. (1881)

Bio: Shidell, Adam (1923)

Bio: Shidell, Dixon (1923)

Bio: Simons, Daniel Page (1881)

Bio: Skinner, F. R. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Arthur (1881)

Bio: Smith, Charles E. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Charles S. (1881)

Bio: Smith, George W. (1881)

Bio: Smith, M. S. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Marvin (1881)

Bio: Smith, S. E. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Seth D. (1881)

Bio: Smith, Stillman J. (1881)

Bio: Smith, W. H. (1881)

Bio: Snodgrass, Ferman E. (1881)

Bio: Southmayd, J. A. (1881)

Bio: Speich, Fred G. (1923)

Bio: Spencer, Dudley Carlton (1881)

Bio: Sprague, Edward J. (1881)

Bio: Stafford, H. C. (1881)

Bio: Stahl, Frank (1923)

Bio: Stahl, John A. (1923)

Bio: Stevens, A. H. (1881)

Bio: Stevens, Emery C. (1881)

Bio: Stevens, J. H. (1881)

Bio: Stiles, L. A. (1881)

Bio: Stocking, H. M. (1881)

Bio: Stocking, J. B. (1881)

Bio: Stoflet, Stephen Jr. (1923)

Bio: Stoflet, Stephen Sr. (1923)

Bio: Stone, John F. (1881)

Bio: Stone, Uriah M. (1881)

Bio: Strack, William T. (1923)

Bio: Strum, L. E. (1881)

Bio: Sullivan, Leonard D. (1881)

Bio: Sullivan, Nancy (Engagement – 1962)

Bio: Swazee, Bert (1923)

Bio: Swift, Elijah (1881)

Bio: Syms, Peter P. (1881)

Bio: Syverson, Casper (1881)

Obit: Jackson, Connie J. (1931 – 1994)

Obit: Jacoby, Virginia R (1926 – 2009) 

Obit: Jadack, Ella G. (1898 – 1994)

Obit: Jaeger, Carl (1881 – 1954)

Obit: Jaeger, June E. (1924 – 1952)

Obit: Jahnke, Bertha (1896 – 1937)

Obit: Jahnke, James A. (1940 - 2010) 

Obit: Jakel, Josephine (1869 – 1958)

Obit: Jakubowski, Raymond C. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: James, Mary Alice (1943 - 2007)

Obit: Jamrok, Edward Michael (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Janigo, Roselyn (1917 – 1998)

Obit: Janke, Claudine J. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Jansen, Judith (1949 – 2008)

Obit: Jansen, Tanner (1995 - 1995)

Obit: Jarchow, Florence Margaret (1928 – 2008)

Obit: Jari, Joseph R. Jr. (1936 - 2009)

Obit: Jari, Marie J. (1933 - 2010) 

Obit: Jaslowski, Gertrude H. (1913 - 2010)

Obit: Jensen, Dale L. (1959 - 2010)

Obit: Jensen, Dennis Allen (1939 - 2008)

Obit: Jensen, Frederick P. #2 (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Jensen, Frederick P. (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Jensen, Karen J. (1949 - 2009)

Obit: Jensen, LaVern A. (1933? - 2010) 

Obit: Jepsen, Arthur (1920? - 2009)

Obit: Jepsen, Nancy Anne (1945 – 2009)

Obit: Jepson, Herbert C. (1921 – 2008)

Obit: Jirschele, Dale (1922 - 2009)

Obit: Jobelius, Mary (1947? – 2001)

Obit: Jocham, Lorraine Clara (1917 – 2009)

Obit: Jochimsen, Kempus E. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Johnas, Violet Elvira (1921 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernard Arthur #2 (1923 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernard Arthur (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernice A. (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Johnson, Birnida (1924 - 2010)  

Obit: Johnson, Fred C. (1928 - 2009)

Obit: Johnson, Frieda M. (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Joyce Angeline (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Lillie M. (1916? - 2010)

Obit: Johnson, Robert (1928 - 2010)  

Obit: Johnson, Robert O. (1938 – 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Ruby E. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Johnson, Ruby Minette (1915 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson-Michal, Ruby I. (1919 - 2010)

Obit: Johnsrud, Lillian Ruth (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Joles, Jerry C. #2 (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Joles, Jerry C. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Jolly, Edward (1819 - 1867)

Obit: Jones, Harold Charles (1935 – 1938)

Obit: Jorgensen, Esther (1920 – 1994)

Obit: Joynt, Stuart A. (1926 – 2000)

Obit: Judge, Thomas J. (1956 – 2009)

Obit: Judycki, Chester S. (1918 - 2008)

Obit: Junek, Dolores B. (1929 - 2010)

Obit: Junemann, Donald E. (1916 – 1989)

Obit: Junemann, Ethel M. (1923 – 2002)

Obit: Jurgemeyer, Anna (1872 – 1940)

Obit: Justman, Walter (1895 – 1972)

Obit: Kapfhamer, Edward J. (1924 - 2010)

Obit: Kapfhamer, Roy Alan (1960 - 2010)

Obit: Keefer, Jean G. (1922 - 2010)

Obit: Kellner, Andrew D. Jr. (1935 - 2010)

Obit: Kellner, Rodney Louis (1970 - 2010)

Obit: Kellnhofer, Donavon Jr. (1949? - 2010)

Obit: Klingbeil, Reinhart H. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Kloth, Richard A. (1957 - 2010) 

Obit: Koontz, Marilyn D. (1934 - 2010)

Obit: Kramer, Dorothy M. (1920 - 2010)

Obit: Krebsbach, Karen K. (1950 - 2010) 

Obit: Krohn, Orie A. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Kuenne, Jill R. (1964 - 2010)

Obit: Kuse, Jon W. (1949 - 2010) 



New Records posted by Ken Wood

Bio: Krueger, Leslie (Murder Charge - 1919)

Obit: Jenks, Arthur #2 (1881 – 1919)

New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Bio: Wesenberg Baby (Birth – 1937)

News: East Fremont (30 Sept 1937)

News: East York and West Fremont (30 Sept 1937)

News: Nevins (30 Sept 1937)

News: North Grant (30 Sept 1937)

News: South Grant (30 Sept 1937)

News: West Grant (30 Sept 1937)

News: Windfall Corners (30 Sept 1937)

School: Granton PTA (At Conference – 1937)

New Records posted by Stan Schwarze

Bio: Smith, David (Achievement Award - 1952)

BioM: Ayers, Joan D. (1952)

BioM: Foelske, Norma Ann (1952)

BioM: Schecklman, Rosalind (1952)

BioM: Theisen, Florence L. (1952)

Obit: Heintz, Matt (1890 – 1952)

Obit: Noah, Mathilda (1874 – 1952)

Obit: Schmidt, Joseph (1866 – 1952)

Obit: Schultz, Helena (? – 1952)

Obit: Smith, Charles D. (1874 – 1952)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


Bio: Ingham, S. W., Pastor

Bio: Inman, Karen Renee (Engagement – 2000)

Bio: Isch, John (1936)

Bio: Lamb, William O. (1881)

Bio: LaMotte, Joseph G. (1881)

Bio: Langevin, Charles (1881)

Bio: Lavell, James (1881)

Bio: Lee, Gunder J. (1881)

Bio: Leinenkugel, Jacob (1881)

Bio: Leslie, J. W. (1881)

Bio: Lord, Louis (1881)

Bio: Lowell, Cavalier H. (1881)

Bio: Luce, E. B. (1881)

Bio: Mason, George Samdahl (Family Group Sheet)

Bio: Raddatz, Fred (1914)

Bio: Randall, Adin (1829 – ?)

Bio: Randall, Adin (1914)

Bio: Randall, Edgar H. (1881)

Bio: Randall, Edgar H. (1914)

Bio: Randall, George W. (1881)

Bio: Randall, Simon Mrs. (1881)

Bio: Randall, Thomas E. (1881)

Bio: Ransom, A. B. (1881)

Bio: Ranvick, Gladys (Marriage License – 1935)

Bio: Recker, Val (1881)

Bio: Reddin, John P. & Meghan R. (Divorce – 1998)

Bio: Reichenbach, Bruno E. (1852 – 1915)

Bio: Remington, H. W. (1881)

Bio: Renne, Edward S. (1881)

Bio: Reynolds, Lewis (1881)

Bio: Rezin, Lloyd Newton (1923)

Bio: Rezin, Thomas (1923)

Bio: Rick, August C. (1881)

Bio: Rickard, Charles (1881)

Bio: Rickard, Harlow E. (1881)

Bio: Rickman, Robert Lee (1914)

Bio: Riggs, Mable (Marriage License – 1963)

Bio: Riley, George W. (1881)

Bio: Ringer, Frank (1923)

Bio: Ripley, Lucian V. (1914)

Bio: Roach, John (1914)

Bio: Roach, Joseph (1881)

Bio: Roach, Joseph (1914)

Bio: Robbins, E. Wheeler (1881)

Bio: Roberts, Allen P. (1881)

Bio: Robinson, Joseph (1923)

Bio: Rosbrook, William (1881)

Bio: Rose, P. Herman (1881)

Bio: Rosplock, Albert (1923)

Bio: Ross, Friend (1778 – 1879)

Bio: Ross, Joseph Warren (1914)

Bio: Rossier, E. B. (1881)

Bio: Rothstein, Isaac (1914)

Bio: Rowe, William (1881)

Bio: Rowe, William (1914)

Bio: Rowell, A. J. (1881)

Bio: Rucker, Deborah (Marriage License – 1973)

Bio: Rumanoff, Joseph (1881)

Bio: Russell, John H. (1881)

Bio: Russell, Thomas H. (1881) 

Bio: Rust, W. A. (1881)

Obit: Habermeyer, Mike (1907 – 1945)

Obit: Hagen, William W. (1946 - 2008)

Obit: Haggen, Hansten H. (1860 – 1952)

Obit: Hahney, Cecelia (1883 – 1961)

Obit: Haizel, Rudolph (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille #2 (1923 - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille (1925? - 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #2 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #3 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth (1924 - 2009)

Obit: Hallgren, Darleen R. (1935 - 2010)

Obit: Hallgren, Kenneth H. (1931 - 2010)

Obit: Hallstrand, Herbert Elmer (1927 - 2010)

Obit: Halopka, Earl L. (1916 - 2008)

Obit: Halopka, Ray R. (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Hamland, Hazel M. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: Hamrick, Ingrid V. (1912 - 2010)

Obit: Hamrick, Ronald (1943 - 2009)

Obit: Handel, Roger J. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Hanke, Allan G. (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Hansen, Laura (1915 – 1979)

Obit: Hansen, Linne Lowell (1946 - 2009)

Obit: Hardrath, Walter W. (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Harris, Daniel James (1946? - 2008)

Obit: Harris, Frederick Linwood (1873 – 1946)

Obit: Harris, Linwood S. (1912 – 1987)

Obit: Harris, Richard E. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Hart, Lisa M. (1977 - 2010)

Obit: Hartwig, Patrick W. (1944 – 2002)

Obit: Hartzell, Lowell (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Haskins, Roger Allen (1931 – 2005)

Obit: Hatlestad, Carl J. (1903 – 1994)

Obit: Hatlestad, Joseph W. (1910 - 2008)

Obit: Hatlestad, Ruby Harrold (1907 - 2008)

Obit: Hauser, Katherine Mary (1943 - 2008)

Obit: Hayton, Beatrice Mathilda (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Hebda, John James (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Heier, Dorothy (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. #2 (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. (1924 – 2008)

Obit: Hempel, Esther E. (1915 - 2008)

Obit: Hendricks, Shirley J. (1948 – 1949)

Obit: Hendzel, Albert (1878 – 1951)

Obit: Heninger, Anita Frances (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Henkel, Margaret A. (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Herman, Shirley L. (1928 - 2008)

Obit: Herrmann, Cheryl Anne (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Hess, Theresa R. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. #2 (1909 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. #2 (1952 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. (1952 - 2009)

Obit: Hince, James Zephirin (1933 - 2008)

Obit: Hines, Thomas W. (1927 - 2008)

Obit: Hink, Hazel J. (1907? - 2007)

Obit: Hirsch, Alan John (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Hirsch, Paul J. (1937 - 2010)

Obit: Hochstetler, Gideon (1852? – 1939)

Obit: Hodick, Martha (1912 - 2009)

Obit: Hodowanic, Roger W. (1940 - 2010)

Obit: Hoehn, Mary D. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Hoehn, Tom (1959 - 2010)

Obit: Hoffman, Joseph Paul (1955 – 1956)

Obit: Hoffman, Paula Catherine (1966 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Richard Earl Jr. (1957 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Thelma M. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Hoffmann, Lincoln C. (1955? - 2010)

Obit: Hollman, James (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Holmes, Jesse LeRoy (1976 - 2008)

Obit: Holzl, Mary Jeanette (1928-2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. #2 (1938 – 2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. (1938 - 2009)

Obit: Hommel, Iila Elsa (1917? - 2009)

Obit: Hoskins, Ronald M. (1934 - 2009)

Obit: Howard, Judith Ann (1949 - 2009)

Obit: Howard, Mary A. (1922 - 1997)

Obit: Howarth, Phillip A. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Hug, Walter M. (1891 – 1957)

Obit: Ingham, Marydene K. (1946 – 1998)

Obit: Ivaska, Shelly M. (1964? - 2009)

Obit: Jahnke, James A. (1940 - 2010) 

Obit: Jakel, Josephine (1869 – 1958)

Obit: Jamrok, Edward Michael (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Janke, Claudine J. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Jarchow, Florence Margaret (1928 – 2008)

Obit: Jari, Joseph R. Jr. (1936 - 2009)

Obit: Jari, Marie J. (1933 - 2010) 

Obit: Jaslowski, Gertrude H. (1913 - 2010)

Obit: Jensen, Dale L. (1959 - 2010)

Obit: Jensen, Dennis Allen (1939 - 2008)

Obit: Jensen, Frederick P. #2 (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Jensen, Frederick P. (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Jensen, LaVern A. (1933? - 2010) 

Obit: Jepsen, Arthur (1920? - 2009)

Obit: Jochimsen, Kempus E. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Johnas, Violet Elvira (1921 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernard Arthur #2 (1923 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernard Arthur (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Bernice A. (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Johnson, Birnida (1924 - 2010)  

Obit: Johnson, Frieda M. (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Joyce Angeline (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson, Lillie M. (1916? - 2010)

Obit: Johnson, Robert (1928 - 2010)  

Obit: Johnson, Ruby E. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Johnson, Ruby Minette (1915 - 2008)

Obit: Johnson-Michal, Ruby I. (1919 - 2010)

Obit: Joles, Jerry C. #2 (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Joles, Jerry C. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Judycki, Chester S. (1918 - 2008)

Obit: Junek, Dolores B. (1929 - 2010)




New Record posted by Marianne Walker


Obit: Radke, Marvin Jr. (1950 – 2011)

New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Good Old Days 22 Dec. 2010

BioA: Schoen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (60th – 1960)

BioM: Kissling, Donna Lee (1960)

News: Cannonville (30 Sep 1937)

News: Cozy Corner (30 Sept 1937)

News: East Washburn (30 Sept 1937)

News: Granton Locals (30 Sep 1937)

News: Humbird (29 Dec 1960)

News: Neillsville - Nativity Scene (Live Animals – 1960)

News: Neillsville Blood Drive (Jan 1961)

News: Withee (22 Dec 1960)

Obit: Boehning, Ernest #2 (? – 1937)

Obit: Davis, Truman West (1872 – 1960)

Obit: Moore, Alex #2 (1883 – 1960)

Obit: Primc, Albin (1893 – 1960)

Obit: Schultz, Lovina (1886 – 1960)

School: Neillsville and Owen (Receive Donations – 1960)

New Records posted by Stan Schwarze

BioM: Bichler, Anna (1952)

BioM: Grau, Joyce (1952)

BioM: Hintz, Kathryn (1952)

BioM: Holmes, Marjorie (1952)

BioM: Weis, Marie (1952)

Obit: Berg, Lillian M. (1892 – 1952)

Obit: Burzynski, Bernard J. (1940 – 2011)

Obit: Fulwiler, Edward (1881 – 1952)

Obit: Hamm, Robert L. (1940 – 2011)

Obit: Kowalewski, Marjorie J. (1938 – 2011)

Obit: Manthe, Cecelia J. (1948 – 2011)

Obit: Richmond, Lorena (1888 – 1952)

Obit: Richmond, Maggie (1863 – 1952)

Obit: Stevens, Hulda (1883 – 1952)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


 Bio: Kahler, Albert (1881)

 Bio: Kaiser, Solomon R. (1881)

 Bio: Kehl, John B. (1881)

 Bio: Kennedy, Robert (1881)

 Bio: Kiley, Thomas J. (1881)

 Bio: Knapp, John J., Jr. (1825 - 1888)

Bio: Hanley, Joseph P. (1881)

Bio: Harding, Henry (1881)

Bio: Harger, Charles W. (1881) 

Bio: Harvey, Newton W. (1881)

Bio: Harvey, S. H. (1881)

Bio: Haseltine, Charles P. (1881) 

Bio: Haseltine, H. S. (1881) 

Bio: Hayward, John K. (1881)

Bio: Hayward, John K. (Spencer First Families)

Bio: Helmke, Otto Christ Louis (Cemetery Sexton - 1930) 

Bio: Heppner, Charles F. (1881) 

Bio: Herman, Edward C. (1881)

Bio: Hilton, Thomas W. (1881)

Bio: Holman, Mary Catherine (Spencer First Families) 

Bio: Honeywell, J. A. (1881)

Bio: Hornaas, Alfhild (Marriage License – 1951) 

Bio: Huber, Art (Occupation – 1928) 

Bio: Hurley, Michael Angelo (1881)

Bio: Hutchinson, Samuel M. (1881)

Bio: Lambert, Julie Maxine (1955)

Bio: Lambert, Willard Dune (Family Group Sheet)

Bio: Larson Family (Reunion – 1950)

Bio: Lunda, Milton A. (1920 – 2008) 

Obit: Haasl, Agnes M. (1907 – 1989)

Obit: Habeck, Gary (1953 – 2008)

Obit: Habermeyer, Mike (1907 – 1945)

Obit: Habermeyer, Mike (1907 – 1945)

Obit: Haderlein, Anna M. (1910 - 2010)

Obit: Haderlein, John (1878 - 1947) 

Obit: Hadley, Ruth Elenore (1936 - 2009)

Obit: Haessly, John (1878 – 1934)

Obit: Hagedorn, Clarence R. (1926 – 2005)

Obit: Hagen, Allan P-V Dr. (1952 – 2002)

Obit: Hagen, William W. #2 (1946 - 2008)

Obit: Hagen, William W. (1946 - 2008)

Obit: Hagen, William W. (1946 - 2008)

Obit: Hagen, William W. (1946 – 2008)

Obit: Hager, Warren A. #2 (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Hager, Warren A. (1921 – 2009)

Obit: Haggen, Hansten H. (1860 – 1952)

Obit: Haggen, Hansten H. (1860 – 1952)

Obit: Hagman, Katherine Mary (1950 – 2009)

Obit: Hahn, Anna L. (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Hahn, Reuben R. (1908 - 1991)

Obit: Hahney, Cecelia (1883 – 1961)

Obit: Hahney, Cecelia (1883 – 1961)

Obit: Haizel, Rudolph (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Haizel, Rudolph (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille #2 (1923 - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille #2 (1923 - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille (1925? - 2009)

Obit: Hales, Lucille (1925? - 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #2 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #2 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #3 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth #3 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth (1924 - 2009)

Obit: Halida, Verna Elizabeth (1924 - 2009)

Obit: Hall, Barbara J. (1954 - 2009)

Obit: Hall, Nora T. (1919? - 2009)

Obit: Hall, Wayne J. (1956 - 2009)

Obit: Haller, Shirley (1954 – 1992)

Obit: Hallgren, Darleen R. (1935 - 2010)

Obit: Hallgren, Darleen R. (1935 - 2010)

Obit: Hallgren, Kenneth H. (1931 - 2010)

Obit: Hallgren, Kenneth H. (1931 - 2010)

Obit: Hallstrand, Herbert Elmer (1927 - 2010)

Obit: Hallstrand, Herbert Elmer (1927 - 2010)

Obit: Halopka, Earl L. (1916 - 2008)

Obit: Halopka, Earl L. (1916 - 2008)

Obit: Halopka, Ray R. (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Halopka, Ray R. (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Hamann, Barbara B. (1939 – 2009)

Obit: Hamann, Milda L. #2 (1918 – 2009)

Obit: Hamann, Milda L. (1918 - 2009)

Obit: Hamel, Arthur D. (1886 – 1963)

Obit: Hamland, Hazel M. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: Hamland, Hazel M. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: Hammel, Joseph (1916 – 1993)

Obit: Hamrick, Ingrid V. (1912 - 2010)

Obit: Hamrick, Ingrid V. (1912 - 2010)

Obit: Hamrick, Ronald (1943 - 2009)

Obit: Hamrick, Ronald (1943 - 2009)

Obit: Hancock, Austin J. (1891 – 1971)

Obit: Hancock, Hattie C. (1898 – 1972) 

Obit: Handel, Roger J. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Handel, Roger J. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Handke, Dillon Kevin (1998 - 1998)

Obit: Hang, Baby Boy (1992 – 1992)

Obit: Hanke, Allan G. (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Hanke, Allan G. (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Hanneman, Elsie (1894? – 1951)

Obit: Hanneman, Richard D. (1929 – 2009)

Obit: Hannemann, Bernice (1920 – 1998)

Obit: Hannemann, Julius (1855 – 1937)

Obit: Hansen, Adeline H. (1918 - 2000)

Obit: Hansen, Donald C. (1936? – 2009)

Obit: Hansen, Laura (1915 – 1979)

Obit: Hansen, Laura (1915 – 1979)

Obit: Hansen, Linne Lowell (1946 - 2009)

Obit: Hansen, Linne Lowell (1946 - 2009)

Obit: Hansen, Richard A. (1913 – 1977)

Obit: Hanson, Vicki M. (1959 – 2007)

Obit: Hardrath, Walter W. (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Hardrath, Walter W. (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Hardrath, Walter W. (1917 – 2008)

Obit: Harris, Daniel James (1946? - 2008)

Obit: Harris, Daniel James (1946? - 2008)

Obit: Harris, Frederick Linwood (1873 – 1946)

Obit: Harris, Frederick Linwood (1873 – 1946)

Obit: Harris, Linwood S. (1912 – 1987)

Obit: Harris, Linwood S. (1912 – 1987)

Obit: Harris, Richard E. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Harris, Richard E. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Hart, Lisa M. (1977 - 2010)

Obit: Hart, Lisa M. (1977 - 2010)

Obit: Hart, Patricia M. (1930? - 2009)

Obit: Harter, Raymond A. (1900 – 1987)

Obit: Hartwig, Patrick W. (1944 – 2002)

Obit: Hartwig, Patrick W. (1944 – 2002)

Obit: Hartzell, Lowell (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Hartzell, Lowell (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Haske, Edith Margaret (1921 – 2009)

Obit: Haskins, Roger Allen (1931 – 2005)

Obit: Haskins, Roger Allen (1931 – 2005)

Obit: Hasserodt, Arthur W. (1953 – 2008)

Obit: Hastreiter, Geraldine M. (1917 – 2002)

Obit: Hatlestad, Carl J. (1903 – 1994)

Obit: Hatlestad, Carl J. (1903 – 1994)

Obit: Hatlestad, Joseph W. (1910 - 2008)

Obit: Hatlestad, Joseph W. (1910 - 2008)

Obit: Hatlestad, Ruby Harrold (1907 - 2008)

Obit: Hatlestad, Ruby Harrold (1907 - 2008)

Obit: Haupt, James P. (1942 – 1988)

Obit: Hauser, Katherine Mary (1943 - 2008)

Obit: Hauser, Katherine Mary (1943 - 2008)

Obit: Hayden, Gerald R. (1938 - 2009)

Obit: Hayes, Charles Talbot (1938 - 2009)

Obit: Hayes, Mary (1925 – 2009) *

Obit: Hayton, Beatrice Mathilda (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Hayton, Beatrice Mathilda (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Hebda, John James (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Hebda, John James (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Hebert, Bertha Mae (1876 – 1949)

Obit: Heckel, Shawn P. (1960? – 2005)

Obit: Heckel, Shawn Paul (1959 – 2005)

Obit: Hedler, Helen Irene (1926 – 2008)

Obit: Hefko, Elizabeth Anne (1922 – 2001)

Obit: Hefty, Maria Theresia (1867 – 1958)

Obit: Heggelund, Arnold (1929 – 2003)

Obit: Heida, James (1875 – 1940)

Obit: Heidmann-Drexler, Lynn M. (1977? – 2009)

Obit: Heier, Dennis L. (1948? - 2010)

Obit: Heier, Dorothy (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Heier, Dorothy (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Heil, Anna Mae (1934 - 2009)

Obit: Heine, Daniel L. (1947 – 2009)

Obit: Heiser, George (1920 – 1963)

Obit: Heisler, Allie (1905 - 1979)

Obit: Heiting, Gerald T. (1931 – 1987)

Obit: Helke, Arthur A. (1891 – 1963)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. #2 (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. #2 (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. (1924 – 2008)

Obit: Hemer, Jane E. (1924 – 2008)

Obit: Hempel, Esther E. (1915 - 2008)

Obit: Hempel, Esther E. (1915 - 2008)

Obit: Hendrick, Virgil C. (1930 – 2009)

Obit: Hendricks, Shirley J. (1948 – 1949)

Obit: Hendricks, Shirley J. (1948 – 1949)

Obit: Hendzel, Albert (1878 – 1951)

Obit: Hendzel, Albert (1878 – 1951)

Obit: Heninger, Anita Frances (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Heninger, Anita Frances (1920 - 2009)

Obit: Henkel, Margaret A. (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Henkel, Margaret A. (1924 - 2008)

Obit: Hennig, Dennis (1941? – 2009)

Obit: Henry, Irene L. (1917 – 1985)

Obit: Henseler, James N. (1933 – 2008)

Obit: Herman, Shirley L. (1928 - 2008)

Obit: Herman, Shirley L. (1928 - 2008)

Obit: Herman, Vincent J. (1925 – 2008)

Obit: Herrick, Neil (1922 - 1997)

Obit: Herrmann, Cheryl Anne (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Herrmann, Cheryl Anne (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Hertel, Gordon J. (1912 - 1999)

Obit: Hess, Theresa R. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Hess, Theresa R. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. #2 (1909 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. #2 (1909 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, George B. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. #2 (1952 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. #2 (1952 – 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. (1952 - 2009)

Obit: Hessefort, James G. (1952 - 2009)

Obit: Hetze, Robert (1915? – 2009)

Obit: Hewitt, James W. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: Hilber, Arthur (1920 - 2001)

Obit: Hilker, Mildred C. (1921 – 2008)

Obit: Hill, George L. (1952 - 1999)

Obit: Hill, Roger (1936? - 2009) 

Obit: Hince, James Zephirin (1933 - 2008)

Obit: Hince, James Zephirin (1933 - 2008)

Obit: Hines, Thomas W. (1927 - 2008)

Obit: Hines, Thomas W. (1927 - 2008)

Obit: Hink, Hazel J. (1907? - 2007)

Obit: Hink, Hazel J. (1907? - 2007)

Obit: Hinton, Thomas (1813 - 1867)

Obit: Hirsch, Alan John (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Hirsch, Alan John (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Hirsch, Paul J. (1937 - 2010)

Obit: Hirsch, Paul J. (1937 - 2010)

Obit: Hochstetler, Gideon (1852? – 1939)

Obit: Hochstetler, Gideon (1852? – 1939)

Obit: Hodick, Martha (1912 - 2009)

Obit: Hodick, Martha (1912 - 2009)

Obit: Hodowanic, Roger W. (1940 - 2010)

Obit: Hodowanic, Roger W. (1940 - 2010)

Obit: Hoefner, Alice (1887 – 1963)

Obit: Hoefner, Fred (1884 – 1980)

Obit: Hoefner, Minnie (1886 – 1953)

Obit: Hoefs, Dean Allen (1972 - 1997)

Obit: Hoeft, Earnest (1889 – 1944)

Obit: Hoeft, Selma (1924 – 1991)

Obit: Hoeft, Theodore (1858? – 1937)

Obit: Hoehn, Mary D. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Hoehn, Mary D. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Hoehn, Tom (1959 - 2010)

Obit: Hoehn, Tom (1959 - 2010)

Obit: Hoernke, Alvina (1898 – 1961)

Obit: Hoernke, William (1890 – 1958)

Obit: Hoff, John Albert (1929 – 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Herbert (1925 – 2006)

Obit: Hoffman, Joseph Paul (1955 – 1956)

Obit: Hoffman, Joseph Paul (1955 – 1956)

Obit: Hoffman, Paula Catherine (1966 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Paula Catherine (1966 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Richard Earl Jr. (1957 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Richard Earl Jr. (1957 - 2008)

Obit: Hoffman, Thelma M. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Hoffman, Thelma M. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Hoffman, Uldine M. (1919 - 2009)

Obit: Hoffmann, Lincoln C. (1955? - 2010)

Obit: Hoffmann, Lincoln C. (1955? - 2010)

Obit: Hoge, Esther (1909 – 1996)

Obit: Hollatz, Walter R. (1916 - 1995)

Obit: Hollman, James (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Hollman, James (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Holmes, Jesse LeRoy (1976 - 2008)

Obit: Holmes, Jesse LeRoy (1976 - 2008)

Obit: Holtman, JoAnne (1942 – 2009)

Obit: Holtman, Larry R. (1942? – 1957)

Obit: Holzl, Mary Jeanette (1928-2009)

Obit: Holzl, Mary Jeanette (1928-2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. #2 (1938 – 2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. #2 (1938 – 2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. (1938 - 2009)

Obit: Homer, Ernest F. (1938 - 2009)

Obit: Hommel, Iila Elsa (1917? - 2009)

Obit: Hommel, Iila Elsa (1917? - 2009)

Obit: Hood, Emma (1890 - 1949)

Obit: Hood, Emma (1890 – 1949)

Obit: Hood, Eugene D. (1875 – 1947)

Obit: Hood, Eugene F. (1916 – 1995)

Obit: Hoops, Arthur A. (1912 - 1981)

Obit: Hoops, August William (1880 – 1935)

Obit: Hoops, Henry (1885 – 1951)

Obit: Hoops, June Arlene (1929 – 2008)

Obit: Hoops, Margaret J. (1918 - 1999)

Obit: Hoops, Pauline #2 (1861 – 1934)

Obit: Hoops, Pauline (1861 – 1934)

Obit: Hoops, Wilbur Viemer (1918 - 1989) 

Obit: Horban, Walter C. (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Hornung, Tammy J. #2 (1969? – 2009)

Obit: Hornung, Tammy J. (1969? - 2009)

Obit: Hoskins, Ronald M. (1934 - 2009)

Obit: Hoskins, Ronald M. (1934 - 2009)

Obit: Howard, Judith Ann (1949 - 2009)

Obit: Howard, Judith Ann (1949 - 2009)

Obit: Howard, Mary A. (1922 - 1997)

Obit: Howard, Mary A. (1922 - 1997)

Obit: Howard, Michael David (1998 – 2008)

Obit: Howard, Orie (1921 – 2008)

Obit: Howarth, Phillip A. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Howarth, Phillip A. (1925 - 2008)

Obit: Hrobsky, Douglas D. (1927 - 2009)

Obit: Huber, David A. (1925 – 2006)

Obit: Huber, Ellen M. (1930 – 2009)

Obit: Huber, Ronald Arthur (1937 – 2009)

Obit: Hug, Walter M. (1891 – 1957)

Obit: Hug, Walter M. (1891 – 1957)

Obit: Hughes, William A. (1909 – 1988)

Obit: Hulten, Charles M. (1909 – 1967)

Obit: Hutter, Wayne N. (1923 - 2009)

Obit: Huven, Lynn (1916 – 1979)

Obit: Huynh, Do Van (1921 - 1988)

Obit: Hytry, Vernon J. (1928? - 2009)



New Record posted by Ken Wood

News: Clark County Names Dance Hall Officers - 1956

New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Bio: Houts, Pastor Al (Farewell – 2011)

Obit: Anderson, Charles Jr. (1929 – 2010)

Obit: Barth, Garth E. #2  (1942 – 2010)

Obit: Bieneck, Cathy Helen Jean #2 (1958 – 2011)

Obit: Calkins, Linda Gladys Marion M.(1914 – 2010)

Obit: Cattanach, Wallace “Wayne” (1920 – 2010)

Obit: Grade, Frances Clara #2 (1936 – 2011)

Obit: Jalowitz, Al J. #2 (1930 – 2010)

Obit: Kopinski, LeAnn (1954 – 2010)

Obit: Wilcken, Rev. Robert S. (1936 – 2010)

New Records posted by Stan Schwarze

Bio: Bertz, Connie (Salutatorian – 1952)

Bio: Ohlrogge, Janet (Valedictorian – 1952)

Bio: Weyer, Rosa M. (Engagement – 1952)

BioM: Froeba, Viola M. #2 (1952)

BioM: Shupe, Mary Ann (1952)

Obit: Davel, Anna #2 (1884 – 1952)

Obit: Looker, Emma (1866? – 1952)

Obit: Lundgren, Almond (1890 – 1952)

Obit: Marshall, Ira (1886 – 1952)

Obit: Rondorf, Matt (1870 – 1952)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


Bio: Gallon, John T. (1881)

Bio: Gardiner, John (1881)

Bio: Gardiner, John (Spencer First Families)

Bio: Gearhart, C. H.

Bio: Gebhart, John C. (1881)

Bio: Gensichen, Pastor

Bio: Geusmann, Jacob (1881)

Bio: Gibson, J. B., Pastor

Bio: Gibson, L. W. (1919)

Bio: Gifford, Elizabeth M. (1881)

Bio: Goff, Frank L. (1881)

Bio: Grace, Harry H. (1881)

Bio: Graves, Calvin, Pastor

Bio: Graves, William G. (1881)

Bio: Greene, Thomas Rev. (1881)

Bio: Greenman, G. W. (1881)

Bio: Griepentrog, August

Bio: Gritzmacher, Charles (1881)

Bio: Grothkob, Carl, Pastor

Bio: Gruber, Alvin V. (1905)

Bio: Gruber, V., Pastor

Bio: Grunwald, E. F., Pastor

Bio: Guenther, Leonard (1828 - ?)

Bio: Jaques, Charles A. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Albert W. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Frank A. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Nels (1881)

Bio: Paddock, M. E. (1914)

Bio: Palmer, Byron O. (1914) 

Bio: Palmer, Rodman (? - 1872) 

Bio: Pankow, Hermann J. (1881)

Bio: Panske, Adeline (Marriage License – 1935)

Bio: Parker, Edward H. (1881) 

Bio: Parker, Ole J. (1914)

Bio: Parkinson, Robert Emmett (1914)

Bio: Paterick, John (1881)

Bio: Pearsall, Earle S. (1914)

Bio: Pease, Cyrus D. (1881) 

Bio: Peck, Alberson C. (1881) 

Bio: Peeso, Wm. A. (1881)

Bio: Pelletier, Charles (1914)

Bio: Pepper, John W. (1914)

Bio: Petrick, Gustave E. (1914)

Bio: Petterpher, John (1881) 

Bio: Phillips, Bentley S. (1881) 

Bio: Phillips, S. H. (1881) 

Bio: Pierce, Forest George (1914)

Bio: Pinkum, John P. (1881) 

Bio: Pinsonneau, John B. (1923)

Bio: Piper, C. A. (1881) 

Bio: Pitts, Luke W. (1881)

Bio: Pitts, Thomas Woolcott (1881)

Bio: Playter, E. H. (1881) 

Bio: Polley, Horace N. (1842 – 1914)

Bio: Pond, Levi Wesley (1914)

Bio: Pond, Mary A. (? – 1913)

Bio: Pope, Cora Scott (1914)

Bio: Pope, Thomas (? - 1899)

Bio: Porter, Gilbert E. (1828 - 1880) 

Bio: Powell, John Sr. (1881) 

Bio: Powers, Levi P. (1881)

Bio: Powers, M. J. (1881)

Bio: Prescott, George W. (1881) 

Bio: Prescott, George W. (1914)

Bio: Preston, N. A. (1914)

Bio: Prince, Peter Abney (1881) 

Bio: Putnam, Henry C. (1881) 

Bio: Putnam, Henry Cleaveland (1914)

Bio: Putnam, Jane (1832 - 1907)

Bio: QVale, Sigvald A. (1881)  

Obit: Gabriel, Juanita M. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Gabrys, Josephine (1923? - 2009)

Obit: Gaffney, Gary R. (1944 - 2010) 

Obit: Gagas, Leo S. (1918 – 2008)

Obit: Galetka, Marie Frances (1938 - 2010)

Obit: Gallistel, Melvin Anton (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Galvin, Margaret (1914 – 2008)

Obit: Garner, Carole Buella (1926 – 2009)

Obit: Gasek-Sekey, Victoria R. (1952 - 2010)

Obit: Gass, Russell G. (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Gatlin, Kathryn E. (1912 – 1978)

Obit: Gaulke, Vilas (1912? - 1996)

Obit: Gawlik, John S. (1914 – 1980)

Obit: Gayanski, Agnes M. (1929 – 2009)

Obit: Gayhart, Cecelia E. #2 (1915 – 2009)

Obit: Gayhart, Cecelia E. (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Gebauer, Norman L. (1926 - 2009)

Obit: Gebauer, Raymond A. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Gebelein, William Mrs. (1868 – 1935)

Obit: Gebert, Beatrice (1911? - 2010)

Obit: Gebert, Kathryn D. (1966 - 2008)

Obit: Gebert, Patricia A. #2 (1952 – 2008) 

Obit: Gebert, Patricia A. (1952 - 2008)

Obit: Geiser, William D. (1951? - 2010)  993

Obit: Genett, Robert C. (1932? – 1992)

Obit: Gengler, Eugene J. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Gengler, Genevieve M. (1922 – 1999)

Obit: Gengler, Matthew P. (1921 – 2004)

Obit: Gengler, Melva M. (1921 - 2010)  992

Obit: George, Patricia M. (1929 - 2010)  991

Obit: Gerber, Jack (1940 – 1984)

Obit: Gerhardt, Lydia Ann (1935? - 2009)

Obit: Gerlach, August (1854 – 1935)

Obit: Gerstberger, Glendon Edward (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Geske, Alice Mae (1930 – 2008)

Obit: Gessert, Norbert William (1922 – 2008)

Obit: Gessert, Walter J. (1914 – 2008)

Obit: Getlinger, Sylvia (1905 – 1974)

Obit: Gierl, Arlene A. (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Gierl, Arlene A. (1947 – 2008)

Obit: Giese, Noreen L. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Giessel, Millie (1913 - 1988)

Obit: Gilhausen, Janet Lee (1968? - 1996)

Obit: Glaman, Donald E. (1918 – 2005)

Obit: Glaman, Eulah J. (1919 – 1994)

Obit: Glamann, Clarence M. #2 (1921 - 2008)

Obit: Glamann, Clarence M. (1921 – 2008) 

Obit: Glebke, Earl G. (1920 - 2010)  989

Obit: Glebke, Frances (1936 - 2009)

Obit: Glennon, Betty L. (1929 - 2008)

Obit: Glidden, Clarence M. (1923 – 1947)

Obit: Gliniecki, Charles T. (1928 – 2009)

Obit: Goerg, Delmar J. (1921 - 2010)  988

Obit: Goerg, Evelyn F. (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Goerg, Lawrence R. (1917 - 2010) 

Obit: Goetz, Beatrice E. (1922 – 2009)

Obit: Goetz, Evelyn J. (1919 – 2007)

Obit: Golomb, John R. (1942 – 2008)

Obit: Gonia, Louise (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Goodness, Kathleen Anne (1930 – 2009)

Obit: Gorst, Claire J. (1892 – 1973)

Obit: Gosse, Gladys M. (1939 - 2008)

Obit: Gosse, Merle G. (1932? - 2009)

Obit: Goude, James P. (1910 – 2009)

Obit: Goutcher, Mona Lucille (1913 – 2008)

Obit: Gowey, Helen M. #2 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Gowey, Helen M. (1924 - 2009)

Obit: Graham, John (1926 – 2001)

Obit: Graham, John August (1867 – 1950)

Obit: Grajek, Anna (1911 - 2008)

Obit: Grall, Esther V. (1914 - 1999)

Obit: Grassel, Robert J. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Edward M. (1916 – 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Genevieve M. (1927 – 2008)

Obit: Grassl, Hilda J. (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Marie Caroline (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Graumann, Guenther G. (1933 - 2008)

Obit: Graveen, William L. (1950 - 2010)

Obit: Greaton, Evelyn (1908 – 1990)

Obit: Greenberg, Madison Dana (2006 – 2008)

Obit: Greenwald, Katherine M. (1917 – 2009)

Obit: Greenwald, Lorraine M. (1915 – 1980)

Obit: Greiner, Edwarda (1903 – 1985)

Obit: Greisch, C. J. (1901? – 1944)

Obit: Greunke, Roger (1944 – 2006)

Obit: Griepentrog, Darel Frank (1906 - 1989)

Obit: Griepentrog, Frances A. (1908 - 1993)

Obit: Griepentrog, Harold E. (1932 - 1976)

Obit: Griese, George Gregory Jr. (1923 – 2006)

Obit: Grindeland, Elizabeth Deehan (1942 - 2010)

Obit: Gripentrog, Earle Paul (1930 - 1997)

Obit: Gripentrog, Gregory F. (1950 – 2008)

Obit: Gripentrog, Gregory F. (1950 – 2008)

Obit: Gripentrog, Mildred E. (1914 – 1991)

Obit: Gripentrog, Oscar (1911 – 1987)

Obit: Gritzmacher, Lorraine M. (1952 – 2008)

Obit: Grlicky, Lillian E. (1919 - 2010)

Obit: Groff, Verna E. (1927 - 2010)

Obit: Groh, John (1889? – after 1941)

Obit: Groskinsky, Edward August (1916 – 1994)

Obit: Gross, Rose (1925 – 2008)

Obit: Gross, Sally N. (1930 - 2009)

Obit: Grossbier, Valeria (1925 – 2009)

Obit: Grossman, Mildred Clare (1914 – 1994)

Obit: Gruhlke, Dorothy M. (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Gruneberg, Greta M. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Gruneberg, Ronald E. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Grunwald, Carol V. #2 (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Grunwald, Carol V. (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Gruny, Mildred E. (1921 – 2007)

Obit: Grzegorek, Joseph C. Jr. (1944 - 2009)

Obit: Guldan, Carol A. (1936 – 2009)

Obit: Gumz, Martha (1914 - 2008)

Obit: Gumz, William J. (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Gunia, Edward J. (1908 – 1998)

Obit: Guralski, Agnes P. (1955? - 2010)

Obit: Guralski, Veronica (1930 - 2009)

Obit: Guth, Frances Marie (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Guziak, Elaine (? - 2010)

Obit: Guziak, Elaine Margaret (1925 - 2009)




New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Eichelt, Ayden Conner (2010 - 2010)

Obit: Erdman, Albert Henry (1919 - 2010)

Obit: Fischer, Beaulah Mae (1925 - 2010)

Obit: Fischer, Theodore C. (1924? - 2010)

Obit: Floyd, Lillian (1914 - 2010)

Obit: Fobes, Jean H. (1918? - 2010)


BioM: Korth, Doris (1937); new photo and response by Robert & Cyndra Whitehead.

New Records posted by Ann Stevens

Bio: Bullard, Ernest (letter explaining death – 3 Nov 1913)

Bio: Seif, Louis (completion of courses - 1913)

Bio: Westphal, Mina (accidental shooting – 1 Nov 1913)

BioM: Bauer, Viola (1913)

BioM: Kessler, Louisa (1913)

BioM: Listemann, Virginia (1913)

BioM: Luck, Helena #2 (1913)

BioM: McCann, Ethel (1913)

BioM: Weiting, Elsie (1913)

News: Christie (6 Nov 1913)

News: Christie (13 Nov 1913)

News: Clark County - 47 New Citizens (22 Nov 1913)

News: Dells Dam (13 Nov 1913)

News: Globe (13 Nov 1913)

News: Hewettville (13 Nov 1913)

News: Neillsville - Singing Club Committees (1913)

News: North Weston (6 Nov 1913)

News: Shortville (6 Nov 1913)

News: Tioga (6 Nov 1913)

News: York Center (13 Nov 1913)

Obit: Cassidy, Mrs. (? – 1913)

Obit: Cassidy, Mrs. Bryan #2 (? – 1913)

Obit: Deutsch, Carl #2 (1830 – 1913)

Obit: Krueger, Charles #2 (? – 1913)

Obit: Neville, Michael #2 (1855? – 1913)

Obit: Syth, J. #2 (? – 1913)

Obit: Wilcox, Infant (? – 1913)

New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Bio: Births (December – 1960)

BioA: Grap, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave (70th – 1960)

BioM: Kuester, Jeanette (1960)

BioM: Kyle, Clara (1960)

BioM: Rasmussen, (no name given) (1960)

BioM: Schuette, Constance Mae #2 (1960)

News: Christie (15 Dec 1960)

News: Globe (15 Dec 1960)

News: Greenwood Locals (8 Dec 1960)

News: Humbird (8 Dec 1960)

News: Loyal (8 Dec 1960)

News: Washburn (15 Dec 1960)

News: Withee (15 Dec 1960)

Obit: Armitage, Eleanore “Nellie” (1894 – 1960)

Obit: Boness, Mary Martha (1893 – 1960)

Obit: Hughes, Dan P. (? – 1960)

Obit: Klabon, Anna (1891 – 1960)

Obit: Milton, Harry (1890 – 1960)

Obit: Moldenhauer, Lillian (1893 – 1960)

Obit: Picus, William (1872 – 1960)

Obit: Saule, Victoria (1880 – 1960)

Obit: Steinke, Margaret (1901 – 1960)


New Record posted by Janet Schwarze.


BioM: Carpenter, Ida M. (1891)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


Bio: Gallon, John T. (1881)

Bio: Gardiner, John (1881)

Bio: Gardiner, John (Spencer First Families)

Bio: Gearhart, C. H.

Bio: Gebhart, John C. (1881)

Bio: Gensichen, Pastor

Bio: Geusmann, Jacob (1881)

Bio: Gibson, J. B., Pastor

Bio: Gibson, L. W. (1919)

Bio: Gifford, Elizabeth M. (1881)

Bio: Goff, Frank L. (1881)

Bio: Grace, Harry H. (1881)

Bio: Graves, Calvin, Pastor

Bio: Graves, William G. (1881)

Bio: Greene, Thomas Rev. (1881)

Bio: Greenman, G. W. (1881)

Bio: Griepentrog, August

Bio: Gritzmacher, Charles (1881)

Bio: Grothkob, Carl, Pastor

Bio: Gruber, Alvin V. (1905)

Bio: Gruber, V., Pastor

Bio: Grunwald, E. F., Pastor

Bio: Guenther, Leonard (1828 - ?)

Bio: Jaques, Charles A. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Albert W. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Frank A. (1881)

Bio: Johnson, Nels (1881)

Bio: Paddock, M. E. (1914)

Bio: Palmer, Byron O. (1914) 

Bio: Palmer, Rodman (? - 1872) 

Bio: Pankow, Hermann J. (1881)

Bio: Panske, Adeline (Marriage License – 1935)

Bio: Parker, Edward H. (1881) 

Bio: Parker, Ole J. (1914)

Bio: Parkinson, Robert Emmett (1914)

Bio: Paterick, John (1881)

Bio: Pearsall, Earle S. (1914)

Bio: Pease, Cyrus D. (1881) 

Bio: Peck, Alberson C. (1881) 

Bio: Peeso, Wm. A. (1881)

Bio: Pelletier, Charles (1914)

Bio: Pepper, John W. (1914)

Bio: Petrick, Gustave E. (1914)

Bio: Petterpher, John (1881) 

Bio: Phillips, Bentley S. (1881) 

Bio: Phillips, S. H. (1881) 

Bio: Pierce, Forest George (1914)

Bio: Pinkum, John P. (1881) 

Bio: Pinsonneau, John B. (1923)

Bio: Piper, C. A. (1881) 

Bio: Pitts, Luke W. (1881)

Bio: Pitts, Thomas Woolcott (1881)

Bio: Playter, E. H. (1881) 

Bio: Polley, Horace N. (1842 – 1914)

Bio: Pond, Levi Wesley (1914)

Bio: Pond, Mary A. (? – 1913)

Bio: Pope, Cora Scott (1914)

Bio: Pope, Thomas (? - 1899)

Bio: Porter, Gilbert E. (1828 - 1880) 

Bio: Powell, John Sr. (1881) 

Bio: Powers, Levi P. (1881)

Bio: Powers, M. J. (1881)

Bio: Prescott, George W. (1881) 

Bio: Prescott, George W. (1914)

Bio: Preston, N. A. (1914)

Bio: Prince, Peter Abney (1881) 

Bio: Putnam, Henry C. (1881) 

Bio: Putnam, Henry Cleaveland (1914)

Bio: Putnam, Jane (1832 - 1907)

Bio: QVale, Sigvald A. (1881)  

Obit: Gabriel, Juanita M. (1919 - 2008)

Obit: Gabrys, Josephine (1923? - 2009)

Obit: Gaffney, Gary R. (1944 - 2010) 

Obit: Gagas, Leo S. (1918 – 2008)

Obit: Galetka, Marie Frances (1938 - 2010)

Obit: Gallistel, Melvin Anton (1926 - 2008)

Obit: Galvin, Margaret (1914 – 2008)

Obit: Garner, Carole Buella (1926 – 2009)

Obit: Gasek-Sekey, Victoria R. (1952 - 2010)

Obit: Gass, Russell G. (1923 – 2008)

Obit: Gatlin, Kathryn E. (1912 – 1978)

Obit: Gaulke, Vilas (1912? - 1996)

Obit: Gawlik, John S. (1914 – 1980)

Obit: Gayanski, Agnes M. (1929 – 2009)

Obit: Gayhart, Cecelia E. #2 (1915 – 2009)

Obit: Gayhart, Cecelia E. (1915 - 2009)

Obit: Gebauer, Norman L. (1926 - 2009)

Obit: Gebauer, Raymond A. (1923 - 2010)

Obit: Gebelein, William Mrs. (1868 – 1935)

Obit: Gebert, Beatrice (1911? - 2010)

Obit: Gebert, Kathryn D. (1966 - 2008)

Obit: Gebert, Patricia A. #2 (1952 – 2008) 

Obit: Gebert, Patricia A. (1952 - 2008)

Obit: Geiser, William D. (1951? - 2010)  993

Obit: Genett, Robert C. (1932? – 1992)

Obit: Gengler, Eugene J. (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Gengler, Genevieve M. (1922 – 1999)

Obit: Gengler, Matthew P. (1921 – 2004)

Obit: Gengler, Melva M. (1921 - 2010)  992

Obit: George, Patricia M. (1929 - 2010)  991

Obit: Gerber, Jack (1940 – 1984)

Obit: Gerhardt, Lydia Ann (1935? - 2009)

Obit: Gerlach, August (1854 – 1935)

Obit: Gerstberger, Glendon Edward (1928 - 2010)

Obit: Geske, Alice Mae (1930 – 2008)

Obit: Gessert, Norbert William (1922 – 2008)

Obit: Gessert, Walter J. (1914 – 2008)

Obit: Getlinger, Sylvia (1905 – 1974)

Obit: Gierl, Arlene A. (1947 - 2008)

Obit: Gierl, Arlene A. (1947 – 2008)

Obit: Giese, Noreen L. (1932 - 2009)

Obit: Giessel, Millie (1913 - 1988)

Obit: Gilhausen, Janet Lee (1968? - 1996)

Obit: Glaman, Donald E. (1918 – 2005)

Obit: Glaman, Eulah J. (1919 – 1994)

Obit: Glamann, Clarence M. #2 (1921 - 2008)

Obit: Glamann, Clarence M. (1921 – 2008) 

Obit: Glebke, Earl G. (1920 - 2010)  989

Obit: Glebke, Frances (1936 - 2009)

Obit: Glennon, Betty L. (1929 - 2008)

Obit: Glidden, Clarence M. (1923 – 1947)

Obit: Gliniecki, Charles T. (1928 – 2009)

Obit: Goerg, Delmar J. (1921 - 2010)  988

Obit: Goerg, Evelyn F. (1917 - 2008)

Obit: Goerg, Lawrence R. (1917 - 2010) 

Obit: Goetz, Beatrice E. (1922 – 2009)

Obit: Goetz, Evelyn J. (1919 – 2007)

Obit: Golomb, John R. (1942 – 2008)

Obit: Gonia, Louise (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Goodness, Kathleen Anne (1930 – 2009)

Obit: Gorst, Claire J. (1892 – 1973)

Obit: Gosse, Gladys M. (1939 - 2008)

Obit: Gosse, Merle G. (1932? - 2009)

Obit: Goude, James P. (1910 – 2009)

Obit: Goutcher, Mona Lucille (1913 – 2008)

Obit: Gowey, Helen M. #2 (1924 – 2009)

Obit: Gowey, Helen M. (1924 - 2009)

Obit: Graham, John (1926 – 2001)

Obit: Graham, John August (1867 – 1950)

Obit: Grajek, Anna (1911 - 2008)

Obit: Grall, Esther V. (1914 - 1999)

Obit: Grassel, Robert J. (1941 - 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Edward M. (1916 – 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Genevieve M. (1927 – 2008)

Obit: Grassl, Hilda J. (1917 - 2009)

Obit: Grassl, Marie Caroline (1921 - 2009)

Obit: Graumann, Guenther G. (1933 - 2008)

Obit: Graveen, William L. (1950 - 2010)

Obit: Greaton, Evelyn (1908 – 1990)

Obit: Greenberg, Madison Dana (2006 – 2008)

Obit: Greenwald, Katherine M. (1917 – 2009)

Obit: Greenwald, Lorraine M. (1915 – 1980)

Obit: Greiner, Edwarda (1903 – 1985)

Obit: Greisch, C. J. (1901? – 1944)

Obit: Greunke, Roger (1944 – 2006)

Obit: Griepentrog, Darel Frank (1906 - 1989)

Obit: Griepentrog, Frances A. (1908 - 1993)

Obit: Griepentrog, Harold E. (1932 - 1976)

Obit: Griese, George Gregory Jr. (1923 – 2006)

Obit: Grindeland, Elizabeth Deehan (1942 - 2010)

Obit: Gripentrog, Earle Paul (1930 - 1997)

Obit: Gripentrog, Gregory F. (1950 – 2008)

Obit: Gripentrog, Gregory F. (1950 – 2008)

Obit: Gripentrog, Mildred E. (1914 – 1991)

Obit: Gripentrog, Oscar (1911 – 1987)

Obit: Gritzmacher, Lorraine M. (1952 – 2008)

Obit: Grlicky, Lillian E. (1919 - 2010)

Obit: Groff, Verna E. (1927 - 2010)

Obit: Groh, John (1889? – after 1941)

Obit: Groskinsky, Edward August (1916 – 1994)

Obit: Gross, Rose (1925 – 2008)

Obit: Gross, Sally N. (1930 - 2009)

Obit: Grossbier, Valeria (1925 – 2009)

Obit: Grossman, Mildred Clare (1914 – 1994)

Obit: Gruhlke, Dorothy M. (1929 - 2009)

Obit: Gruneberg, Greta M. (1909 - 2009)

Obit: Gruneberg, Ronald E. (1932 - 2010)

Obit: Grunwald, Carol V. #2 (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Grunwald, Carol V. (1925 - 2009)

Obit: Gruny, Mildred E. (1921 – 2007)

Obit: Grzegorek, Joseph C. Jr. (1944 - 2009)

Obit: Guldan, Carol A. (1936 – 2009)

Obit: Gumz, Martha (1914 - 2008)

Obit: Gumz, William J. (1940 - 2008)

Obit: Gunia, Edward J. (1908 – 1998)

Obit: Guralski, Agnes P. (1955? - 2010)

Obit: Guralski, Veronica (1930 - 2009)

Obit: Guth, Frances Marie (1917 - 2010)

Obit: Guziak, Elaine (? - 2010)

Obit: Guziak, Elaine Margaret (1925 - 2009)



New Record posted by Sherrie Rice Smith

Obit: Rice, William G. (1961 – 2010)

New Record posted by Linda Mertens

Obit: Loughlin, Stanley P. (1877 – 1948)

New Records posted by Ann Stevens

Bio: Bullard, Ernest E. (military death – 19 Oct 1913)

Bio: Dunnigan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (auto accident  – 19 Oct 1913)

Bio: Keutchenmeister, Mrs. Ernest (70th Birthday – 26 Oct 1913)

Bio: Radke, Herbert (car accident – 27 Oct 1913)

Bio: Sambol, Rachael (80th Birthday – 25 Oct 1913)

Bio: Walsh, Richard (death – Oct 1913)

BioM: Carter, Rebecca #3 (1913)

BioM: Crocker, Blanche #2 (1913)

BioM: Hillert, Margaret (1913)

BioM: Linster, Susan #2 (1913)

BioM: Lyons, Grace (1913)

BioM: Mead, Bessie #2 (1913)

BioM: Mund, Mamie (1913)

BioM: Pscheidt, Clara (1913)

BioM: Snyder, Vera #2 (1913)

News: Christie (16 Oct 1913)

News: Dewhurst (30 Oct 1913)

News: Globe (30 Oct 1913)

News: Hewettville (16 Oct 1913)

News: Neillsville - Runaway Horse (1913)

News: North Pine Valley (30 Oct 1913)

News: Pleasant Ridge (16 Oct 1913)

News: Pleasant Ridge (30 Oct 1913)

News: Seif (16 Oct 1913)

News: Southwest Pine Valley (30 Oct 1913)

News: West York (16 Oct 1913)

Obit: Braman, Nancy #2 (1845 – 1913)

Obit: Demouth, John #2 (1868 – 1913)

Obit: Ferguson, Angeline (? – 1913)

New Records posted by Dolores Mohr Kenyon

Bio: Births (Oct & Nov 1960)

BioM: Hagen, Louise Helen (1960)

BioM: Krause, Jacqueline Ruth (1960)

News: Clark County - Lucky Deer Hunters (1960)

News: Greenwood (17 Nov 1960)

News: Greenwood Locals (17 Nov 1960)

News: Greenwood (Homemakers Clubs – 1960)

News: Sherwood (17 Nov 1960)

News: Withee (17 Nov 1960)

News: York (17 Nov 1960)

Obit: Felix, Verdelle Genevieve #3 (1921 – 2010)

Obit: Gehrt, Edward Ludwig (1886 – 1960)

Obit: Heiman, Henry John (1882 – 1960)

Obit: Hetzel, Lucy Rose #2 (1922 – 2010)

Obit: Kalsow, Donald “Kelly” Gustave #2 (1920 – 2010)

Obit: Lautenbach, Norman #2 (1927 – 2010)

Obit: Rakovec, Marge Elizabeth #2 (1930 – 2010)


Neighboring Counties [Chippewa] [Eau Claire] [Jackson] [Marathon] [Taylor] [Wood]


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


 Bio: Hall, J. R. (1881)

 Bio: Hall, William B. (1881)

 Bio: Halvorson, John (1881)

 Bio: Hastings, E. P. (1881)

 Bio: Hayward, Anthony Judson (1881)

 Bio: Hebert, Napolean (1881)

 Bio: Hennemann, Fred (1881)

 Bio: Herbert, Henry (1881)

 Bio: Hering, Carl (1881)

 Bio: Heylman, Samuel (1881)

 Bio: Hill, Samuel (1881)

 Bio: Hoenig, Daniel Frederick (1881)

 Bio: Hoffman, Ambrose (1881)

 Bio: Hopkins, Perry (1881)

 Bio: Howard, Martin J. (1881)

 Bio: Hurlbut, Juluis P. (1881)

 Bio: Hutchinson, Horace A. (1881)

Bio: Egeler, John (1881)

Bio: Eldred, Charles F. (1881)

Bio: Elver, Pastor

Bio: Engel, A. J., Pastor (1901 - 1971)

Bio: Engel, David William (1945 - 1967)

Bio: Engel, John M., Pastor (1932)

Bio: Engel, Nathan J., Pastor (1939)

Bio: Engel, Rhoda (1941)

Bio: Erck, H., Pastor

Bio: Erdahl, S. A., Pastor

Bio: Evan, Dan, Pastor

Bio: Evan, Michael, Pastor

Bio: Evans, Hugh, Pastor

Bio: Nash, George J. (1914)

Bio: Nash, Lawrence M. (1881)

Bio: Nash, Lawrence M. (1923)

Bio: Nash, Neil E. (1923)

Bio: Nash, Thomas E. (1852 – 1917)

Bio: Nason, Solomon L. (1881)